Years 1914•2014
200 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 2 Chatsworth / Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce
B u s i n e s s D i r e c t o r y Bu Community Guide & Community
Thanks Tha nks to The These se C hat hatswor sworth th C ham hamber ber of Comm Commerce erce Memb Members ers Who Are Also Gal Galpin pin Cust Customer omers! s! FOR ALL YOUR AUTOMOTI VE NEEDS, PLEASE CONTACT CONTACT TONY DEMAIO, GALPIN MOTORS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR, AT TD�GALPIN.COM OR �818� 233�5357.
Table of Contents Letter from Councilmember Mitchell Englander ..................................4 ..............4 Directory Team / Chamber Staff / Contact the Chamber ..............................5 2013 Board of Directors ..........................7 Message from the President / Past President .........................................8 Hamer Toyota Editorial.........................10 About the Chamber......................... ............... 11-12 Chamber 100 Year Anniversary ............13 Chatsworth B.I.D. / VEDC / SFV Specials..............................16 Specials..............................16 Elected Offi cials .....................................17 ............17 Important Numbers ..............................18
MyLA 311 ..............................................19 .................19 Chatsworth 125 Year Anniversary ...19-20 Galpin Motors Editorial ........................22 Chatsworth / Porter Ranch Then & Now ....................................23-26 Chatsworth / Porter Ranch Economic Profile ............................. ........... 23-26 Our Communities .............................. 29-30 Facey Medical Group Editorial ..............30 Where To Go & What To Do .............. 31-34 Chatsworth Historical Society / Chatsworth Community Coordinating Council ............................36 Area Map ..............................................38
Map of Porter Ranch .............................39 ....39 Map of Chatsworth .......................... ................ 41-42 Chatsworth Street Index........................43 Porter Ranch Street Index.....................44 Category Page Index.............................45 Index .............................45 Member Directory By Category .................................... ....... 46-61 Chamber / Chatswroth / Porter Ranch Timeline ....................45-80 Member Directory by Alphabet .......61-76 Member Page Index........................ ................ 77-80 Alphabet Page Index ............................80 Membership Application .......................81
From the the Desk of Councilmember Councilmember Mitchell Mitchell Englander 4 Dear Friends: As the Councilmem Councilmember ber representing representing the 12th Distric District, t, and as as a lifelong resident of the San Fernando Valley, it is my distinct pleasure to participate in this community resource guide. Here in the Northwest San Fernando Valley, we are blessed and proud to have such a fantastic quality of life, safe and beautiful neighborhoods, bustling businesses and gorgeous landscapes. But the greatest part of the Northwest Valley is our people. We have a community filled with people who are incredibly involved, engaged, charitable, hard-working, and eager to participate in the efforts to make this a better, safer, more beautiful place to live and work. I am truly honored to represent this District and the people living in it. I hope that you enjoy this attractive and useful community resource guide. It is a terrific example of the strong working partnerships that we have built between our City government, our business community, our residents, and our community-based organizations. I applaud the efforts of the Chatsworth Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce, its members, and all of the other partners who worked so hard to put it together. I hope you find this great resource directory to be useful. Please be sure to visit the companion website, www.chatsworthchamber.com. I urge you to use it to shop, dine and go out in our neighborhood to help support our local businesses. It is my honor and my pleasure serving as your Councilmember. Sincerely,
Mitchell Englander Councilmember, Twelfth Twelfth District Di strict
Directory Team:
Chamber Staff: Contact The Chamber:
Jennifer Babcock Design Jennifer Babcock T: 818-222-7576 jennifer@jenniferbabcockdesign. com jenniferbabcockdesign.com
Bonnie McDermott Photography Bonnie McDermott T: 818-362-1937 bonnie@bonniemcdermott.com bonniemcdermott.com
COPY: Gates to the Past Genealogy Kathy Holland gatestothepast@gmail.com kdholland2002@yahoo.com 818-360-0425 Kreeti Gulati Granada Hills Charter High School Student R. Kellogg Associates Robin Kellogg T: 818-993-5468 robin@yourwritingresource.com yourwritingresource.com
PRINTING: All About Printing Barry Shapiro T: 818-998-8600 barry@allaboutptg.com allaboutptg.com
Chatsworth Historical Society Linda van der Valk T: 818-882-5614 jalidat@aol.com chatsworthhistoricalsociety.org Citibank Chatsworth Janice Musgrove T: 818-998-7882 janice.c.musgrove@citi.com citibank.com Divine Shots Photography Siya Kharkar T: 818-451-3316 siya@divineshots.com divineshots.com Los Angeles Public Library photos.lapl.org Munch Box Photo Dennis C. Gilkey T: 661-802-2524 Pop’s Images Dick Pearson T: 818-700-1792 pearsonco@sbcglobal.net popsimages.com Steve Sherman Photography Steve Sherman T: 818-881-9100 shermphoto@earthlink.net steveshermanphoto.com
© 2013 Chatsworth Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce. All Rights Reserved. All trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. The information in this publication has been gathered and carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. However, because completeness cannot be guaranteed, the Chatsworth Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors.
Executive Director: Rana Ghadban exec@chatsworthchamber.com
Membership Director: Bonnee Lallouz bonnee@chatsworthchamber.com
Executive Assistant:: Assistant:: Adrianna Whitehead info@chatsworthchamber.com
Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce: 10038 Old Depot Plaza R d., Catort, CA 91311 • T: 818-341-2428 • F: 818-341-4930 • catortcamber.com
World-class care now closer to
Now open in Porter Ranch The world-class healthcare services of UCLA are now available at our new office in Porter Ranch. Experience UCLA’s UCLA’s renowned primary care and specialty services, located conveniently conveniently nearby. Now you can have access to the doctors, expertise, cutting-edge research and breakthrough medical procedures of UCLA, closer than ever. • Primar y Care • Family Medicine • Inter nal Medicine • Cardiol ogy • H ematology/Oncology
Scan to learn more about UCLA Health
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f VP, Marketing &
Paul Marks Rodeo Realty
Business Development: Tony DeMaio Galpin Motors
c Immediate Past President:
Kevin Huling Les Sisters Southern Kitchen
Government Affairs: Jerre Reimers
g VP, Membership:
Karen Lebens About The House Real Estate & Design Center
Treasurer:: d Treasurer Vicki Briskman San Niguel Professional Consultants, Inc.
h Corporate Secretary:
I. Donald Weissman Weissman Law Firm
e VP,
Recording Secretary Armida Colmenares-Stafford Mission Valley Bank
Gaspar Insurance Services 1) Leonel Fuentes
Build Worksource Center 1! Karen Carroll-Kowalski
Facey Medical Group 1@ Nick Montano
Los Toros Mexican Restaurant 1# Janice Musgrove
Citibank 1$ Darcy Newman
Primerica Financial Services 1% Deborah Imlay
EZ Auctions 1^ Bill Swindle
Child Care Resource Center
1& Ron Schulkin
Ronald Schulkin, CPA 1* Maria Townse Townsend nd
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center 1( Lucie Volotzky
Beds Unlimited 2) Kris E. Pitcher, Captain
LAPD Devonshire Division 2! Adam Pilder
North Valley YMCA 2@ Barry Shapiro
All About Printing 2# Dick Styke
Castle Carpet 2$ Linda van der Valk
Chatsworth Historical Society
MEssage from the president The Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce is celebrating its 100 year anniversary. The Chamber is intensely proud of the historic accomplishments and innovations that are part of its legacy. This latest edition of our Business Directory and Community Guide is an integral part of the Chamber’s centennial celebration. This directory, an invaluable business resource, is aggressively distributed throughout the Chatsworth and adjacent communities. It is carefully designed so that members of the public can easily find the exact business they need. Like the Chamber itself, this directory effectively promotes our members, their products, and their services. If Chatsworth is anything, it is unique. Tour the community and note what you see. Did you know that Chatsworth boasts no less than six Los Angeles Historical Monuments? That Chatsworth has several historical movie sites? That Rocky Peak is known nationally? That Chatsworth is a community with a thriving business environment that continues to grow? Porter Ranch is equally extraordinary in what it offers the public. Consider its famous Country Club, hiking trails, and hills, along with its business diversity, and you appreciate the allures this community offers us all. This volume of The Business Directory and Community Guide is a solid affirmation of the future that is in store for the communities and businesses represented by the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce. The vitality of this chamber is, of course, dependent on the participation of its members. It is absolutely essential that our members, led by a talented Board of Directors, get involved in the events hosted by the Chamber. Be it with our Family Festival, Unforgettable Educators Awards Dinner, Legends and Heroes Recognition Luncheon, State of the Community Breakfast, Multi-Chamber Business Expo, annual holiday parade, our five monthly networking opportunities, or innumerable ribbon cutting ceremonies, don’t pass up the opportunity for you and your business to be seen and heard. Don’t just be. Be involved. The Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce has a dazzling array of opportunities for you to benefit not just your business but your community as well. Get involved in one of our committees. Communicate with other members. Be a sponsor at one of our events. Advertise on our website. At the very least, do business with other Chamber members. This is your Chamber. All 100 years of it. Sincerely,
Paul Marks
Past Presidents We acknowledge all of these distinguished individuals for their service to the chamber:
1948 Elwood E. Pickering Pickering**
1981 Fred M. Thomas
1949 Charles Holt Holt**
1982 Fred M. Thomas
1950 Ken Black Black**
1983 Richard A. Caraway
1951 George Hartmenn Hartmenn**
1984 Evelyn Logan
1952 Max P. Schonfeld* Schonfeld*
1985 Jack Rudofsky
1953 A. D. McBurney McBurney**
1986 Rich Miller
1954 Horace C. Weaver *
1987 John Kelly
1955 David Fulwider *
1988 Faires Ruddell
1956 Charles W. Janess *
1989 John Halpin Halpin**
1957 Ben Boydston Boydston**
1990 Randy Sanada
1958 Ben Boydston Boydston**
1991 Stanley Arnold
1959 Harlan W. Curtis Curtis**
1992 Coleen Briggs
1960 John R. Sixsmith Sixsmith**
1993 Gary Thomas
Powers, Jr. 1961 Donald M. McMahon McMahon 1994 William F. Powers, 1962 Bill Garman Garman**
1995 William F. Powers, Powers, Jr.
1963 William S. Darling
1996 Dick Pearson
1964 Bruce Pegg
1997 Randy Witt
1965 Bruce Pegg
1998 Les Himes
1966 Bruce Pegg
1999 Les Himes
1967 Roger Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick**
2000 Les Himes
1968 Charles W. Janess *
2001 Jerre Reimers
1969 Charles W. Janess *
2002 Allen Glazer
1970 Don Allshouse Allshouse**
2003 Allen Galzer
1971 Howard Levin
2004 Brent Roberts, C.P.A.
1972 Marlin Remley Remley**
2005 Jenny Gosselin
1973 Ruth Boak, M.D. M.D.**
2006 Melissa Phillipp
1974 Donald P. Gudin
2007 William F. Powers, Powers, Jr.
1975 Donald P. Gudin
2008 William F. Powers, Powers, Jr.
1976 Charles Flynn
2009 Les Himes
1977 Thomas Pappas Pappas**
2010 Mona Strehler
1978 Marlin Remley Remley**
2011 Mona Strehler
1979 Dennis G.Moran G.Moran**
2012 Kevin Huling
1980 Samuel P. Dubrevi Dubreville lle**
Hamer Toyota Hamer History The Hamer Family Farm, formerly at Sepulveda Blvd. and San Fernando Mission, was purchased in 1917 for $1,200 by Charles G. Hamer. It included a small house and it was there the family made fruit boxes and crates for the big citrus growers in the Valley. Valley. Before the freeway, freeway, old Sepulveda was the main road to go over the mountains into the Santa Clarita Valley. Valley. Because it was a steep climb many of the old cars and Model T’s would overheat and coast back down the hill to the front door of the Hamer farm for water.. Location was everything and the Hamer family built their home and a service water station to take care of those people in need.
The first car franchise was Hudson in 1945 called Hamer Motors, Inc., later to become Mission Motors, which grew to be the largest Hudson sales volume dealer in the Western States. In April 1965 Lee Hamer took a risk, with the then little-known Toyota Toyota brand, and became the first exclusive Toyota dealer in Southern California.
Now, a New Era has Begun Hamer Toyota has a new owner, as of November, 2011. The family started their business in Utah in the 1930’s, much like Lee Hamer did here. Hamer Toyota and Scion is now the flagship franchise of the Ken Garff Group. We are continuing to serve our community by supporting local non-profit organizations, schools, the poor and the underprivileged.
Healthiest Smiles in the Universe
Many of the friendly staff you’ve known for years are still at Hamer, Hamer, along with some new people to add to the mix. We are eager to show off our new and amazing renovations and we invite you to stop by and check out our state-of-the-art service department, brand new showrooms and parts department.
Same Corner of the Valley for Four Generations: Hamer Toyota 11041 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345 T: 818-365-9621 hamertoyota.com
Dave Gilman
1755 Erringer Rd., Suite 20 • 805.522.2164 Nina Mandelman, DDS, Inc. · Ahsan Raza, DDS, Inc.
11 Ab About out Th Thee Cha Chamb mber er The Chatsworth/Porter Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce is proud to be celebrating its 100th anniversary.. We think this Chamber anniversary Chamber is very special and here’s why. why. In 1914 when local landowner and farmer Nelson A. Gray and other community leaders established the Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce, Chatsworth Chatsworth had been a town for only 26 years. Families settled in and built churches and schools; merchants and industry had also taken root. An organization that would promote, develop and preserve business concerns while working hand-in-hand with residents was just what this growing community needed. The newly formed Chamber of Commerce held many of its early meetings in the old Pioneer Church (Chatsworth Community Church). To To be more accessible for residents and at to be at the center of the community, community, the Chamber moved its offices to 10038 Old Depot Plaza Road in December 1997. Over the years, the Chamber expanded to become the Chatsworth/Porter Chatsworth/P orter Ranch Chamber of Commerce. The multipurpose venue, adjacent to Metropolitan Transit Authority and Amtrak Stations, functions as both a Visitor’s Center and community meeting place. Businesses and residents have access to referrals for products and services and information on local events and activities. A community room is available for our members to reserve for community meetings and other events. Since its inception in the early 20th Century, the Chamber has strived to benefit its business members and local residents by creating a strong connection in the business community through business meetings, educational seminars, speakers and its support of local events. It has worked diligently with other Chambers of Commerce, local economic development groups such as VEDC, local government and other organizations to develop strong alliances, giving it the added leverage it needs when advocating for members at the local, state and federal level. In addition, The Chamber’s partnership with the Valley Economic Development Center (VEDC), allows its members access to a top-notch entrepreneurial programs at no cost. Throughout the years, the Chamber has been actively involved in hosting or supporting community events. This includes the Chatsworth Community Blood Drive, the annual
Chatsworth Holiday Parade and Family Festival presented by the Chatsworth Kiwanis Club, the Chatsworth Day of the Horse put on every year by the Chatsworth Neighborhood Council and the Valley Family Festival Festival presented by Councilmember Mitchell Englander and his District 12 Office. The Chatsworth/Porter Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce continues to improve business conditions within the two communities through a set of strategic initiatives. This includes, but is not limited to, marketing and community involvement with an emphasis on fiscal responsibility and discipline.
MEMBER BENEFITS The Chamber has developed several programs that allow its members to gain more community visibility so that they can better connect with their customers and clients. Programs include:
Monthly networking events.
General membership luncheons, networking breakfasts, leads lunches, networking mixers and educational workshops help businesses establish new contacts and build relationships. At the General Membership Membership Luncheons, Luncheons, the Chamber offers presentations presentations relevant to business concerns and trends. Businesses that sponsor the breakfasts or luncheons have the opportunity to speak to members and guests for five minutes and distribute promotional and informational material.
Annually scheduled events.
The Chamber hosts several events every year. They include the State of the Community Breakfast, Legends & Heroes Luncheon, West Valley Small Business Expo, Holiday Luncheon/ Toy Drive, Community Blood Drive, and Installation Gala. In 2013, the Chamber also hosted the 13th Annual Unforgettable Educator Recognition Event to recognize teachers and school administrators who inspire and motive their students to grow, learn, achieve and give
About Ab out Th Thee Cha Chamb mber er 12 back. This event also supports a book drive for the Child Care Resource Resource Center. Center. The annual Family Festival event brings the community together on a fun day with lots of activities, music and entertainment for the whole family to enjoy. Activities for kids include pony rides, bungee jumping, rock climbing wall, petting zoo, bounce house, slides and much more. Members also get the opportunity to become a sponsor or a vendor and can also purchase a section on the event program to advertise their products or services.
local businesses by visiting www.sfvspecials.com www.sfvspecials.com . Coupons can be printed or shared on social media.
Member Involvement.
Membership plaques.
Members are encouraged to participate in one or more of following committees: Events, Ambassador,, Government Affairs, or Marketing. Ambassador Marketing.
Advertising Opportunities.
Members can advertise on the Chamber website (www.chatsworthchamber (www.chatsworthchamber.com), .com), through email blasts, or using pre-printed membership mailing labels from the Chamber for their own direct mail campaign. Businesses are encouraged to take advantage of several free online marketing opportunities. They include a business listing on the Chamber website with a corresponding link back to the businesses’ website, posting community or business events on the Chamber’s website, posting educational articles on business related topics (subject to approval), or receiving online customers’ testimonials. Members can also provide promotional items to be included in the new new member welcome gift bags. Members can also download the My Chamber App on their mobile phones which is a mobile software that allows Chamber users to quickly find businesses and events within the community community.. This app contains a directory of businesses, calendar events and deals within the local chamber of commerce.
SFV Specials.
This program was developed to promote our member’s businesses to the local community through email marketing and website website advertisement. Each member receives a free profile showcasing their logo, business business description, two coupons and and four photos. Banner ads are available at a minimal charge. The community can benefit from discounts discounts offered by
Business directory.
Members receive two free listings in the Biennial Business Directory & Community Guide and may purchase advertising space of various sizes. The Chamber presents all new members with a plaque at the monthly luncheon or breakfast. After the event, the Chamber website features a photo introducing introducing the new member member to the Chamber.. The Chamber recommends that members display the plaque at their workplace Chamber to emphasize their dedication to and involvement in the community.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies.
Businesses that are just opening, holding a grand opening, or re-opening can request a ribbon cutting ceremony ceremony..
Certificates Certifica tes of Origin.
The Chamber provides free Certificates of Origin (valued at $50 each) for members that have international clients. For more information on any Chamber events or committees, visit the Chatsworth/ Porter Ranch Chamber website: www www.chatsworthchamber .chatsworthchamber.com. .com.
13 100 Years Years of Fostering Fostering Busines Businesss Growth Growth and Communit Communityy Well Being Being In its first 25 years as a town, Chatsworth had become a community. They had a post office, church, main street, school and a thriving business center. There was only one thing left to do--start their own Chamber of Commerce that would protect and benefit both the business and residential stakeholders of their community. So on April 20, 1914, 14 prominent members of the Chatsworth community established the Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce (currently the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce). The first elected officers of this newly formed body were President N.C. Johnson, Vice President W.H. Mathews, Secretary J. Villegas and Treasurer C.W C.W.. Johnson.
Besides supporting community infrastructure, the Chamber Board of Directors has also taken a proactive approach to providing educational opportunities to children in the area through its endorsement of programs such as the FIRST Competition, devised to encourage the study of math, science and engineering amongst high school students. The idea was originally brought to them by then Chamber Board member Jerre Reimers, an employee of Aerojet Rocketdyne (then Rocketdyne) who in the mid-90s saw an article about the FIRST program and wanted to bring it to schools in Chatsworth. The board supported the idea, but Reimers did all the ground work, including helping to form the first team at Chatsworth High School.
Early Chamber meetings were held at the Old Pioneer Church (now Chatsworth Community Church). Over the years, the Chamber has had offices in the Chatsworth Community Center at 10322 Santa Susana Drive and the Pampalone Schubert dental offices (now Chatsworth Dental Group). Today, the Chamber office is located at 10038 Old Depot Rd., adjacent to Metropolitan Transit Authority and Amtrak Stations.
Since then, the CHS team has won California competitions and participated on the national level. They are recipients of the National Chairman’s Award and in 2001 were honored in the state capital and the White House for their achievements. Reimers remained active for several years coordinating and helping to fund the program. It eventually was taken over by a Physics teacher at the school. The FIRST program has grown to include many of the Valley high schools and those in Santa Clarita and Simi valleys. Several local middle schools including Lawrence Middle School have also taken up the cause with the FIRST LEGO League.
Women were first allowed to join the chamber in 1953, although they had been petitioning to do so since its early days. In 1966 the Chamber hired its first full-time manager, Maureen Remenih. The first woman to become president of the chamber was Dr. Ruth Boak, a professor of pediatrics, public health and microbiology at UCLA, in 1978, who performed breakthrough research regarding rubella. A year prior to her election to Chamber president, Dr. Dr. Boak was named “Outstanding Citizen” in Chatsworth.
The Chamber has also been an intrinsic part of the many festivities Chatsworth is known for, including The Day of the Horse festival and the Holiday Parade and Festival. In addition, the Chamber has also instituted several annual events, which have become an important part of the community’s calendar, including: the Legends and Heroes Awards Dinner, the Small Business Expo, the West Valley Small Business Expo, the Holiday Luncheon/Toy Drive, the Community Blood Drive, and the Unforgettable Educator Recognition Dinner. Dinner. Other chamber activities include publishing a business directory, suporting ribbon cutting ceremonies, issuing certificates of origin and implementing a Gold Card program, which offers discounts from local businesses.
In an effort to keep its membership informed of public policy and to give them a chance to meet legislators and policy makers face-to-face, the Chamber initiated what has become their signature event--the State of the Community Breakfast. Elected officials from all levels of government in our community are invited to speak—and then participate in an off-the-cuff Q&A session.
Throughout the years, the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber has enriched the community, staying true to the precept established by the original 14 members: “To support our members through leadership and advocacy as we engage in activities that enhance and strengthen an environment which fosters business growth and the well-being of our community.”
Throughout the years, the Chamber has helped support major transportation and expansion plans for the community, which has been highlighted by a steady celebrity presence. This has included such legendary Hollywood names as Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, who were also named Honorary Mayors of Chatsworth; Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, and Frank Sinatra, who rented a home in the area.
Average National Minimum Wage / Income ) s d n a s u o h T n i e m o c n I $ / s r a l l o D n i e g a W m u m i n i M $ (
) s d n a s u o h T
50 40 30
n I
3.0 200
2.5 2.0
$ (
10 0
Average Price of Gasoline / Milk / Eggs
Average National Home Price
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Chatsworth Chatsw orth B.I.D. / VEDC / SFV Specials
CHATSWORTH B.I.D. The Chatsworth Business Improvement District (BID) was formed in 1999 to generate support for local businesses through a variety of programs and activities. The BID is a nonprofit given the authority by local stakeholders in the primary Chatsworth business corridor to assess themselves for local business enhancement projects. Its operations are run by a community elected Board of Directors with oversight by an Advisory Board appointed by the local Council office. The BID’s mission is to continuously improve business conditions within Chatsworth through a set of strategic initiatives including, but not limited to, security, marketing, beautification, and community involvement with an emphasis on fiscal responsibility and discipline. Chatsworth Business Improvement District T: 818-341-2428 | chatsworthbid.com PROVIDENCE HOLY CROSS MEDICAL CENTER
VEDC Valley Economic Economic Development Development Center (VEDC) (VEDC) provides services to small and medium sized business owners, entrepreneurs and members of the communities it serves. VEDC has grown to become the largest non-profit business development corporation in the Los Angeles area. It operates and facilitates several programs and projects such as: SBA Women’s Business Center and San Fernando Valley Valley Financial Development Corporation. The combination of successful programs has created a focused vision of economic opportunity,, effective organization of resources, and the fostering of job creation. VEDC will opportunity continue its efforts, unconditionally, to maintain a strong economy and a better quality of life in the communities we serve. Valley Economic Development Center T: 818-907-9977 | vedc.org
we’re we’ re on a mission for good For more than 50 years, Providence Holy Cross Medical Center has served its Mission of providing compassionate, high-quality health care services to our community. Our board-certified physicians, valued specialty services and essential community outreach programs continue this tradition of care. Our excellence is backed by five-star rankings from the nation’s leading hospital ratings company, for programs that range from stroke care, heart failure treatment, and emergency to maternity care. For a FREE referral to one of our medical staff (432-5464). physicians please call 1-888-HEALING call 1-888-HEALING (432-5464). We’re on a mission for quality health care. We’re Providence Holy Cross Medical Center.
Join our Emai Emaill Club Club to rece receive ive speci specials als from from local businesses. To sign up, visit sfvspecials.com.
www.providence.org/holycross 1-888-HEALING (432-5464)
Elected Officials PRESIDENT Barack Obama (D) The White House District of Columbia 20500 Phone: 202-456-1414 Fax: 202-456-2461
U.S. SENATORS Dianne Feinstein (D) Washington, D.C. D.C. Office: 331 Hart Senate Office Building, District of Columbia 20510-0504 Phone: 202-224-3841 Fax: 202-228-3954 Los Angeles Office: 11111 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 915 Los Angeles CA 90025 Phone: 310-914-7300 Fax: 310-914-7318
Barbara Boxer (D) Washington, D.C. D.C. Office: 112 Hart Senate Office Building, District of Columbia 20510-0505 Phone: 202-224-3553 Fax: 202-224-0454 Los Angeles Office: 312 North Spring Street, Suite 1748 Los Angeles CA 90012 Phone: 213-894-5000 Fax: 202-224-0357
Representatives Howard “Buck” McKeon (R-25) Washington, D.C. D.C. Office: 2184 Rayburn House Office Building, District of Columbia 20515-0527 Phone: 202-225-1956 Fax: 202-225-0683
District Office: 26650 The Old Road, Ste. 203 Santa Clarita CA 91381 Phone: 661-254-2111 Fax: 661-254-2380
Brad Sherman (D-30) Washington, D.C. D.C. Office: 2242 Rayburn House Office Building, District of Columbia 20515-0527 Phone: 202-225-5911 Fax: 202-225-5879 District Office: 5000 Van Nuys Blvd., Suite 420 Sherman Oaks CA 91403-1791 Phone: 818-501-9200 Fax: 818-501-1554
Fran Pavley (D-27) Sacramento Office: 4035 State Capitol CA 95814 Phone: 916-651-4027 Fax: 916-324-4823 District Office: 5016 N. Prkwy., Ste. 222 Calabasas CA 91302 Phone: 818-876-3352 Fax: 310-876-0802
ASSEMBLY Scott Wilk (R-38)
Jerry Brown (D)
Sacramento Office: 4153 State Capitol CA 94249 Phone: 916-319-2038 Fax: 916-319-2138
Sacramento Office: State Capitol, Suite 1173 CA 95814 Phone: 916-445-2841 Fax: 916-558-3160
District Office : 27441 Tourney Rd., Ste. 160 Valencia Valenc ia CA 91355 Phone: 661-286-1565 Fax: 661-286-1408
Los Angeles Office: 300 South Spring St., Suite 167 Los Angeles CA 90013 Phone: 213-897-0322 Fax: 213-897-0319
CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE Steve Knight (R-21) Sacramento Office: 2048 State Capitol CA 95814 Phone: 916-651-4021 Fax: 916-445-4662 District Office: 23920 Valencia St. Ste. 250 Santa Clarita CA 91355 Phone: 661-286-1471 Fax: 661-286-2543
Michael D. Antonovich Downtown Office 500 West Temple St., Room 869 Los Angeles CA 90012 Phone: 213-974-5555 Fax: 213-974-1010 San Fernando Valley 21943 Plummer Street Chatsworth CA 91311 Phone: 818-993-5170 Fax: 818-993-5764
LA CITY Mayor Eric Garcetti City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room #405 Los Angeles CA 90012 Phone: 818-778-4990 Fax: 818-988-0367
Mitch Englander Council District 12 City Hall Office 200 N. Spring St., Room #405 Los Angeles CA 90012 Phone: 213-473-7012 Fax: 213-473-6925 Valley District Office 9207 Oakdale Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 Phone: 818-756-8501 Fax: 818-756-9122
Mike Feuer City Attorney City Hall Office 200 N Main St., 8th Floor Los Angeles CA 90012 Phone: 213-978-8100 Fax: 213-978-8312
Ron Galpern Los Angeles City Controller City Hall Office 200 N. Main Street, Suite 300 Los Angeles CA 90012 Phone: 213-978-7200 Fax: 213-978-7211
Impo Im port rtan antt Numbe Numbers rs 18
Emergency Services
Los Angeles Public Library
Neighborhood Councils
................................ ........ 9-1-1 Police, Fire or Paramedic ........................
21052 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311....................... .............................. ....... 818-341-4276
Chatsworth Neighborhood Council............ 818-464-3511 Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council ...........818-217-0279 ...........818-217-0279
11371 Tampa Ave. Porter Ranch CA 91326 ........................ ............................818-360-5706 ....818-360-5706
Citywide Directory for Any Non-Emergency Services In Los Angeles ........................................... .........................................................3-1-1 ..............3-1-1 In Southern California ....... 866-4-LACITY / 866-452-2489 From Anywhere...........................................213-485-5971
Los Angeles City Hall 200 N. Spring St., Los Angeles CA 90012 .... 213-485-2121 14410 Sylvan St., Van Nuys CA 91401.......818-756-81 .......818-756-8121 21
Los Angeles City Departments Aging ...................... ............................................... .................................213-252-40 ........213-252-4000 00 Animal Services ........................................888-452 ........................................888-452-7381 -7381 Building & Safety ......................... ......................................888-524 .............888-524-2845 -2845 Community Development ...................... ..........................213-744-7300 ....213-744-7300 Department on Disability ....................... ...........................213-202-2764 ....213-202-2764 Environmental Affairs ........................ ................................213-978.0888 ........213-978.0888 Housing Department ......................... .................................866-557-73 ........866-557-7368 68 Park Rangers Hotline ..................................3 ..................................323-644-6661 23-644-6661 Park-Related Emergencies...........................323-913-7390 Emergencies...........................323-913-7390 Planning ......................... ..................................................2 .........................213-482-7077 13-482-7077 Public Works ....................... ............................................213 .....................213-978-0265 -978-0265 Street Lighting Bureau ....................... ...............................800-996-24 ........800-996-2489 89 Street Services Bureau ....................... ...............................213-473-66 ........213-473-6600 00 Sanitation Bureau Bureau ........... 800-77 3-CI TY / 800-773-2489
Los Angeles Superior Court Chatsworth Courthouse 9425 Penfield Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 ...............................8 ...............................818-576-8586 18-576-8586
Los Angeles Unified School District District Directory Assistance ........................213-241-1000 ........................213-241-1000 Office of the Superintendent.......................2 .......................213-241-7000 13-241-7000 Board of Education....................... ....................................213-241 .............213-241-6389 -6389
Airports Los Angeles International Airport.................310-6 .................310-646-5252 46-5252 Bob Hope Airport – Burbank ......................818-840-8840 ......................818-840-8840 Van Nuys Nuys Airport ...................... .......................................818-4 .................818-442-6500 42-6500
California Department of Motor Vehicles – DMV 20725 Sherman Way Winnetka CA 91306 ....................................... ...................................... . 800-777-0133 ....818-373-1185 .818-373-1185 Fair Housing Council of the SFV ...
Los Angeles Fire Department
Station 8 11351 Tampa Ave., Porter Ranch ... ........ ...........818-75 ...818-756-8668 6-8668
Northridge Hospital & Medical Center 18300 Roscoe Blvd. Northridge CA 91328 ...................... ..............................818-885-85 ........818-885-8500 00
Station 28 11641 Corbin Ave., Porter Ranch ...............818-756-9728 ...............818-756-9728 Station 96 21800 Marilla St., Chatsworth ...................818-756-8696 Station 107 20225 Devonshire St., Chatsworth..............818-756-8607 Chatsworth..............818-756-8607
Los Angeles Police Department Devonshire Station 10250 Etiwanda Ave. Northridge CA 91325 ...............................818-832-0633 ...............................818-832-0633
Non-Emergency Police Response ............... 877-275-5273
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center 15031 Rinaldi Mission Hills CA 91345 ........................ ............................818-898-4364 ....818-898-4364 West Hills Hospital & Medical Medical Center 7300 Medical Center Dr. West Hills CA 91307 ........................ ................................818-676-40 ........818-676-4000 00
Franchise Tax Board .................................. .................................. 800-852-5711 Internal Revenue Service............ Service.............................800-8 .................800-829-1040 29-1040 LA County Tax Assessor ..............................888-8 ..............................888-807-2111 07-2111
Transportation Amtrak ....................... ................................................ .............................800-872-7245 ....800-872-7245 Metro – Bus & Rail Transit ......................... ......................... 323-466-3876 DASH ...................... ............................................... .................................818-808-22 ........818-808-2273 73 FlyAway – Non-Stop Bus Service to LAX .......866-435-9529 .......866-435-9529 Cityride – Services for Seniors & Disabled ...818-808-7433
US Postal Service ....................... ...............................800-275-87 ........800-275-8777 77 21606 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 ...................... ..............................818-734-80 ........818-734-8008 08 19300 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 ........................ ............................818-832-3581 ....818-832-3581
Utilities Los Angeles Department of Water & Power ..800-342-5397 The Gas Company ...................... ...................................800-427 .............800-427-2200 -2200 Time Warner Cable ...................................888-892-2253 ...................................888-892-2253 AT&T ....................... ................................................ .................................800-310-23 ........800-310-2355 55
Waste Management Bulky Item Collection ........................ ................................800-773-24 ........800-773-2489 89 Allied Waste Waste Services ......................... .................................323-321-17 ........323-321-1722 22 Athens Services ........................ .........................................888-3 .................888-336-6100 36-6100 Crown Disposal Co. Inc. ........................... ........................... 818-767-0675 Waste Management...................................800-926-96 ...................................800-926-9693 93
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department 4700 Ramona Blvd. Monterey Park CA 91754 ..........................323-267-4800 ..........................323-267-4800
Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Registrar-Recor der/County Clerk
California Highway Patrol – West Valley Area
14340 West Sylvan St., Van Nuys CA 91401
5825 De Soto Ave. Woodland Woodla nd Hills CA 91367 .........................818 .........................818-888-0980 -888-0980
Birth, Death & Marriage Records/Copies Records/Copies,, Marriage Ceremonies................................818-376-3700 ................................818-376-3700 Document Recording, Notary Oaths, FBN Filings...................... ..........................818-376-3777 ....818-376-3777
19 Cha Chatswo tsworth rth 125th Anniv Anniversar ersaryy CHATSWORTH CHATSWOR TH CELEBRATES C ELEBRATES 125 YEARS Y EARS AS AN ANCHOR OF THE NORTH SAN FERNANDO VALLEY VALLEY Before Northridge…before Porter Ranch…before Granada Hills…there was Chatsworth. The farming community then known as Chatsworth Park was officially established on March 10, 1888. Early residents planted wheat, as well as peach, pear and walnut trees. Chatsworth Park was the passageway to the San Fernando Valley. It sat at the foot of the stagecoach trail which connected the San Fernando and Simi Valleys and areas to the north. Stage coaches not only carried passengers, but also delivered mail. In 1890, two years after Chatsworth Park Park became a town, Joseph A. Nelson was named the first in a long line of postmasters, which also included four women: Lori Cowgill (1924), Blanch White (1926), Marie G. Turner (1945), and Caroline Frost (1951). The post office itself was first built in 1893. Over the years, it moved to various locations along Santa Susana Ave. (now Topanga Canyon Blvd.) and Devonshire St., where it now sits near the corner of Owensmouth. The farming community was put on the map in 1893 when the Southern Pacific Railroad completed the 22 mile Burbank Branch to Chatsworth. A depot station and the Chatsworth Hotel were soon added at Topanga and Marilla. In 1904 three tunnels were completed to connect Chatsworth Park to Simi Valley along a new coastal route that can still be travelled today.. The railway began to list the community as Chatsworth instead of Chatsworth Park. today The shortened name was eventually adopted by the townspeople. By 1900 Chatsworth had 23 residents, a post office, a general store, a hotel and a railroad station. The town fathers organized the Valley’s Valley’s first Chamber of Commerce on April 20, 1914. The town’s first elementary school, then known as the Santa Susana School (now Chatsworth Park Elementary School), was built in 1880 at the northwest corner of Devonshire and Topanga. The 1880 building was replaced in 1917 when Chatsworth became a part of the LA City school system. The 1933 Long Beach Earthquake Earthquake resulted in a third building being built in 1937, and it still is in use today as Chatsworth Park Elementary. Elementary.
During the ‘50s and 60’s, to address its growing population, population, Chatsworth opened several several more schools including Superior Elementary School (1959), Devonshire School (1962), Germain (1963), Ernest Lawrence Middle School (1968) and Chatsworth High School (1963). Prior to the opening of Chatsworth High School, students attended school in Canoga Park. On March 20, 1915, Chatsworth became part of Los Angeles so that it could share in the water rights from the Owens Valley. Valley. As early as 1912, the movie industry discovered the rock formations, ranches and natural resources of Chatsworth—all used in early Hollywood films. This also brought celebrities to the area, including Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, who starred in many westerns over the years; Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball; and, in recent years, Kevin Spacey, Val Kilmer Kilmer and Kirk Cameron, Cameron, to name a few. few. Following World World War I farmers began planting oranges, lemons, grapes and figs. These crops greatly contributed to the survival of the community and those who came through it during the Great Depression. Families with few resources who migrated to the north San Fernando Valley found a warm reception reception in Chatsworth, where where local farmers, the PTA of of Chatsworth Park School, along with the Women’s Women’s Club and the Community Church, cooked hot lunches for the children and fed many of the adults in outdoor soup kitchens. World War War II brought further expansion to this community community.. The area experienced a growth spurt in the early 1960’s, going from 16,000 to 30,000 residents. As the community grew, so did the schools, businesses, religious and civic organizations. Today oday,, with a population of about 40,000 residents, Chatsworth is home to 22 preschools, 10 elementary schools, 10 middle schools, 7 high schools, approximately 30 churches, and several major corporations, such as 3M Corporation, Capstone Turbine, Hydraulics International, and the production and distribution facilities of Lamps Plus. Residents enjoy its multitude of horse trails, park and recreation areas, hiking trails and historic buildings.
SOME FACTS YOU MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN ABOUT CHATSWORTH: • The cornerstone for the Chatsworth Community Church (Methodist) was laid in 1903 making it the second oldest Protestant Church in the San Fernando Valley. The church’s name was changed to Chatsworth First Methodist Church in 1958. After it was closed in 1963, the church became the 14th site to be designated as a Los Angeles Historic Cultural Cultural Monument. In 1965, 1965, the church was moved to Oakwood Memorial Park. • Chatsworth was home to St. John’s Military Academy,, which originally opened in 1918 in Academy Los Angeles proper and moved to Chatsworth in 1962. Its campus was on Devonshire St. between Oakdale and Corbin.
Valentine’s ine’s Day in 1921, 24 women started • On Valent the Woman’s Woman’s Community Club of Chatsworth. Grace Hageman was the first president. This is one of the oldest continuous clubs in the area. • Rancho San Antonio on Plummer Street west of DeSoto, also known as the “Boys Town of the West”, was moved from its original location in Redondo Beach to Chatsworth in 1938. The organization remains at the same site today. • The Chatsworth Florist shop has been on Devonshire St. since it was established in 1952.
Pampalone ne Schurter Professional Building • The Pampalo on Devonshire (across from Los Toros) has housed dentistry practices for over 60 years. The Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce was even a tenant there at one time. • The Chatsworth Library has existed in various locations and storefronts. Between 1952 and 1963, when the first permanent location was built at 21052 Devonshire St., the community was serviced by the L A Public Library Bookmobile Program. The Devonshire St. location was rebuilt along with several other libraries in Los Angeles in 2004. • Los Toros Mexican Restaurant and The Cowboy Palace Saloon still have horse hitching posts. • Chatsworth was once home to the Devonshire Golf Club (now Rockpointe condominiums) and the Aqua Sierra Sportsman’s Club (now Chatsworth Park South) at the end of Devonshire St.
ABOUT GALPIN MOTORS Galpin Motors, based in the San Fernando Valley since 1946, is a world-renowned, award-winning automotive enterprise with ten franchises, along with Galpin Auto Sports (GAS), a customizing and aftermarket dealership; Galpin Rentals; the Horseless Carriage Restaurant, America’s first full-service, in-dealership restaurant; and Galpin Starbucks. Owned and operated by Bert and Jane Boeckmann and their family, Galpin Motors offers sales, service and leasing for these automobile brands: Ford, Volkswagen, Lincoln, Subaru, Honda, Mazda, Volvo, Jaguar, Aston Martin and Lotus. What makes Galpin Motors truly unique is its long history of community service, including support of tens of thousands of educational, spiritual, cultural, charitable and political institutions and organizations throughout the world. For his leadership and philanthropic endeavors, Galpin owner/CEO H. F. (Bert) Boeckmann II has been honored as a Hero for the Planet by Ford Motor Company.
Conveniently Located in the Heart of the San Fernando Valley: Galpin Motors 15505 Roscoe Blvd. North Hills, CA 91343 T: 818-233-5357 galpin.com
Tony Demaio
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“MyLA 311 puts the power of City Hall in the palm of your hand.”
23 Cha Chatswo tsworth/ rth/Porte Porterr Ranch—Th Ranch—Then en and Now The communities of Chatsworth and Porter Ranch are home to some of the most progressive and cutting edge corporations and manufacturers in our nation. There is also a multitude of other attractions -- plant nurseries, horse ranches, rustic building facades, hiking trails, panoramic views and beautiful rock formations -- that connote a quieter, less harried and rural past.
the most prosperous of all the California missions.
Chatsworth and Porter Ranch Ranch are not alone in the transformation from rural to urban lifestyle, but how they have addressed it throughout the years just may be.
The territory of California was under Spanish rule until 1821, when Mexico declared independence from Spain. . In 1834-36 the Mexican Government took the mission lands away from the church, beginning the Rancho Period in California.
Travelers would frequent what is now Chatsworth on their way to and from the San Fernando Mission, Santa Buenaventura Mission and Santa Barbara Mission. They also used the path that we now know as Santa Susana Pass to travel through Chatsworth.
Although forward thinking thinking in their approach to business and community community needs, both both areas have kept their small town feel with parades, fairs and other hometown events that celebrate the area’s not-so-distant past.
On February 19 and 20, 1845, the Mexicans and Californians exchanged long-range artillery fire on the banks of the Los Angeles River. After a truce was called, both sides met in Los Angeles. By now, many Californians had had enough political instability and began to look toward the United States.
The different array of groups that have inhabited the northern part of the Valley since prehistoric times are diverse and hold many secrets from the past that we may never fully know,, which is part of what lends mystique to the rural beauty of this area. know
Upon Texas Texas becoming a state in 1845, Mexico dropped diplomatic relations with the U.S. The timing could not have been better. Three weeks later U.S. U.S. forces captured the provincial capital at Monterey, an event viewed as the end of Mexican jurisdiction over California.
Two years later in 1847, the Americans arrived in the Chatsworth area and Captain John C. Fremont,, representing the U.S. Government, signed a treaty with the Californians. Fremont
Long before Chatsworth became known for the hustling and bustling community of the northern Valley, Valley, many types of settlers occupied it. Indians were the fir st to live in the area that many of us now call home. In fact, Canoga Avenue and Mission Boulevard once had its own Indian village.
The treaty was signed at a house in the Valley, Valley, which no longer exists. However, However, a replica of the house, called “Campo de Cahuenga”, remains and can still be seen. You can find it at 3919 Lankershim Blvd. in North Hollywood.
Sometime around 1769, the Spaniards arrived in the San Fernando Valley. Valley. There is a record of Padre Crespi writing in his journal about the first time he arrived with Indians from all over the Valley greeting him and his men. Most likely, some of the Indians that visited were from Chatsworth.
In 1848, gold was discovered In California, and on September 9, 1850 California became the 31st state to join the union. Around this time, farming farming became prevalent prevalent in Chatsworth, though though it took several years before homesteaders started to arrive. It wasn’t until the Homestead Act of 1862, signed by President Abraham Lincoln, that brought them flocking to this desirable land. One stroke of his pen gave early homesteaders just the nudge they needed; the only caveat was they had
It wasn’t much later in 1797 when other Spanish missionaries started the San Fernando Mission. The land of the San Fernando Valley was given to this mission and Chatsworth was part of this land. At the height of its activity, activity, the San Fernando Mission Indians created one of
Chatsworth Porter Ranch Economic Profile
Demographics by Area
Demographics By Gender
Chatsw Cha tswort orthh
Porte Po rterr Ranc Ranchh Sa Sann Fern Fernand andoo Vall Valley e y Cit Cityy ofof Los Los Ang Angele eless
Average Household Size
Median Age
Gender: Male
Gender: Female
Median Househ Household old $85,714
Porter Ranch
Chatsw Cha tsworth/ orth/Porte Porterr Ranch—Th Ranch—Then en and Now 24 to agree to stay on the land and improve it for five years.
Although welcomed, welcomed, the growing population population required a large supply supply of water. water. The opening of the Owens Aqueduct on Nov. 5, 1913 remedied that problem. The aqueduct, built by William Mulholland, connected water in the Eastern Sierra’s Owens Valley to a reservoir west of San Fernando. Its opening ensured that the City of Los Angeles would have a steady water supply.
Families began to filter in, but the population in the northern part of the Valley remained sparse until former California Senators Charles Maclay and George Porter purchased it in 1874.
Chatsworth and many Valley towns towns were not part of the City of Los Angeles; therefore, their water fees were higher. To access this water system at a reasonable cost, Valley residents voted to join the City of Los Angeles in 1915.
Maclay devoted much of his land parcel to forming the City of San Fernando. Porter held the land immediately west of San Fernando. He sold a portion of his parcels to farmers and ranchers, rancher s, and several hundred acres to his cousin Benjamin F. F. Porter. Porter. Ben Porter’s land parcel would later become the communities of Chatsworth, Porter Ranch and Northridge.
The water not only enabled Valley farmers to irrigate existing crops, it also expanded its variety of crop options to include beets, lima beans, lemons, walnuts, grapes and tomatoes.
Settlers eventually began moving to Chatsworth. Its ample farm and ranch land, along with its close proximity to the Santa Susana Stage Coach Relay Station, drew them to the area. The Stage Coach Trail was in use f rom 1861 to 1895.
Around 1912, Around 1912, the the Valle Valley’s y’s economy economy received ved yet yet anothe anotherr boost boost when when the the movie movie studio studioss discove discovered red the convenience of filming in their own backyard. Cinematic legends, including D.W. Griffith and Cecil B. DeMille, were just a couple of the big Hollywood names that filmed here.
The Relay Station provided fresh horses for the stage coaches and a rest stop for passengers, before the steep climb over the Stage Coach Trail through the Simi Hills known as the “Devil’s Slide” , between Chatworth and Simi Valley.. Valley.. In 1876, the Southern Pacific Railroad established a route from Los Angeles to San Francisco through the San Fernando tunnel, limiting the Stage Coach trail use to local traffic.
The Iverson Ranch was a favorite filming site because of the scenic rocks and rugged landscapes that were ideal for the backdrop of many westerns, as were the hills and sandstone formations above Chatsworth and the Porter Ranch area. Chatsworth experienced a second population boon after World War II when servicemen returned and young families began to purchase homes in the Valley. Valley. Chatsworth flourished, gaining many new residents, schools, and industries.
It was in 1888 that Chatsworth, originally named Chatsworth Park, became a town. In 1893, the Southern Pacific Railroad completed a spur from Burbank to Chatsworth, replacing the stagecoach as the main source of transportation to and from Chatsworth. A depot stop made it easier for farmers and ranchers to get their products to market. The Chatsworth Station remains still today, but now serves as a stop for Amtrak, Metro trains and MTA buses.
The industrial parks that sprouted up in the 1960s attracted the high-tech and manufacturing industries. New industries brought the need for more housing, schools and supermarkets. The modernization of Chatsworth resulted in the disappearance of many of the areas’ citrus and walnut groves, as well as horse ranches.
In 1899, Chatsworth became a railroad boom town, as quarry operations began in what is now Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park, and the Southern Pacific Railroad began blasting three tunnels through solid rock from Chatsworth to Simi Valley. Valley. The tunnels were completed in 1904, with a new coastal route established from Burbank to Chatsworth to Ventura and Santa Barbara.
Demographics By Race & Ethnicity
Population By Age
Although Chatsworth continues to evolve, evolve, it never stops to surprise those who live and know the area. No wonder so many are proud to call Chatsworth their home.
Worker Population by Gender
(Age 20 & Up)
20.60% 11.70%
Male 56.00%
Porter Ranch
9 0
9 1 0 1
9 2 0 2
4 4 0 3
4 5 5 4
Age (Years)
4 6 5 5
4 7 5 6
+ 5 7
Porter Ranch
25 Cha Chatswo tsworth/ rth/Porte Porterr Ranch—Th Ranch—Then en and Now stretched nearly three miles long. His cousin Benjamin owned 20,000 acres in the valley ’s northwestern area. Because it was far removed from the railroad line, it was the least desirable section, and remained relatively undeveloped.
PORTER RANCH After the successful successful Mexican War War of Independence from Spain in 1821, the Mission San Fernando became part of Alta California, Mexico. Thirteen years later, the Mexican government began redistributing those mission lands. It wasn’t until 1846 that Governor Pío Pico gave a land grant to Eulogio de Celis, which turned out to be 116,858-acre Mexican Rancho Ex-Mission San Fernando. This land was bounded on the north by Rancho San Francisco Francisc o and the Santa Susana Mountains, on the west it was surrounded by the Simi Hills, on the east by Rancho Tujunga, Tujunga, and on the south by the Santa Monica Mountains (known as Montañas de Portesuelo back then).
By the late 1880s most latecomers found it more difficult to find good farmland in the valley.. Most were consigned to seek out marginal land in the surrounding hills for ranches valley and homesteads. So Benjamin sold the western end of his land to the San Fernando Valley Valley Improvement Company,, which created the Chatsworth Park subdivision and then he farmed his r emaining Company acreage. George Porter and Senator Maclay also subdivided their lands. In the late 1930’s the author W.W. Robinson described the ranch lands as containing large ranch estates on 10,000 acres of rolling hills with magnificent vistas. It must have been a sight to see, for sure.
The grant derived its name from the secularized Mission San Fernando Rey de España, but was called ex-Mission because of a division made of the lands held in the name of the Mission. The grant encompassed most of the present day San Fernando Valley. Valley. At the same time time Isaac Lankershim Lankershim and Isaac Newton Newton Van Van Nuys were involved involved with converting the lower half of the San Fernando Valley from sheep and cattle ranching to farming, others were doing the same in the northern half. That’s when in 1874, former State Senator Charles Maclay of San Jose, with his partners, San Francisco Benjamin F. and George K. Porter, borrowed $60,000 from Leland Stanford and purchased 57,000 acres of land north of Lankershim and Van Nuys’ holdings. Maclay, who owned all of the land east of the Southern Pacific railroad tracks east to the San Maclay, Gabriel foothills, laid out the town of San Fernando and subdivided the rest of his property into small ranches. George K. Porter owned a third of the northern valley west from the railroad line to Aliso Canyon (Zeldah Avenue from Granada Hills to Northridge). He was the first to initiate large-scale citrus growing in the valley valley,, having planted a navel orange grove that reportedly
Household Income & Benefi Benefits ts
(In 2011 Inflation Adjusted Dollars)
Household Income
Benjamin Porter’s descendants decided to hold onto the ranch until the early 1960s. But this area was definitely still thought of as ranch land. During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s the unofficial entrance to Porter Ranch was even marked with two horse and rider statues. One was at the northwest corner of Tampa and Devonshire and the other was located at the northeast corne r on Devonshire and Tunney. Tunney. Rumor has it that many years later, one of the statues was found in a local trash dumpster. This area eventually garnered the reputation of housing horse ranches for numerous celebrities and also served as a filming location for several major movie studios. In cinema history,, Porter Ranch was most notable as the location of large portions of the famous film, history E.T.. the Extra-terrestrial, in 1982. There were a number of shots from the Steven Spielberg E.T blockbuster where they featured views looking down on the Porter Ranch neighborhood that sits beneath the ridge in Palisade Palisadess Park. Porter Ridge Park is also the sight of the park scene at the end of the movie.
(In 2011 Inflation Adjusted Dollars)
) s d n a s u o h T
n I $ (
0 1 0
4 1 0 1
4 2 5 1
4 3 5 2
9 4 5 3
4 7 0 5
9 9 5 7
9 4 1 0 0 1
0 0 2 0 5 1
Income & Benefits ($ In Thousands)
0 + 0 0 2
Finance and Insurance, and Real Estate and Rental and Leaseing Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Information Arts, Entertainment and Recreation RetailTrade WholesaleTrade Health Care, Social Assistance and Educational Services Other Services (Excluding Government) Manufacturing TransportationandWarehousing Construction Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting Management, Public Administration Services
120 15%
Occupation of Employees By Industry
Median Household Income
Mean Household Income
THE DAY A COIN WAS FLIPPED FOR PORTER RANCH Ben and George Porter were decisive men – but once, they made a decision on the flip of a coin.
But eventually suburban development found its way to this remote community. Believe it or not, Porter Ranch was also the last community in the San Fernando Valley to join the City of Los Angeles.
In 1874 two northern Californias – George K. Porter and Charles Maclay, each of whom had served as state senators – learned that a vast acreage of the land was available for purchase in the San Fernando Valley. Valley. Both men had long been enthused with the possibilities of owning land in the Valley, so when they heard that approximately 60,000 acres of the Eulogio de Celis Rancho was for the sale (see main story on Porter Ranch in this issue), they did not hesitate in acquiring it.
It’s almost hard to imagine it being so remote as now it’s filled with upscale homes in gated communities and has gone from horse country to suburbia, full of upscale, single-family homes. The district, one of the higher median incomes in the San Fernando Valley, Valley, has a population that is almost 60% White and almost 30% Asian. Most of the residents commute to nearby cities such as Simi Valley and Downtown Los Angeles for work. With the strong public transportation access, via the Chatsworth and Northridge stations from the Metrolink commuter rail system, it’s no wonder wonder..
Porter, who bought a three-fourth interest in the property Porter, property,, decided to go into ranching; Maclay,, with his one-fourth interest, proceeded to subdivide and develop his land. Maclay A few years later, later, Porter’s cousin- Benjamin F. Porter – came came south from Santa Cruz and became a partner in both ventures.
While it is just minutes from hiking trails and spectacular scenic views that may be reminiscent of it’s more rural days that are long gone, it’s also home to the Porter Valley Valley Country Club, the Porter Ranch Town Center, the North Valley YMCA, parks, public library and several high-performing schools.
Because of differences in policy, the three eventually decided to divide the total holdings equally. equally. Maclay took the easterly portion and continues to pursue the sale of real estate. But the two Porters were unable to decide who would get the westerly portion and who would end up with the center section. (It is known that George Porter preferred the center parcel, so it must be assumed that the westerly portion was considered the least desirable).
Yet even today, the community of Porter Ranch is still growing. Newly gated communities are being built and businesses are moving into commercial space. The community remains vibrant, offering residents, businesses and visitors a ‘small-town ‘small-town’’ feel with big city advantages. It’s an exciting time for this tiny city that’s still growing, and no telling what great things are in store for it and it ’s inhabitants.
The two Porters, however, however, did reach a “preliminary’ decision: they would flip a coin… So it was that one day back in 1882 a coin went up in the quiet of a Valley afternoon and came down with the answer: George Porter got the center section; Ben Porter got the other. It turned out that Ben Porter’s land gained considerable value with the discovery of oil in later years. The “winner,” however, wasn’t so lucky. It is on the Ben Porter land, too, that the present $350 million Porter Ranch community is now being developed. Who knows, things might be different today had the coin come “up” with another answer!
Jobs By Education Attainment
Jobs By Worker Age
Jobs By Worker Race & Ethnicity
4.58% 9.47%
20% 30% 15% 20% 10% 0
e n h l o t a g o a h i h u T H c d S a s s r e G L
) e s h l o t e y g o a d c i n h u e H c u l c l S d a n a r I v ( i G u q E
s e e r ’ o e e m e t r o a g i S g e c e l o D l s o s C A
s r r ’ e r o h o e g l e e r i H h c g a e D B
9 1 6 1
4 2 0 2
4 4 5 2
4 5 5 4
9 5 5 5
9 6 0 6
+ 0 7
Porter Ranch
LAPL Photo Friends ❤ the Valley Photo Friends is an enthusiastic group of people bonded by a passion for photography, history, and Los Angeles! We are a non-profit organization that supports the Los Angeles Public Library’s (LAPL) Photograph Collection and History & Genealogy Department. Our mission is to improve access to collections and promote them through public programs, projects, and exhibits.
Our latest project is a fundraising effort to enable the digitizing and cataloging of the LAPL’s Valley Times (1946–1970) archive. The project will make around 30,000 images available for searching online at the library’s web site. The images include hard news stories such as crime and politics but emphasize the development of the Valley and human interest stories, including social clubs, school events, groundbreakings, local politics, amusement parks, leisure activities, the movie industry in the Valley, religion, commercial industry, aerospace industry, new architecture, and more! Visit us online to learn how to support this effort.
Find us online: Photo Friends site & blog: photofriends.org Photo Collection: photos.lapl.org book.com/photoslapl toslapl Facebook: face book.com/pho
May 14, 1964: The six Gibbons children of San Fernando will celebrate National Hospital Weekk with big dishes of ic e cream—after they all have their tonsils out Saturday in Burbank Wee Hospital. From left, back row, Carolin, 12; Susana, 9; Donna, 6; front row, Kim, 5; Richard, 4; and Deborah, 8. They are six of the seven junior members of the Merle Gibbons family, 759 Cork St. The youngest is only 10 months. They won’t leave until tomorrow, but they are all ready now. (Photographer George Brich, Order #00093461 #00093461))
29 Ou Ourr Co Comm mmun unit itie ies s OUR COMMUNITIES OFFER A WEALTH WEALTH OF OPPORTUNITIES Whether it’s great schools, libraries, shopping, country club living, family fun or health care, Chatsworth and Porter Ranch Ranch have it all. Having major bus and train depots, as well as multiple freeway routes, makes it a cinch to get around Los Angeles and the Simi and Santa Clarita Valleys.
The neighborhoods are part of LAUSD Local District 1, the second largest school district in the nation. District 1 covers most of the towns in the San Fernando Valley. Valley. It includes more than 120 schools from pre-Kindergarten through grade 12. Interspersed in this are academies, gifted programs and magnets to personalize the learning environment and engage more students.
located at 11052 Independence and another campus for its higher grades levels at 20801 Rinaldi St. The school serves more than 900 students. St. John Eudes School opened in the fall of 1966 to 170 students in the first through 4th grades. Today, the school located at 9925 Mason Ave. serves 292 students in grades K-8. The Chatsworth/Porter Chatsworth/Porter Ranch area is also home to several private preschools including: Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center (21203 Devonshire St.); KinderCare Learning Center (10036 Old Depot Plaza Rd.); Little Shepherd Learning Center (19700 Rinaldi St.); St. Stephen Presbyterian Preschool (20121 Devonshire St.); and Temple Ahavat Shalom Early Childhood Education Center (18200 Rinaldi Pl.).
The Chatsworth/Porter Ranch area is home to two charter schools—Our Community School (10045 Jamilla Ave.) and Opportunity for Learning Charter School (20553 Devonshire St.)—as well as one magnet Ernest Lawrence Middle School (10100 Variel Ave.). Students residing in the Los Angeles School District can apply for entry into any of the charter or magnet schools.
Porter Valley Valley Country Club, a private country club, located on Singing Hills Dr., has been a fixture in Porter Ranch since 1968. Surrounded by the green rolling hills of the Santa Susana Mountains, Porter Valley Valley Country Club’s picturesque setting is ideal for business and social events. The Club has an 18-hole golf course and driving range, tennis courts, fitness center, junior Olympic-sized pool, child care and more. In addition, the Club offers free golf, tennis and swim clinics, special Member and kids’ events, and everything you need to host any special occasion.
Private schools from pre-K through 12th grade are also available to families who prefer this option. There are five private schools within the Chatsworth/Porter Ranch boundaries. They include:
Porter Ranch Town Center truly lives up to its name. It offers electronics, home décor, toy, art, and banks as well as other amenities, and in a quieter and less congested local setting.
Chaminade Middle School, located at 19800 Devonshire St., is a Catholic coeducational school.
Downtown Chatsworth began at the intersection of Topanga Canyon Blvd. and Lassen St. As the area’s area’s population expanded, expanded, so did its business business district. Today, Today, the downtown area area is a mixture of new buildings alongside much older ones, some with modern designs and others in a western motif. There are motels, hotels, medical and dental offices, florists, and restaurants. Still zoned for horse properties, there are hitching posts at Los Toros Toros Mexican Restaurant and the Cowboy Palace Saloon.
Chatsworth Hills Academy opened in 1978 as the Neighborhood School providing education for grades Pre K-8th. The school is located at 21523 Rinaldi St. Egremont School, 19850 Devonshire St. is a nonprofit, coeducational, independent school grades preschool through Grade 5. The school has about 150 students at its site. Sierra Canyon School established in 1978 has two campuses—one for its lower grades
San Fernando Valley Child Care Resource Center, 20002 Prairie St., has been encouraging the growth and development of children and their families through creative, informative
Chatsworth Hills Chatsworth Academy Acade my Helping Children Learn, Grow, and Discover for 35 Years
Preschool–8th Grade 21523 Rinaldi St., Chatsworth
and supportive programs and services since 1976. The center works with parents, childcare professionals, community members, businesses and government agencies to promote higher standards in childcare and early education.
The neighborhoods of Chatsworth and Porter Ranch offer residents, businesses and visitors some of the best healthcare centers in the Los Angeles area. Porter Ranch Plaza, a new building located at 19950 Rinaldi St. in the heart of Porter Ranch, features several healthcare centers including: • Facey Medical Center, which offers community members the following services: an urgent care unit, optical services, patient education, and patient care services such as Internal and Family Medicine, Pediatrics Pediatrics and specialty practices. The center also off ers classes open to the community from how to handle illnesses to stress and proper nutrition. • Porter Ranch Quality Care, which has a staff of highly-trained doctors specializing specializing in family medicine, urgent care and occupation medicine. • Providence Holy Cross Medical Center, which features an urgent care center, pharmacy, state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging services, a women’s wellness center, and physician offices.
Chatsworth Park Care Center, Center, located at 10610 Owensmouth Ave., is a 128-bed, Medicare and Medi-Cal skilled nursing facility that offers round-the-clock care. Staff members can communicate in Spanish, Armenian, Tagalog, Japanese and Russian.
The area has two public libraries—Chatsworth Branch Library, Library, located at 21052 Devonshire St., and Porter Ranch Branch Library, located at 11371 Tampa Ave. With cutbacks all across the board, the libraries greatly depend on the Friends of the Library, a group of volunteers that assists the library and its staff through fundraising activities and educational outreach to the community community..
818-671-0999 310-435-2336 klaboutthehouse@aol.com aboutthehouseusa.com P.O. Box 4554, Chatsworth, CA 91313
Facey doctors may be part of a medical group, but you’d never know it. Each location feels like a small neighborhood office, complete with a warm team of medical professionals who really listen to your concerns. Our physicians practice in over 20 different clinical specialties. Convenient urgent care centers and after-hours on-call physicians are always available to ensure that you and your family are well taken care of, no matter the hour hour.. Facey’s state-of-the-art electronic medical record system keeps your health information organized and easily accessible. It sends your prescriptions directly to the pharmacy of your choice, saving you time and worry. And you can even manage appointments, e-mail your doctors and more from the comfort of your own home with our online service, FaceyConn FaceyConnect. ect. And since Facey Facey Medical Group accepts accepts most health health insurance plans, the choice is simple if you are looking for convenient and innovative health care solutions. Porter Ranch 19950 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch, CA 91326 T: 818-403-2400 Mission Hills 11333 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345 T: 818-365-9531 Northridge 18460 Roscoe Blvd. Northridge, CA 91325 T: 818-734-3600 To learn more about Facey Medical Group’s services, visit facey.com today.
31 Whe Where re to to Go and Wha Whatt to Do Chatsworth and Porter Ranch offer activities and sites for young and old alike. Shopping centers, parks, hiking trails, the local farmer’s market, historic buildings, museums and theatrical companies are all available within a walk or short drive.
PARKS Browns Creek Park, a haven for hiking and cycling enthusiasts, also offers bridle trails for horses. The 53-acre canyon features a natural riparian habitat with a variety of plants; oak groves; and dirt paths and hiking trails to explore. The park, located at Browns Canyon Rd., is also renowned for its biking trails. Chatsworth Oaks Park, located at 9301 Valley Circle Blvd., is great for a family outing or some alone time. This 3-acre park features a children’s play area, BBQ pits, hiking and biking trails, picnic tables and restrooms. Chatsworth Park South, located at 22360 Devonshire St., is surrounded by the Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park and is home to the Chatsworth Historical Society’s Homestead Acre, the Minnie Hill Palmer House and Museum, and the Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks Community Center Building. The 100-acre-park also features playgrounds, tennis courts, shaded picnic tables and BBQ ovens, restrooms and wide-open spaces. It is temporarily closed due to lead contamination. Chatsworth Park North, located at 22300 Chatsworth St., has similar amenities to its sister park. In addition, it features a baseball diamond, basketball courts, soccer field and volleyball courts. It has a similar rock-climbing area better suited for younger children. The park also includes a large grove of ancient Oak Trees, many of which are more than 500 years old. Chatsworth Trails Park connects to Rocky Peak Park, Indian Springs Open Space Park and the Michael D. Antonovich Regional Park at Joughin Ranch. Just north of the 118 Freeway, the park located at 11200 Mayan Dr. features miles of equestrian, hiking and mountain biking trails.
We also do sunroofs and convertible tops.
Eddleston Park, an undeveloped pocket hillside park located at Reseda Blvd. at Eddleston Dr., features hiking trails and trees, and connects to Palisades Park, and Porter Ridge. The Garden of the Gods is also known to some residents as “Rock Park.” Its large boulders have names like Lone Ranger and Red Mesa with some as big as cars and houses. The parks’ hiking trails lead to expansive views of the surrounding mountains and the valley below and includes the metal tracks for the cameras used by the many movie companies for filming in that particular scenic area. It is located at the intersection of Santa Susana Pass Rd. and Topanga Canyon Blvd. Holleigh Bernson Memorial Park, located at Porter Ranch Dr. and Sesnon Blvd. in Porter Ranch, is a new 14-acre neighborhood park with jogging paths, basketball courts, a playground with a Neighborhood Council-funded shade structure, grass fields, picnic tables, restrooms, and views of the San Fernando Valley. Mason Park, situated on Mason Ave. at San Jose St. is a small neighborhood park with BBQ pits, baseball diamonds, a playground, shaded grassy areas, picnic tables, restrooms and a multipurpose field. The park’s recreation center has an auditorium, a stage, indoor gym and childcare center. Porter Ridge Park is a small hillside park, situated at Reseda Blvd. and Sesnon Blvd. in Porter Ranch. It offers visitors walking paths, shaded grassy areas, BBQ pits and picnic tables, a basketball court and playground. The park connects with Aliso Canyon Park. Rinaldi Park at Reseda Blvd. and Rinaldi St. in Porter Ranch is a small pocket park created to beautify a once empty lot. Sage Park Ranch, a 625-acre open space park at the end of Woolsey Canyon Rd., overlooks Chatsworth. It is located in the Simi Hills near the Santa Susana Field Laboratory. The park offers spectacular views of the San Fernando and Simi Valleys, campsites and walking and hiking trails.
Where Whe re to to Go and and Wha Whatt to Do Do 32 Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park encompasses 670 acres in the western part of the Transverse Range, where the Simi Hills meet the Santa Susana Mountains. The high narrow ridges and deep canyons are popular with hikers as is the Old Stagecoach Rd. The park can be entered from four locations: (1) With the closing of Chatsworth Park South, the most convenient way to enter Santa Susana Pass State Historic Park is off Larwin St. one block south of Devonshire Blvd. Visitors must turn left (south) at the closed park Devonshire entrance onto Larwin St. and go one block until they reach a chain link fence on the right. State Park signs are on the chain link fence near the walk-in gate. There is parking along the curb. Access to the park is through the gap in the fence. (2) The park is also accessible from Andora Ave., near the intersection of Valley Circle Blvd., Lassen St. and Andora Ave., southwest of the Oakwood Memorial Cemetery entrance. (3) To enter the park from Santa Susana Pass Rd. in the northwest corner of the park; park near Rocky Peak, and walk back along Santa Susana Pass Rd. to the opening with the large rock in the middle, which marks the beginning of this trail. (4) Lilac Ln. in the northwest quadrant of the park is another possible entry point. Stoney Point Park, located on Topanga Blvd. just south of the 118 Freeway, is a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. The 76-acre park is renowned for its natural rock outcroppings. The park features bridle paths, a natural habitat including caves and dens, hiking trails, professional-level rock climbing and views of the Valley. Viking Park Park,, located located at Viking Viking Ave. Ave. and Nau Ave., Ave., is a small, quiet hillside hillside park with with shaded shaded grass areas, picnic tables and a playground. Wilbur-Tampa Park is a small hillside park adjacent to Limekiln Canyon Park; it has shaded grass areas with picnic tables, a playground and a jogging path. For more information on the parks, visit LAmountains.com.
HIKING TRAILS Aliso Canyon Canyon Trail starts starts on Rinaldi Rinaldi St. St. just west of of Zelzah Ave. and runs north north into the hills. hills. Halfway up the canyon, it connects with Palisades Trail and at the northern end it leads
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to trails near O’Melveny Park in Granada Hills. To reach the trailhead take the southern entrance on Rinaldi west of Zelzah Ave., Palisades Trail from Reseda Blvd. or go to the end of Sesnon east of Reseda Blvd. Browns Canyon Trail is just north of the 118 freeway. A set of horse/foot paths follow Browns Canyon. There are a series of trails at the lower end of the canyon where it merges with Devil Canyon. Go up the canyon and the trail goes past a small dam. Hikers must bear right before the private property. A branch of the trail climbs the ridge to the east to join Browns Ridge Trail. The Browns Canyon trailhead is accessible from De Soto Ave. right under the 118 Freeway; from the corner of Variel Ave. and Celtic St., Canoga Ave. north of the 118 Freeway (look for a Santa Monica Conservancy Parkland sign; and from Browns Canyon Rd. at the small bridge.) Browns Creek Trails is a short 1.7-mile bicycle path that runs along the east side of Browns Creek between Rinaldi and Lassen Sts. A dirt equestrian path follows the west side of Browns Creek between Rinaldi and Devonshire. Trailheads are located at the corner of Rinaldi St. and Independence Ave., Chatsworth St. and Devonshire St., and Canoga Ave. and Lassen St. Browns Ridge Trail, a series of dirt roads climb the ridges east of Browns Canyon leading into the foothill area. Start on the lower portion of Browns Canyon Rd. Dirt roads branch off before the creek. Highland Trails, a series of foot and equestrian trails, run along on a ridge between Devil Canyon and Browns Canyon. The trails connect with a dirt road. Enter at Devil Canyon Trail from the Topanga Canyon Blvd. exit of the 118 Freeway. The trail will lead to a creek. On the far side of the creek is a path obscured by brush. Past the brush is a more established trail. There are also several lower entrances off Browns Creek Trail. The trail leads up the western side to a three-way junction adjacent to a road. Follow the trail that is parallel to the road. Limekiln Trail follows an old road along Limekiln Creek. South of the 118 Freeway, the trail is paved. North of the freeway to Sesnon Blvd., the trail is dirt with sections of old pavement. Limekiln is intersected by several trails including Moonshine Trail, Aliso Canyon Trail, and
33 Whe Where re to to Go and and Wha Whatt to Do Do Mission Trail. Enter the trail on Sesnon at Tampa Ave.; Hollow Springs Dr. west of Tampa Ave.; Rinaldi St. west of Tampa Ave.; or Chatsworth St. west of Tampa Ave. Mission Trail was the historic trail that led from the San Fernando Mission to the Indian Village, situated at Rinaldi St. and Canoga Ave. The trail also led from the Santa Susana Pass to the Mission and was used by natives and the Spanish. Moonshine Canyon Trail branches off on Limekiln Trail at Sesnon Blvd. and curves around Horse Flats. Near the western end, a dirt road branches off to Moonshine Canyon Trail and leads west up the hill. Moonshine Canyon Trail continues as a fence lined horse trail back to Sesnon where it crosses Moonshine Canyon. It splits at this point with a spur following a couple roads and another spur heading north. The entrance is at Sesnon just west of Tampa Ave. Orcutt Lease Trail is a narrow steep trail that connects the lower portion of the Orcutt Lease Trail with the upper portion of the Sulphur Springs Trail. Another narrow trail connects the upper end of the Orcutt Lease trail with the Sesnon Road Trail and the Aliso Canyon Trail. The trail begins at the western end of Sesnon Blvd. in Granada Hills. Palisades Trail follows the side of a small ridge with views of San Fernando Valley. It connects Limekiln Trail to Aliso Canyon Trail. Enter on Tampa Ave. between Wilbur Ave. and Braemore Rd. or Reseda Blvd. south of Braemore Rd. Sesnon Trail, a horse trail, connects Limekiln Trail to Aliso Canyon Trail. The trail borders the neighborhood and the undeveloped Gas Company lands. The trail runs from the intersection of Sesnon Rd. and Tampa Ave. to the northern end of Ormskirk Ave. in Porter Ranch. Sesnon Road Trail is an unfinished portion of Sesnon Rd. This trail goes west on Sesnon Blvd. from Granada Hills to Porter Ranch. It provides access to the trail in Aliso Canyon and the Orcutt Lease Trail. For more information on the hiking trails in the area, visit the LATrails.com.
Angie Mercado Mercado Support Plan Coordinator (SPC) 9430 Topanga Canyon Boulevard, Suite 103 • Chatsworth, CA 91311 t 818.773.9570 x1227 • f 818.885.0816 angie.mercado@pathpoint.org • www.pathpoint.org
PLACES OF INTEREST Avenue Act 1 and and the Big Oak Theatre offers theatre theatre productio productions ns for adults adults and and children, children, a theatre camp and acting classes. The theatre is available as a rental for parties, conferences and events. The Big Oak Theatre is located at 22200 Chatsworth St. For more information, please call 818-998-0185. The Independent Shakespeare Co., Inc. is a private theatre company that is affiliated with the Griffith Park Shakespeare Festival. Their offices are located at 9800 Topanga Canyon Blvd. Chatsworth Farmers Market is open every Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., at Holy Shepherd Lutheran Church, 10347 Mason Ave. in Chatsworth near the corner of Devonshire St. The market is in the church parking lot across the street from Trader Joe’s. Visitors to the market will enjoy its ethnically diverse food offerings from cooked foods to fresh farm produce. The Chatsworth Calera (calera is Spanish for limekiln) is located 500 feet northeast of the intersection of Woolsey Canyon Rd. and Valley Circle Blvd. It was at this location that natives burned oak trees to make lime used in the building of the San Fernando Mission. The area is now a California Registered Landmark (No. 911). The marker states that Indian labor produced the lime used in construction. Settlers to the area later operated the kiln. The gate to enter the calera is located on Plummer St. and Valley Circle Blvd., just west of Topanga Canyon Blvd. Chatsworth Nature Preserve Park, west of Valley Circle Blvd., is a nature and wildlife preserve, managed by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. Damage from the 1971 Sylmar Earthquake, resulted in the draining of the park’s lake. The habitat is part of the Simi Hills, located on the western edge of the San Fernando Valley. Dynamite Shed, a one-story structure, sits on the historic homestead of the Minnie Hill Palmer Residence at 22360 Devonshire St. The shed was built between 1890 and 1900 and is lined with quarry stone. It was used to store dynamite during the construction of the Santa Susana Pass Tunnel Tunnel (1898 - 1904).
Where Whe re to to Go and and Wha Whatt to Do Do 34 The Harvester Barn, a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument was built in early 20th Century. The barn, located at 22049 Devonshire St., was named after a Palomino stallion housed in it named Harvester. Harvester was also the sire of “Mr. Ed,” a talking horse in an old television show. Homestead Acre and Hill Palmer House is what remains of the 230-acre homestead owned by the Hill family. In 1956, Minnie Hill Palmer sold the land to the City of Los Angeles, but arranged to live in the bungalow located at 10385 Shadow Oak Dr. rent- and tax-free until her death. The family built the bungalow known as the Hill Palmer House in about 1911. Today, the house remains a monument to pioneers who homesteaded the Valley and is the last remaining homestead. The Lassen Street Olive Trees, also known as 76 Mature Olive Trees, is located on Lassen St. between Topanga Canyon Blvd. and Farralone St. In 1967, it was designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. Today, only 49 trees remain. The trees were originally planted in 1890 by N. A. Grey, an early settler to the area from cutting believed to be taken from olive trees at Mission San Fernando. The Munch Box is located at 21532 Devonshire St. The yellow and red hotdog and hamburger stand has been owned and operated by the Barker family since it opened in 1956. It purportedly once had a hitching post so local equestrians could stop and tie up their horses while they ate. The famous singer and cowboy actor Roy Rogers and his wife actress Dale Evans were among its celebrity patrons. In 2002, the stand was threatened by a new shopping center and storage facility being built on the property. Through the efforts of the Chatsworth Historical Society and the community, the stand was designated a Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monument. Pioneer Church was the first church built in Chatsworth and the only church in the northwest San Fernando Valley until the 1950’s. It was a community church originally located at 10051 Topanga Canyon Blvd. The Church was moved by The Chatsworth Historical Society to Oakwood Memorial Park, 22601 Lassen St. in 1965 to preserve the building. Built with volunteer labor the church served as a community center and as the venue for high school
classes for several years. The church is now the home of St. Mary the Virgin Anglican Rite Catholic Church with services held every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Old Stage Coach Trail Property in South Chatsworth Park is comprised of 55 acres immediately south of Chatsworth Park South and north of Oakwood Cemetery. The Stage Coach Trail, which ran through the Santa Susana Pass, dates from the 1860’s. A half mile from the trailhead the dirt road intersects a paved road, leading to a small hydroelectric pumping plant. Look for a break in the chain link fence by two telephone poles. It will lead to the Old Stage Coach Rd. The road continues past Devil’s slide, a rock into which the stage coach route was cut. Along the way, there are drainage chutes, cisterns once used captured rainwater and notches carved out by the stage coaches wagon wheels. Near the top of the slide is a historical marker placed by the Native Daughters of the American West commemorating “Old Santa Susana Stagecoach Rd., 1859-90.”
RESTAURANTS The Chatsworth/Porter Ranch neighborhoods have an ethnically diverse group of eateries and restaurants in price ranges that suit all budgets. Lovers of Italian cuisine will want to visit Maria’s Italian Kitchen, Olive Garden, Roma Bistro or San Carlo Italian Imports & Deli. If hot and spicy food is on the menu then Villanueva Mexican Grill or Los Toros Restaurant are fantastic choices. For good southern cooking and soul food, Les Sisters Southern Kitchen is number one. If sushi is the dish of choice then Honshu Sushi is the restaurant. Applebee’s, Carrows, and Giamela’s Lamplighter are great for American cuisine. For a quick meal, try Zpizza, Subway, McDonalds, Jersey Mike’s, or Sevan Chicken. For more romantic or elegant dining Morton’s The Steakhouse or The Odyssey Restaurant top the list. Party catering is elevated to a whole new art form when The Dishionary is involved.
Jennie U. Kriz Director of Sales
21902 Lassen Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311 telephone 818.773.0707 facsimile 818.773.0351 direct 818.477.9186 Jennie.Kriz@ihg.com www.staybridge.com/ www.staybrid ge.com/chatsworth chatsworth
Chatsworth Historical Society / Chatsworth community coordinating council
a ser er erma man nen e oodland Hills Medical Center
CHATSWOR CHATS WORTH TH HISTORICAL SOCIETY SOCI ETY The CHS was formed in 1963 and upholds a three point mission in addition to the commemoration of historical dates and events:
1. 2. 3.
To preserve and mark historic sites and landmarks of the Chatsworth area. To be an agency for the collection of photographs, artifacts,and archaeological archaeological items that represent the history of Chatsworth. To establish a museum to house and exhibit the collection.
The first project was the saving and the moving of the Chatsworth Community Church, now called the Pioneer Church. It took hundreds of hours of volunteer labor and over $20,000 to accomplish, but the church was rehabilitated. During the bicentennial year of 1976, the completed church was rededicated and is presently leased to an Anglican Catholic Church. The Pioneer Church is Los Angeles Historical Monument No. 14. It is located in Oakwood Memorial Park, 22601 Lassen St., Chatsworth, CA 91311. The society has also worked on preserving numerous other Chatsworth historical sites and monuments, including: • Naming to historic status the 1890 olive trees on Lassen Street (Los Angeles Historical Monument No. 49) • Working to have Stoney Point Point named a city mountain climbing park (Los Angeles Historical Monument No. 132) • Working to help preserve the Stage Coach Trail (Los Angeles Historical Monument No. 92)
In 1978, the Chatsworth Historical Society was named as conservator of the Homestead Acre, which is owned by the Los Angeles City Department of Recreation and Parks. Ongoing activities focus on the preservation and maintenance of the Homestead Acre, the name given to the 1.3 acre compound in Chatsworth Park South that contains the Hill-Palmer Cottage (Los Angeles Historical Monument No. 133), the Virginia Watson Chatsworth Museum, and the Frank H. Schepler, Jr. Memorial Library. The majority of the site is given over to gardens with more than 300 rose bushes, including modern (hybrids) and historical roses, fruit trees and native California plants.
It feels good to know we're all connected.
Two fundraising events are held at the Acre each year year,, the “Garden Festival” in April, and “Pioneer Day” in October. October. The Homestead Acre is open to the public public for tours from 1 to 4 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month. For more information and schedule changes, please visit chatsworthhistory.com, or call us at 818-882-5614.
Follow us on Twitter @kpwoodlandhills
Like us on Facebook facebook.com/KPWHMCA
CHATSWOR CHATS WORTH TH COMMUNITY COM MUNITY COORDINA C OORDINATING TING COUNCIL COUNC IL A non-profit group established established 1961 for the betterment betterment of life in Chatsworth. Chatsworth. Members are representatives from clubs, organizations, agencies, schools, and religious bodies, plus interested individual businesses and residents of the Chatsworth community. community. Its primary purpose is to foster a better community in which to live. The council maintains and makes available to the community a calendar of coming events and activities. Send details of upcoming events to info@chatsworthc info@chatsworthcommunitycoordinati ommunitycoordinatingcouncil.com ngcouncil.com For more information, visit chatsworthcommunitycoordinatingcouncil.com.
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Brunch Brunch . . and Lunch Sunday Fun... Family...Food... Fiesta!
43 Cha Chatsw tswort orthh Street Street Inde Indexx ..................... ......C Acorn St. .......... ...................... .................C .....C 3 Alabama Ave. Ave. ........... .............C-D ..C-D 2-4 ay........... ...................... .............. ... Alta Way Way............ ....................... ............. .. A-B 4 Amigo Rd. .......... ..................... ............... .... A 4 Andora Ave. ........... ............... .... B-C 1-3 Andora Pl. .......... ..................... ............... .... B 3 Apache Trl. Trl. ........... ...................... .............D ..D 1 Applegate Ter .................. .................... .. B 4 Arapahoe Trl. Trl. .......... .....................D ...........D 1 ...................... .......E Arnel Pl. ........... ....................... ..................E ......E 2 .................. ... Baden Ave. ................... ....... .............. .. B 3-4 Bahama St. ......................E-F 4 Baile Ave. ................... ....................... .... F 1-2 Ballinger St. .............. .................... ...... B-F 3 Batac St .............. ......................... ...............D ....D 1 Bermuda St. .................C-E 1-2 Blackhawk St. .................C-F .................C-F 2 .....................E Blairmoore St. .....................E ............... ......E 2 Bothwell Rd................. Rd..................... .... F 1-4 Boulder Ridge Ter. ..............C 2 ................. ...C Brooke Ave. .................. ...... ..............C ..C 2-3 Brooks Rd. .................. ......................... ....... A 4 .................D Brookfield Rd. .................D ............... ..D 1-2 Browns Canyon Rd. ............D ............D 1 Cactus Ave. .............. ....................... ......... B 3 .............. Camanche Ave. ............ .............. .. E 3-4 D1 ........................D ...................... ..D Candice Pl. Pl......................... ............. ...........D Canoga Ave. ..................D ..................D ................. .D 1-4 Capistrano Ave. .......... B-C 3-4 Casaba Ave. ............... .... ............... .... E 2-4 ................... ............. ...... Celtic Ct. Ct.......................... ...........................D ................ ...........D .............. .............D ..D 1 Celtic St............ St....................... ..............D-F ...D-F 1 Chatsworth Chatsworth St. .............C-F 1-2 Cheyenne St. ......................F ......................F ................... ...F 2 Christine Pl. ........................F ................... .....F 2 ........................F Churchill Ave. ....................D ........... .........D 2 ....................D Citronia St. ......................E-F .................... ..E-F 3 ......................E-F Coraline Cir. .......................E 2 Coraline Coraline Pl. .......... ..................... ........................E ..............E ...E 2 Corbin Ave. ................. ...... .................... ................ .............. .... ... F 1-4 Corisco Corisco St. ................ ..... ..........................E .....................E ..........E 4 County Line Rd. .............. .......... .............. .... A-B 4 Cozycroft Cozycroft Ave. ................D ................D 1-4 Craggy View St. .................C .................C 2 Dale Ct. ...................... ........... ............................ ..................... ................. ....... ...... B 3 De Soto Ave. Ave. ..................D ............ ..................D ......D 1-4 Dearborn St. ...................D ................ ...................D ...D 1-4 Deer Lake Highlands Highland Highlandss ......... .........D D1
Deering Ave............ Ave....................D ........D 2-4 Delco Ave. .............. ...................... ........ E 1-4 Dennis Wy. ................. ........................ ....... B 4 Desplain Pl. .......... ..................... ..............E ...E 2 Devonshire St. .................C-F .................C-F 2 Dina Pl. ..................... ...........................E-F ......E-F 2 Dove Pl. ............................D ............................D 1 Dupont St. .........................C .........................C 3 Ehlers Dr Dr.. ................ ...........................A ...........A 4 Eton Ave. .............. ........................D ..........D 1-4 Farralone Ave. ................C 1-4 Foix Pl. ...............................E 2 Fox Hill Ln. ...................... ........................ .. B 4 Francine Ln. ..................... .......................D ..D 2 Franklin St. ...................... ........................ .. A 4 Frontier Pl. .........................C .........................C 1 Fullbright Ave............ ................. ...... E 1-4 Fullbright Pl.........................E Pl.........................E 1 Gazette ...................D Gazette Ave. ...................D ............. ......D 1-4 Germain St. ....................C-F ....................C-F 2 Gerorgia Wy........... Wy......................A ...........A 4 Gierson Ave. ..................C 3-4 Glade Ave. ................ .....................C ..... ................C .....C 2-4 Gledhill St. .....................C-F .....................C-F 4 Golden Canyon Cir Cir.. ...........C ...........C 1 Grandview Ter. Ter. ................. ................... .. B 4 Grundy Ln. ...................... ........................ .. A 4 Halstead St. ....................C-F ....................C-F 3 Hanna Ave. ....................C ....................C 2-4 Hatillo Ave. ............. ..................... ........ E 3-4 Hawks Hilll Rd.....................E 1 Hazel Ct. .................. ........................... ......... B 4 Healy Tr. ........................ ............................ .... A 4 Heather Lee Ln........... ..................C ........C 1 Heritage Pass Pl. ................C ................C 1 Hiawatha St. ...................C-F ...................C-F 2 Hillview Ave. ...................C ...................C 2-3 Horace St. ......................D-F ......................D-F 2 Horizon Pl..........................C Pl..........................C 1 Hunt Club Ln. .............. .................... ...... B 4 Huston Rd. ...................... ........................ .. A 4 Ida Pl. ............................A-B ............................A-B 4 Independence Ave. .........D 1-4 Irondale Ave. ..................D ..................D 1-4 Itasca St. ..................... ........................ ... B-F 3 Iverson Ln ..........................C ..........................C 1 Iverson Rd. ........... .....................B-C ..........B-C 1 James Alan Cir. ..................C 2
Jeffrey Mark Ct. ..............B-C 2 Johnson Pl. ............... ........................ ......... B 4 Johnell Rd. ...................... ........................ .. A 4 Jordan Ave. ....................C 2-4 Jovita Ave. ................ ...................... ...... E 2-3 Jovita Pl. ................. ............................ ............E .E 3 Jumilla Ave. ............... .................... ..... F 3-4 Kelvin Ave........... Ave...................... ...............D ....D 4 Kentland Ave. .................B .................B 3-4 Keokuk Ave. ................... ................... E 2-4 Kessler Ave. ............... .................... ..... E 2-4 Kickapoo Trl. .....................D .....................D 1 Kingsbury St. ...................C-F ...................C-F 2 Kinzie St. ........................C-F ........................C-F 3 Knapp Rd. ....................... ......................... .. A 4 Knapp St. ....................... ....................... A-F 4 Knapp Wy Wy.. ................ ......................... ......... A 4 La Gross Wy. ............. ..................... ........ B 4 Labrador St. ................. .....................E-F ....E-F 3 Lake Manor Dr Dr.. .............. ................ A-B 4 Lakeview Ter. Ter. ............ .......... B 4 Laker Ct. ...........................D ...........................D 1 Laramie Ave................. Ave.................... ... E 2-4 Laramie Pl. .........................E 2 Larson Wy........... ..................... ............... .... B 4 Larwin Ave. ............... ................. .. B-C 2-3 Lassen St. .................... ....................... ... B-F 3 Laurent St. .........................D .........................D 1 Lemarsh St. .................... .....................D-F .D-F 3 Lemmer St. .....................D-E .....................D-E 3 Lenda Pl. .......... ..................... ..................E .......E 2 Liggett St. .......................C-F .......................C-F 4 Lilac Ln. ............ ....................... .............. ... A-B 2 Limekiln Canyon Rd. ....... ....... F 1-2 Limerick Ave. ..................D ..................D 1-3 Los Alimos St. ..............C-F 1-2 Lubao Ave. .................. ..................... ... E 2-4 ................. .......E 2 Lubao Ave. .........................E Ave. .........................E Lurline Ave. .....................D 1-4 Marilla St. ............. .......................C-F ..........C-F 3 Mason Ave. ................... ..................... E 1-4 Mayall St. .......................C-F .......................C-F 3 Mayan Dr. .........................D .........................D 1 Megan Ave. ............ .......................C ...........C 4 Mendon Pl. ................ .........................E .........E 2 Merridy St. ......................C-F ......................C-F 3 Mesa Dr. Dr. ..................... A-B 2-3 Milwood Ave. .................D 1-3
Minnehaha St. ................C-E ................C-E 2 Mission Cir. .......................C 1 Nashville St. ................... ....................D-F .D-F 1 Needles St. .....................C-F .....................C-F 3 Nevada Ave............ Ave....................C ........C 2-3 Nita Ave. ................. ...........................C ..........C 3 Nordhoff Pl. ................. ........................F .......F 4 Nordhoff St. ....................C-F ....................C-F 4 Northridge Dr. ....................E 2 Northridge Hill Dr. ...............F 2 Northridge Rd. .............E-F .............E-F 1-2 Notre Dame Ave. ............. ............... .. A 4 Oakdale Ave. ................ .................. E 2-4 Oak Leaf Dr. ......................C 4 Oakridge Pl. .................. .................... B 3-4 Oklahoma Ave. ..............D 1-2 Old Depot Plaza Rd. .......D 2-3 Old Ranch Cir ...................C 1 Old Santa Susana Pass Rd.... C 1 Olin Dr Dr.. .................. .............................A ...........A 4 Oso Ave. ................. ........................ ....... E 1-4 Overman Ave. ............. ................ ... E 1-2 Owensmouth Ave............C 1-4 Pacific Oak Dr............ Dr....................C ........C 3 Payeras St. ..........................E 3 Penfield Ave. ............ .............. .................. ....... ...... E 2-4 Plummer St. ............... .................... ..... B-F 4 Porter Ranch Dr. ..................E 1 Prairie St. ........................C-F ........................C-F 4 Pueblo St. ..........................C ..........................C 1 Quackertown Quackertow n Ave. .......... .......... E 3-4 Quartz Ave. ............. ................. .... E-F 3-4 Raymond St. ...................A-B ...................A-B 4 Redmesa Rd.......................C Rd.......................C 1 Remmet Ave. ..................C 1-3 Rinaldii St. ......................C-F ......................C-F 1 Rock Hill Rd. .................... ...................... .. A 4 Rocky Peak Fire Rd. ......... ......... A-B 1 Rollins Rd. ..................... ......................... .... B 4 Romar St. ....................C-F 2-3 Ronald Reagan Freeway Freeway .. A-F 1 Rowell Ave. .............. ........................ .......... A 4 Rudnick Ave. ...................C 3-4 Sagebrush Ave. ..................C ..................C 3 San Jose St. ............... ....................C-F .....C-F 2 Santa Susana Pass Rd. ..... ..... A 1-2 Santina St. ................... ......................... ...... A 4 Saralynn Dr. ............. ....................... .......... A 4
Seguro Dr. ..........................F 1 Septo St. ............. ........................ ............C-F .C-F 3 Shadow Oak Dr. ................C 2 Shadow Valley Cir. .............C 1 Shamrock Pl. ........... ......................E ...........E 2 Shawnee Indian Dr. ............C 1 Shawnee St. St........................C ............ .......................C ............... ...........C ........C 1 Shoup Ave. ................ ..... .....................C ................C .....C 3-4 Sierra Canyon Wy. .............D 1 Sierra Pass Pl. ....................C ....................C 1 Sioux Dr............ Dr....................... .................C ......C 1 Slater Tr. Tr Tr.. .......................... ............... ............................ .................. ............. .......... .. B 4 Smith Rd. ................. ........................... .......... B 44 Sonoma Pl. .............. ........................C ..........C 3 Stafford Ln. .........................E 2 Stagecoach Rd. .......... .................. ........ B 1 Stanwell St. ....................C-D ........... .................... .................. .........C-D .. C-D 2 Stare St........... St...................... .................E-F ......E-F 3 Steven Pl......... Pl.................... ....................F .........F 2 Sun Ranch Ct........... ....................C ..........C 11 Sunburst St. ............ ....................... ............E .E 4 ..................... .......... ..............E ...E Sunnybrae Ave. ............ ............... ... E 1-3 Superior St. .................... .....................D-F .D-F 3 Tau Pl .................................E 2 Thompson Ave. ............A-B ............A-B 3-4 Thompson Ln. ..............A-B ..............A-B 3-4 Tipico St. .......... ..................... ..................E .......E 22 Topanga Canyon Blvd. ....C 1-4 Topanga Canyon Pl. ...........C 3 Trammell Ln. ....................E-F 1 Tribune St. ......................C-F 1 Trigger Tri gger Pl. Pl. .......................... .......................... .................. ........ B 3 ............... ........... Trigger Tri gger St. ................ .......................... .......... B 33 Tuba St. ..........................C-F 2 Tulsa Ln. .............................E 1 Tulsa St. ..........................C-F 1 Valley Circle Blvd. Blvd. ....... ....... A-C 3-4 Variel Ave. Ave. .......... ..................... ............D .D 1-4 Vassar Vass arr Ave............ .....................C ..........C 2-4 2-4 Vassa Ventura Ventur a Wy. Wy. ............. ....................... .......... A 4 Vincennes St. ........... .....................C ..........C 4 Vintage St........... ..................... ............C-F .C-F 3 Webb Rd. ...................... .......................... .... A 4 Weinberg St. ...................C 2-3 Wildwood Pl. .....................C .....................C 1 Willowbrae ..............D Willowbrae Ave. ..............D ....... .......D 1-2 Wing Rd. ........................A-B ................ ........A-B ........................ ....................... . A-B 4 Winnetka Ave. ................ ................ E 1-4
Ads of the decades
Porter Por ter Ran Ranch ch Stre Street et Inde Indexx 44
Ahwanee Ln........... ..................... ............. B 3 Algiers St. .......... ..................... ................D .....D 3 Algleis St. .......... ..................... .............D ..D 3-4 Amalfi Wy. Wy............ ...................... .............. ... A 3 Amigo Ave. Ave........... .....................D ...........D 3-4 3-4 Androwe Ln. .......... ..................... ............. B 2 Ankara Ct. ............... ........................D .........D 3 Apulia Ct........... ..................... ................ ..... A 3 Arco St. .........................D .........................D 3-4 Ash Ln. .......... ..................... .................... ......... B 3 Asuncion St. St............ ...................... ............D .D 3 Autumn Glen Glen Ct................ Ct.................. B 3 Avenida Del Sol .......... ..............C ....C 2-3 Bach Pl. ............. ........................ ................D .....D 3 Baird Ave....... Ave.................. .................D ......D 3-4 Bargello Wy. ............ ...................... .......... B 3 Bathurst St. ........................D ........................D 3 Bear Valley Ln. .............. ................... ..... B 3 Beaufait Ave. ..................D 2-3 Beckford Ave. ....................C ....................C 4 Belmar Ave. .......................C .......................C 4 Bergamo Wy. ................ .................. .. A-B 3 Beringer Pl. ............... ........................ ......... B 3 Bermuda St. ................ ....................A-D ....A-D 4 Bowmore Ave. ...................C ...................C 2 Bowmore Pl. ......................C ......................C 2 Bradner Pl. .......... ..................... ..............C ...C 4 Braemore Pl. ..................... ......................C .C 2 Braemore Rd. ................C-D ................C-D 2 Brasilla Dr. ..................C-D 2-3 Browns Canyon Rd. ......... ......... A 1-4 Brymer Ct. .....................C-D .....................C-D 3 Brymer Ln. .........................D .........................D 3 Brymer St. ......................... ..........................D .D 3 Buckeye Meadow Ln. Ln. ......... B 3 Cabriole Ave. .................D 3-4 Caithness St. ..................... ......................D .D 2 Calle Vista Cir Cir.. .................. ...................D .D 3 Calle Vista Ct....... Ct.................. ..............C ...C 2 Campania Ln. ............. .................... ....... A 3 Canby Ave........... ..................... ..............D ...D 4 Canoga Ave. .................. .................. A-B 4 Capistrano Ln. ...................C ...................C 2 Cararra Ln. .............. ........................ .......... B 3 Casa Ln........... Ln...................... ..................D .......D 3 Castillo Ln. ........................D ........................D 3 Castlebay Ln. .....................C .....................C 2 Castlebay Pl. ..................... ......................C .C 2 Catania Ln...................... Ln......................... ... A 3 Celtic St. ................ .........................A-D .........A-D 4 Celtic Wy. ..........................D 2 Charlton Ln. ......................D ......................D 3 Chatham Ln. ................... ......................D ...D 3 Cheyenne St. .....................C .....................C 4 Chimineas Ave............ Ave................D ....D 3-4
Clearbrook Pl. ................D 3-4 Clearbrook St. ...................D ...................D 3 Colchester Wy. ...................D 3 Como Ln. ................... .......................... ....... A 3 Coorsgold Ln. ........... .................... ......... B 3 Corbin Ave. .................A-B .................A-B 3-4 Cortona Wy. ............ ...................... .......... B 3 Coya Trl. ...................... ........................... ..... A 3 Crebs Ave............ Ave....................... ..............D ...D 4 Crystal Glen Wy. ................C 2 Crystal Hills Dr. ...............B-C 2 Crystal Hills Ln. ............... .................. ... B 2 Crystal Hills Wy. .......... ................. ....... B 2 Crystal Ridge Ln. .............B-C 2 Crystal Ridge Wy. ...............C 2 Crystal Springs Cir. ..........B-C 2 Cumnock Pl. ......................D ......................D 2 Cypress Point Dr. ................C 3 Daisy Pl. ............................D ............................D 3 Darby Ave. .....................D 2-4 Derwent Ave. .....................C .....................C 2 Derwent Pl. ........................C ........................C 2 Des Moines Ave. ................C ................C 4 Donmetz St. ...................... .......................D .D 4 Doral Ave. .................. ......................C ....C 2-3 Doral Pl. ................ ........................... ............C .C 3 Dukas St. ................. ...........................C ..........C 3 Dulcet Ave. ........... ....................D .........D 3-4 Dunclane Ave. ...................C ...................C 2 Dunnicliffee Ct. ............. Dunnicliff ....................D .......D 2 Dunure Pl. .........................C .........................C 2 Dylan Pl. ............ ....................... ................D .....D 3 Dylan St. .......................C-D .......................C-D 3 Eagle Ridge Ln. ...............B-C ...............B-C 2 Eagle Ridge Wy. .......... ................. ....... B 2 Eddleston Dr. ..................D 2-3 Edenberg Ave. ...................D ...................D 3 Elm Pl............ Pl....................... .................... ......... B 3 Entrada Ave. ......................D ......................D 3 Entrada Ct. ....................... ........................D .D 3 Estrada Ln. ........................C ........................C 2 Etiwanda Ave. ....................D ....................D 3 Falcon Crest Ct. ............ ................. ..... B 2 Falcon Crest Ln. .......... ................. ....... B 2 Falcon Crest Wy. ........... ................ ..... B 2 Falcon Ridge Ln. .............B-C 2 Falcon Ridge Wy. Wy. ............... ............... B 2 Fernside Ln. ................ ....................... ....... B 3 Ferrara Ln. ................ ......................... ......... A 3 Fierenze Ln. .................... ....................... ... A 3 Garden Grove Ave..........D Ave..........D 3-4 Ghilberti Wy ............... ...................... ....... B 3 Granada Cir. .............. ................. ... C-D 3 Granger Pl. .......................C .......................C 4 Guildford Ln. .....................D .....................D 3
Hastings Wy. ......................D 3 Hesperia Ave. ....................D ....................D 3 High Glen Wy. ...................C 2 High Mountain Wy. Wy. ............ ............ B 3 High View Rdg. ................. ..................C .C 2 Hollow Springs Dr. Dr. ...... B-C 2-3 Index St. ........................C-D ........................C-D 4 Kenya Pl. ...........................C ...........................C 4 Kenya St. .......................C-D .......................C-D 4 Key West Ave. ....................C ....................C 4 Kilfinan Pl. .........................C .........................C 2 Kilfinan St. ......................B-D ......................B-D 2 Killimore Ave. ................C-D ................C-D 3 Killimore Ct. ......................C ......................C 3 Killoch Pl. ..........................C ..........................C 2 Killoch Wy................. Wy...................... ..... C-D 2 Kinbrace St. .......................C .......................C 2 Kirkcolm Ct. ......................C ......................C 2 Kirkcolm Ln............ Ln....................C-D ........C-D 2 Kristopher Pl. .....................D .....................D 2 La Tierra Ct............ Ct....................... ............D .D 3 Lahey St. ..................... ........................ ... C-D 4 Laughton Wy. .....................D 2 Limekiln Canyon Rd. .......C 1-2 Lindley Ave. .......................D .......................D 4 Lisa Ln .................... ............................... ........... B 2 Lisburn Pl ........................ ...........................D ...D 2 Livorno Wy Wy.. ................. ..................... .... A-B 3 Long Acre Ave....................D Ave....................D 2 Ludlow St. ................. ...................... ..... C-D 4 Lugano Wy. Wy. ....................... ....................... A 3 Lyster Ave. .........................D .........................D 3 Madera Bay Ln. ................ .................. B 3 Mariposa Bay Ln. ...............C ...............C 3 Mariposa Creek Wy............ B 3 Mariposa Pines Wy. Wy. ............ ............ B 3 Mason Ave. .................A-B .................A-B 3-4 Mason St. .......................A .......................A 1-2 Memo Ct. .............. ......................... ............D .D 3 Merion Dr. .........................C 3 Mid Pines Ln. .................... ...................... B 3 Modena Ln. .................. ....................... ..... A 3 Montalcino Wy............ .................. ....... A 3 Monte Leon Wy. ..............C 2-3 Mopena Wy. ............... ...................... ....... A 3 Muirkirk Dr.........................C 2 Nashville St.....................A-C St.....................A-C 4 Nau Ave............ ...................... ............. C-D 3 Nestle Ave. ........................D ........................D 4 Oak Hill Wy Wy.. ............. ...................... ......... B 3 Oak Springs Ln. ................ .................C .C 2 Oakford Ln. ............ ....................... ........... B 3 Oakhurst Wy........... ..................... ........... B 3 Oakville Ct. .............. ....................... ......... B 3 Olympia St. .......................C .......................C 4
Owl Creek Wy. ............. .................. ..... B 3 Paisley Ct. ..........................D 2 Pala Mesa Dr. ....................C 3 Pala Mesa Pl. .............. .....................C .......C 3 Pauma Valley Dr. ................C 3 Pebble Beach Pl. ................C ................C 3 Pesaro Wy.............. ......... A-B 4 Pienza Ln. ..................... ....................... .. A-B 3 Pine Valley Ave. ...............B-C 3 Pine Valley Pl......................C 3 Pine Valley Wy. ................B-C 2 Porter Ranch Dr. ............ .............. .. B 2-4 Porter Valley Dr. ...............C 2-4 Preston Trails Ave. ...........C 2-3 Quail Creek Pl. ............. ..................C .....C 3 Quail Creek Rd........... .................C .......C 3 Quincy Wy............ ....................... .............. B 2 Raleigh Ct. ................... ........................ ..... B 2 Rathburn Ave. ....................D ....................D 4 Ravenna Ln. .............. ....................... ......... A 4 Reseda Blvd. ...................D 2-4 Rinaldi Pl. .......................D .......................D 3-4 Rinaldi St. ................. ................... .. A-D 3-4 Rolkel Pl. ...........................D ...........................D 4 Ronald Reagan Freeway.. A-D 3-4 Roxburgh Pl. ......................D ......................D 2 Salerno Wy. .................. ....................... ..... A 4 Salt Lake Ave. ....................C ....................C 4 Salt Lake Pl. ...................C-D ...................C-D 4 San Fernando Mission Blvd... C-D 4 Sandringham Ct............ Ct.................D .....D 3 Santa Rosa Dr. ............ ................... ....... B 3 Santini Ln. .........................A .........................A 3 Sardinia Wy. ................. ...................... ..... A 3 Sassari Ln. ...................... ......................... ... A 3 Selene Ct.................... Ct........................... ....... B 3 Seminole Cir. .....................C 3 Seminole Pl........................C Pl........................C 3 Sesnson Blvd........... Blvd............... .... A-D 1-2 Shadow Glen Cir.............B-C 2 Shadow Glen Ln. ...............C ...............C 2 Shadow Ridge Ln. ..............C ..............C 2 Shadow Ridge Wy. .............C 2 Shadow Springs Wy. ...........C 2 Shady Hollow Ct. ...............C ...............C 2 Shady Hollow Ln. ...............C ...............C 2 Shady Springs Ct........... ...............C .....C 2 Sheffield Ln. .......................D .......................D 3 Sheffield Wy. ......................D 3 Sierra Ln. .................. ...........................C .........C 2 Sierra Meadows Ln........... ............ .. B 3 Sierra Morena Ct. ..............D ..............D 3 Sinclair Ave........... ..................... .............D ..D 3 Sinclair Pl. .........................D .........................D 3 Singing Hills Dr. .................C 3
Sorrento Ln. ....................A-B ....................A-B 3 Springfield Ave. ..................C ..................C 4 Spy Glass Dr. .....................C 3 Stewarton Dr. ..............C-D 2-3 Stone Gate Wy Wy.. ........... .................. ....... B 2 Stonehaven Ct. ..................D ..................D 2 Sylvia Ave. .........................C .........................C 4 Tampa Ave. ................ ................ B-C 2-4 Teramo Wy. Wy. ...................... . A 3 Thunderbird Ave. ............C 2-3 Topeka Dr. .........................C 4 Torino Wy. ............. ............ A 4 Trapani Ln. ........................ ........................ A 3 Trentino Ln. ............... ........................ ......... A 3 Tribune St. ......................A-D 4 Trieste Ln. .......................... .......................... A 3 Tulsa St. ..........................A-D 4 Turtle Ridge Ln. ..................C 2 Turtle Ridge Pl. ...................C 2 Turtle Ridge Wy. .................C 2 Turtle Springs Ct. ................C 2 Turtle Springs Ln. .............B .............B 2-3 Turtle Springs Wy. ............B-C 2 Twin Hills Ave. ....................C 3 Twin Hills Pl........... Pl...................... .............C ..C 3 Vanalden Vanalde n Ave. .............. ...................C .....C 4 Venezia Venez ia Wy. Wy. .......... ..................... ............. .. A 3 Vercellili Wy. Vercel Wy. ........... .....................A ..........A 3-4 Verde Ln. ........... ...................... ................ ..... A 3 Via Botticelli Botticelli .......... ....................B ..........B 1-2 Via Cellini.......................A-B .......................A-B 2 N. Via Donatello ............. ............. B 1-2 Via Donatello.......... Donatello..................... ........... B 2 Via Galileo........... .....................A-B ..........A-B 2 Via Madrigal........... ...................... ........... B 2 Via Mantua........... Mantua...................... ............. .. B 1 Via Medici ........... ......................A-B ...........A-B 2 Via Palladino Palladino .............. .................. .... B 1-2 Via Sansovino Sansovino ........... ................. ...... A-B 2 Via Urbino........... ...................... .............. ... B 1 Viking Ave. ........... .................C-D ......C-D 3-4 Vineland Ct. ........... ...................... ........... B 3 .................... ......... B 3 Vintage Pl. ..... Pl. ................ Vista Grande Grande Wy. Wy. .......... ...............C .....C 2 Wilbur Ave............ Ave......................C ..........C 2-4 Winged Foot Cir. .............C 2-3 Winged Foot Wy............ Wy.............. .. B 2-3 Wistfull Vista Wy........... Wistfu ................. ....... B 3 Woodmont Dr. ...................C 3 Wynfreed Wynfree d Ln. ..................... ..................... B 2 Wyston Ave. .................... .......................C ...C 4 Yew Ct. ............ ....................... .................. ....... B 2 Yolanda Ave. ..............C-D 3-4 Yosemite Cir............. .......... B 3
Category Page Index
Chatsworth / Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce Member Directory Our local businesses help our communities thrive. Please support them. When you need a product or service, look to our extensive membership first. To make it easier to find what you are looking for, for, we’ve listed each member by business category and in alphabetical order order..
Accounting & Tax Services.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 46 Janitorial Services........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 53 ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................53 ......53 Advertising & Marketing........... ...................... ...................... ...................... .....................46-47 ..........46-47 Jewelry ........... Art Galleries ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................47 .........47 Legal Services .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ..................53 .......53 Auto Dealership Dealership ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............47 ....47 Locksmith ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 53 Manufacturors ors & Wholesalers............................... ........................................... ..............53-55 ..53-55 Automotivee Repairs .......... Automotiv ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................47 ...........47 Manufactur Banking & Finance............................. ........................................ ...................... ...................... ...............47 ....47 Medical Services .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............55 ....55 Beauty Salons & Spas .........................................................47-48 Mortuary .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............55 ....55 Bowling .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... .................48 .....48 Moving, Transportation & Storage .......................................55-56 Community Patron ............ ............. .............. ............. ............. . 48 Networking Clubs .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 56 Computer Services ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................48 ...........48 Non-Profit ..........................................................................56-57 ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ...................57 .......57 Concierge Services........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................48 ...........48 Notary.......... Consulting Services .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................48 ...........48 Office Supplies & Services............ ....................... ...................... ...................... ......................57 ...........57 Cosmetics & Beauty.... Beauty............... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... .................48 .....48 Pest Control .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................57 ...........57 ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............57 ....57 Country Clubs... Clubs.............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............48 ....48 Pet Care ........... Credit Card Process Processing ing .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ....................... .................48 .....48 Pharmacy ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 57 Dental Care.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................49 ...........49 Photography & Videography .............................. ......................................... ......................57 ...........57 Publishing g Services ......................... .................................... ...................... ...............57 ....57 Dry Cleaners........... Cleaners...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................49 .........49 Printing & Publishin Education ..........................................................................49-50 Psychic Readers.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................57 ......57 Electronics .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 50 Real Estate .........................................................................57-58 ................................. ...................... ....................... ...................58 .......58 Employmentt Services .......... Employmen ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................50 .........50 Real Estate Financing...................... Entertainment.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................50 .........50 Religious Organizations ......................................................58-59 Financial Services........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 50 Restauran Restaurantt Supplies .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................59 ...........59 Florists........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................50 .......50 Restaurants ........................................................................59-60 Food & Beverage............................... .......................................... ...................... ...................... ...............50 ....50 Retail.......... ...................... ....................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................60 .........60 Framing Services .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............50 ....50 Safety & Security........... Security...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............60 ....60 ........................ ....................... ....................... .......................60 ...........60 Furniture........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............50 ....50 Sanitation & Waste Disposal ............ Genealogy ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................51 ...........51 Senior Care ............ ....................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................60 .........60 Graphic Designer.... Designer............... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................51 .........51 Senior Living ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................60 .........60 ........................................ ...................... ....................... ...................60 .......60 Health & Wellnes Wellnesss .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 51 Signs & Banners............................. Home Improvement ...........................................................51-52 Sports & Fitness ..................................................................60-61 Human Resource Resourcess .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 52 Tra Travel vel & Lodging .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............61 ....61 Services........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ..................61 .......61 Hypnotherapy ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................52 .......52 Valet Services Indoor Playgrounds .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................52 ...........52 Websit Websitee Design .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................61 ......61 Insurance Services.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 52 Writing & Editing .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............61 ....61
1914 On April 20, 14 prominent members of the Chatsworth community established the Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce, the valley’s first chamber of commerce. The first elected officers of this newly formed body were President N.C. Johnson, Vice President W.H. W.H. Mathews, Secretary J. Villegas and Treasurer C.W. C.W. Johnson. Many of its early meetings were held in the old Pioneer Church (Chatsworth Community Church).
Christine L. Alvarez, CPA CP A – A Professional Corporation
AA Accounting Services
Christi Alvarez 16440 Septo St. North Hills CA 91343 T: 818-807-4816 cpa@calvarezcpa.com calvarezcpa.com
Arlene Dempsey Dempsey 10727 White Oak Ave. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-923-5770 adempsey@accountantsporterranch.com accountantsporterranch.com
David Scully CPA
Bowen & Elam Accounting Office
David Scully 21601 Devonshire St., #320 Fred Bowen Chatsworth Ca 91311 9310 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #210 T: 818-576-1500 Chatsworth CA 91311 davidscully@socal.rr.com T: 818-998-8484 Irwin Zigmond, CPA fred.bowen@sbcglobal.net Irwin Zigmond Breard & Associates Inc. 21515 Vanowen St. #225 Vince Alvarez Alvarez Canoga Park CA 91303 9221 Corbin Ave., Ste. 170 T: 818-704-7900 Northridge CA 91324 irwin@irwinzigmondcpa.com T: 818-886-0940 Mark S. Freedman, valvarez@baicpa.com CPA, Inc. baicpa.com Mark Freedman
Casino Bookkeeping Services Maria Casino 21049 Devonshire St., Ste. 211 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-0497 maria@casinobookkeeping.us casinobookkeeping.us
9243 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-341-6115 mark@msf-cpa.com
McNutt & Taylor, CPAs Michael Taylor 6355 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #200 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-883-3200 mwtcpa@sbcglobal.net
Ronald M. Schulkin CPA APC Ronald Schulkin 20953 Devonshire St., #8 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1322 ronms@pacbell.net accountant-city.com/ronms
Takata & Marzalek Inc. April Gordon 20300 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 160 Woodland Hills CA 91364 T: 818-703-1040 april@besttax.com besttax.com
Thornton & Fathy, LLP Larry Thornton 150 S. Los Robles Ave., Ste. 650 Pasadena CA 91101 T: 626-568-8600 tgplarryt@aol.com tfc-accounting.com
Advertising & Marketing Affective Living Davina Fernholtz 19360 Rinaldi St., #618 Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-900-4558 davina@affectiveliving.com affectiveliving.com
Bearsworth Communications, Inc. Michael Turner 9800-D Topanga Cyn. Blvd. #357 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-2678 bearsworth@earthlink.net bearsworth.com
Daily Sundial – CSUN Northridge Melissa Lalum 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge CA 91330-8258 T: 818-677-2243 melissa.lalum@csun.edu dailysundial.com
hibu Ross Hartmann 18881 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 1000 Irvine CA 92612 T: 818-590-2072 ross.hartmann@hibu.com hibu.com
Innovative Promotions
Send Out Cards
Al Alvarez 21732 Devonshire St., Ste. 1001 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8950 al@innovativepromotions.com innovativepromotions.com
Jodi Hennessy T: 213-446-9904 totallyawesomecards@gmail.com totallyawesomecards.com
J & C Marketing Solutions
Tom Kelly 996 Flower Glen St. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-306-3560 tkelly@smcorp.com smcorp.com
Jerry Rodriguez 10443 Larwin Ave., #4 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-441-9108 jerry@jcmarketingsolutions.com jcmarketingsolutions.com
Los Angeles Daily News Leonora Darcel 21860 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 200 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-713-3398 leonora.darcel@dailynews.com dailynews.com
Patch.com 331 N. Maple Dr. Beverly Hills CA 90210 T: 310-621-3814 davidp@patch.com chatsworth.patch.com
Specialty Merchandise Corp.
Suddenly65.com Max Izenberg 18375 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 401 Tarzana CA 91356 T: 818-606-4826 info@suddenly65.com suddenly65.com
The Follow Up Doctor Dr. Kaaren Douglas 107 N. Reino Rd., #181 Newbury Park CA 91320 T: 805-273-1561 drkaaren@thefollowupdoctor.com thefollowupdoctor.com
On March 20 residents voted to become part of the City of Los Angeles. Because Chatsworth and many Valley towns were not part of the City of Los Angeles their water fees were higher. To access this water system at a reasonable cost, Valley residents voted to join the City of Los Angeles on March 20. The water not only enabled Valley farmers to irrigate existing crops, it also expanded its variety of crop options to include beets, lima beans, lemons, walnuts, grapes and tomatoes.
In May, the Chatsworth Chamber voted 12 to 4 not to allow women as members and 11 to 5 not to admit women as honorary members. Women, through through their husbands, continued to press for membership. Grace Hageman Armstrong finally gave up and started the Chatsworth Women’s Women’s Club in 1921. This is one of the oldest continuing clubs in the valley.
47 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEG CATEGORY ORY Advertising & Marketing (Continued) Valpak of Los Angeles Brian Katz 100 Corporate Pt. Culver City CA 90230 T: 818-687-1664 brian_katz@valpak.com valpak.com
Art Galleries Althea Gallats Collection Althea Gallat Gallat P.O. Box 5081 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-886-6736 art@altheagallat.com altheagallat.com
Automotive Repairs Sharp Auto Painting Galpin Motors Tony DeMaio 15505 Roscoe Blvd. North Hills CA 91343 T: 818-233-5357 tdemaio@galpin.com galpinmotors.com
Hamer Toyota Cherrill Faruzzi 11041 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345 T: 818-979-4718 cherrill@hamertoyota.com hamertoyota.com
Mission Hills Hyundai
Auto Dealership Ario Auto T.J. 11216 1/2 Burbank Blvd. North Hollywood CA 91601 T: 818-643-1390 arioauto.com
Cherie Watters 10240 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills CA 91345 T: 818-221-4000 cwatters@mhhyundai.com mhhyundai.com
Andre’s Automotive Andre Moradian 21800 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-1886 andresautomotive44@yahoo.com
Chatsworth Auto Upholstery Javier Perez 21300 Devonshire St., Unit #17 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-5161 chatsworthautoupholstery@hotmail.com chatsworthautoupholstery.com
Monaco Motors, Inc. Wade Lennan 21311 Vanowen St. Ste., #118 Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-704-1836 service@monacomotors.com monacomotors.com
Premier Collision Center Steve Zolian 8612 Darby Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-349-1800 premiercollctr@yahoo.com
& Collision
Kinecta Federal Credit Union
Brij Thapar 18206 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-700-1011 sharpap@yahoo.com sharpautopainting.com
Jamie Johnson 21722 Devonshire St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 310-225-4341 jjohnson3@kinecta.org kinecta.org
Banking & Finance
Matadors Community Credit Union
Wells Fargo Bank Anna Simonyan Simonyan 19767 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-832-8040 ivan.a.rodriguez@wellsfargo.com wellsfargo.com
Wells Fargo Bank – Balboa Blvd. Mercedes Garcia 10225 Balboa Blvd. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-734-5055 mercedes.garcia@wellsfargo.com wellsfargo.com
Marnie Nemcoff 20045 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-993-6328 marnie@matadors.org matadors.org
Mission Valley Bank
Bank of the West Jessica Palomino 20516 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-742-5431 jessica.palomino@bankofwest.com bankofthewest.com
Armida Colenares-Stafford, Colenares-Stafford, Lola Forbis 9116 Sunland Blvd. Sun Valley 9 1352 T: 818-394-2376 acolmenares-stafford@missionvalleybank.com missionvalleybank.com
Gilbert Romero 8812 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-349-8914 gilbert.romero@wellsfargo.com wellsfargo.com
Citibank Chatsworth
Premier America
Beauty Salons & Spas
Bank Of America Lisa Lobue 21001 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-317-6795
Janice Musgrove 20520 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-7882 janice.c.musgrove@citi.com citibank.com
1916 Chatsworth Park Elementary School was dedicated in April with a new building on the existing site.
1916-1918 During World War I, Chatsworth citizens organized and took turns watching the sky for enemy planes.
Karen Thompson 9301 Winnetka Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-4063 karen.thompson@premier.org premier.org
Wells Fargo Bank Northridge
Bambu Body Works Michael Curry 10020 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-339-4172
Ultimate Hair Design By Carey
Rebecca Rotter 10324 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1422 rebecca@cosmeticcreationsspa.com cosmeticcreationsspa.com
Carey Wendler Beauty Gallery 10324 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-266-7664 careywendler@yahoo.com ulimatehairdesignbycarey.com
Antropy Inc
Naya Fresh Body Spa Erik Pampalone 21800 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-8888 info@nayafresh.com nayafresh.com
Stylish Hair Studio Hratch Ohanessian 17646 Lassen St., #3 Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-626-9309 stylishhairstudio@gmail.com stylishhairstudio.com
The Right Touch Tephanie Doubi 10315 Woodley Ave., Ste. 120 Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-561-6098 righttouch4you@aol.com the-right-touch.massagetherapy.com
Harley’s Simi Bowl Tony Mendola 480 E. Los Angeles Ave. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-526-4212 tony@harleysbowl.com harelybowl.com
Community Patron Debbie Imlay T: 818-882-2513 dimlay@gmail.com
Jerre Reimers T: 818-395-2875 gtxjerre@hotmail.com
Matt Weintraub T: 818-773-9314 mdw3006@gmail.com
Computer Services Jody Marc Cohn 10535 Jordan Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-648-6597 jody@antropyinc.com antropyinc.com Ron Ginther 9737 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-350-5070 ron.ginther@chatsworthdata.com chatsworthdata.com
The Computer Doctor Martin Carman 7657 Winnetka Ave., #130 Canoga Park CA 91306 T: 818-710-0647 info@synapticsystems.biz synapticsystems.biz
The MSM Technology Group Mitchell Marcus 21356 Nordhoff St., #106 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8987 mitchell@msmcg.com/marciamsmcg.com msmcg.com
WE Consult IT Will Effertz 20555 Devonshire St., Ste. #342 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-319-2434 will@weconsultit.net weconsultit.net
Y-ideas – Transworld Systems Licia Angino 5240 W. 111th St. Los Angeles CA 90045 T: 310-466-3979 aicil@aicil.net
Concierge Services Cosmetics & Beauty Everything Errands L.A. Lisa Aranoff 17328 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 107 Encino CA 91316 T: 818-809-8384 lisa@everythingerrandsla.com everythingerrandsla.com
Consulting Services Eric Lofholm International Brian Grossman T: 818-939-9426 drbrian@drbriangrossman.com drbriangrossman.com
The Goldhill Group Larry Stein T: 818-800-3287 larry@thegoldhillgroup.com thegoldhillgroup.com
Earthly Body Beauty Center Kevin Wachs 19300 Rinaldi St. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-366-5545 earthlynorth@hotmail.com earthlybody.com
Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. Sue Akin T: 818-606-4638 sueakin@marykay.com marykay.com/sueakin
Rodan + Fields Dermatologists Lori Dolezal P.O. Box Bo x 673 West Hills, CA 91307-3218 T: 1-888-422-1071 hothollywoodskin@yahoo.com hothollywoodskin.myrandf.com
Country Clubs Porter Valley Country Club Erik Keyser 19216 Singing Hills Dr. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-360-1071 gene.miller@ourclub.com clubcorp.com/Clubs/Porter-Valley-Country-Club
Credit Card Processing North American Bancard Christy Schwartz 3329 Coastal Oak Dr. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-231-0498 christy.schwartz@nabancard.com namancard.com
Ultimate Payment Solutions Cesar Ochoa 19420 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-462-6759 cesaro@ultimatepaymentsolutions.com ultimatepaymentsolutions.com
Iverson Movie Ranch in Chatsworth, CA became a hot spot for filming location sites in movies, throughout the 20th Century Century..
Chatsworth Chamber meetings were held at Chatsworth Park Elementary.
1920 Twin Lakes Park was a development in the hills above the northwest San Fernando Valley that was known for its Mayan and Aztec-style architecture and its two lakes, created by damming
1924 Chamber Dues were $1.00. Mr. H.J. Breeze was President. President.
49 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY Dental Care Aesthetic Smile Designs Mardie & Maureen 20933 Devonshire St., Ste. 103 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1345 powerofthesmile@sbcglobal.net drberniedental.com
Bright Now! Dental
Edward E. Dove DDS. PC Eddie Dove 20523 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-0911 1pediatricdent@sbcglobal.net
Northridge Dental Office and Orthodontics Kathryn Novales 18519 Devonshire St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-831-9990 northridgebc@pacden.com northridgedentaloffice.com
Leeshane McCutcheon 18121 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-491-0056 leeshane.mccutcheon@smilebrands.com Simi Childrens Dental brightnow.com
Chatsworth Cosmetic Dental Care James Pasternak 21000 Devonshire St., #209 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1851 drjpasternak@aol.com chatsworthsedationdentist.com
Group-Pediatric Dentistry Group-Pediatric & Orthodontics Nina Mandelman, D.D.S. 1755 Erringer Rd., #20 Simi Valley, Valley, CA 93065 T: 805-522-2164 om.simi@spaceshipdentist.com simichildrensdentalgroup.com
Chatsworth Dental Group
Dry Cleaners
Dr. Vikram Mishra 21800 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1200 docpat555@hotmail chatsworthdental.com
Fazio Cleaners Susan Chicas 20516 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-5705 sales@faziocleaners.com faziocleaners.com
Education Beckford Elementary PTA Renee Russin 19130 Tulsa St. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-360-1924 deb.e.lopez@gmail.com beckfordelementary.com
Castlebay Lane Elementary – P.A.T.H. (Parents And Teachers Helping) Marie Pitrat 19010 Castlebay Ln. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-360-1908 president@castlebaylane.com castlebaylane.com
Chaminade College Preparatory Patricia Fernandez 19800 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-360-0615 pfernandez@chaminade.org chaminade.org
Chatsworth High School Tim Guy 10027 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-678-3400 tguy@chatsworthhs.org chatsworths.org
Chatsworth Hills Academy Nancy Salyers 21523 Rinaldi St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-4037 nancy.salyers@chaschool.org chaschool.org
Darby Avenue Elementary Sheila Foster 10818 Darby Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-360-1824 president@darbypta.com darbypta.com
Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center Lorell Butterworth 21203 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-2821 devonshirepreschool@ymail.com devonshirepreschool.com
Educational Development Educational Outreach Center Scott Pauker 23758 Del Cerro Cir. West Hills CA 91304 T: 818-961-4224 sdpauker@edocnow.org edocnow.org
1927 In December, West Valley Chambers of Commerce was formed by four West Valley Chambers: Chatsworth, Canoga Park, Northridge, and Reseda. Between 1928 and 1972, eight other local Chambers would join.
1928 On July 27, it was reported that the Chatsworth Chamber was taking action to
Egremont School Tina Struve 19850 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-363-7803 tstruve@egremont.org egremont.org
Monarch Christian School Mandy Diaz 22280 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-671-7498 mcs@monarchchristianschool.org monarchchristianschool.org
Nobel Middle School PTA Kelly Mattinson 9950 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-773-4700 nobelptsa@gmail.com nobelmiddleschool.us
Our Community School Mr. Jude Stabiler 10045 Jumilla Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-920-5285 jude.s@ourcommunityschool.org ourcommunityschool.org
Phillips Graduate Institute Teresa Moore 19900 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-654-1753 froberts@pgi.edu pgi.edu
Porter Ranch Community School Mindy Park 12450 Mason Ave. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-709-7100 mindy.park@lausd.net porterranchcommunityschool.org
Sierra Canyon School & Day Camp Adam Horowitz Horowitz 11052 Independence Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8121 ahorwitz@sierracanyonschool.org sierracanyon.pvt.k12.ca.us
St. John Eudes School Barbara Danowitz 9925 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1454 bdanowitz@school.stjohneudes.org school.stjohneudes.org
Sarah Megow 9756 Oso Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-1410 smegow@gmail.com superior.org
Personnel Plus
Archer Weiss and America’s IRA Centers
Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc.
Brad Schlain 21243 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 201 Woodland Hills CA 91364 T: 818-205-3479 brad@archerweiss.com archerweiss.com
Lance Aylor 135 W. Magnolia Blvd., Ste. 300-F Burbank, CA 91502 T: 818-298-3112 lance.aylor@tfacconect.com
Edward Jones Investments
Patrick Hart 22200 Chatsworth St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-3604 agentpdh2@worldnet.att.net bigoaktheatre.com
Mark Fishlowitz 9913 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-5974 m.fishlowitz@edwardjones.com edwardjones.com
Sigrid Genuneit 21727 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2753 chatflor@yahoo.com chatsworthflorist.com
Press Productions
Hamilton Financial & Insurance Services
Pearl Franz 17050 Chatsworth St., #205 Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-368-8218 pearl@cme4job.com cme4job.com
JP Claude, Inc.
Avenue Act 1
Sandra Claude 9420 Lurline Ave., Unit C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-9100 sandra@bcs.tv broadcaststore.com
Employment Services Build WorkSource Center Leonel E. Fuentes 9207 Eton Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-9800 lfuentes@buildonestop.com buildworksource.com
Randy Scott 9430 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #103 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-9570x1226 randy.scott@pathpoint.org pathpoint.org
Michael Press 12036 River Grove Ct. Moorpark CA 93021 T: 805-222-5752 pressproductions@sbcglobal.net pressproductionsdjs.com
Financial Services Alliance Financial Group Randall Sanada, Sr. 3390 Auto Mall Dr. Westlake Village CA 91362 T: 818-341-8701 rsanada@allianceadvisory.com allianceadvisory.com
Emily Hamilton 20070 Hiawatha St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-368-1884 eham2468@yahoo.com barryhamiltonfinancial.com
Primerica Financial Services Darcy Newman 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Ste. 195 Burbank CA 91502 T: 818-567-2325 darcypfs@att.net
Chatsworth Florist
Food & Beverage Cicek’s Chicken Arlet Cicek 10317 Mason Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-709-7098 arletcicek@hotmail.com
Culinary Par Excellence Rossana Radden 21340 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 310-384-9887 info@culinaryparexcellence.com culinaryparexcellence.com
Delicious Bakery, Inc. Jan Campos 9147 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-349-5700 deliciousbakery@sbcglobal.net delicious-bakery.com
Dream Dinners Romy Lampert 11852 3/4 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-368-8106 knollwoodplazaca@dreamdinners.com dreamdinners.com/knollwoodplazaca
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Esti Klaiman 9201 Winnetka Ave., Unit E Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-8128 chatsworth@menchies.com menchies.com
Whole Foods Market Ashley Johnson Johnson 19340 Rinaldi St. Northridge CA 91340 T: 818-363-3933 ashleye.johnson@wholefoods.com wholefoodsmarket.com/storesbeta/porterranch
Framing Ser Services vices Striving Artists Boris Smorodinsky 21723 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8666 Info@strivingartists.com strivingartists.com
Furniture Beds Unlimited Lucie Volotzky 6949 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Canoga Park CA 91303-2356 T: 818-702-9999 bedsunlimited@yahoo.com bedsunlimited.net
Habitat For Humanity ReStore Sherijo Damico 9606 De Soto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-884-8808 sdamico@humanityca.org HumanityCA.org/ReStore
Stoney Point became popular with early Sierra Club members. This attention brought early pioneering rock climbers who learned to climb at Stoney Point.
Long Beach earthquake damaged the 1916 Chatsworth Elementary School building.
On May 7 the S an Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce was formed.
Chatsworth Chamber meetings were held at the White Oak Hall at the Chatsworth Community Church. J.P. Cutler served serve d as president from
New Chatsworth Park Elementary School
51 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEG CATEGORY ORY Genealogy San Fernando Valley Genealogical Society Carma-Lu Thompson P.O. Box 3486 Winnetka CA 91396-3486 T: 818-718-1866 clu5536@yahoo.com rootsweb.ancestry.com/~casfvgs
Jennifer Babcock Design
Take Shape For Life
Jennifer Babcock T: 818-222-7576 jennifer@jenniferbabcockdesign.com jenniferbabcockdesign.com
Marcy Cowan Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-642-9948 igothealth@aol.com igothealth.tsfl.com
Robi-Chex Design + Production
Judy Robitschek Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-399-3137 Gates to the Past Genealogy judy@robi-chexdesign.com Kathy Holland robi-chexdesign.com 10338 Lindley Ave., #338 Northridge CA 91306 Health & Wellness T: 818-360-0425 Dody Jordahl — gatestothepast@gmail.com
Certified Health Coach
Graphic Design 21-13 Impact Graphics Jan Miller 14622 Ventura Blvd. #777 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 T: 818-981-2113 jmiller@21-13impactgraphics.com 21-13impactgraphics.com
Anat.Art Graphic Design Anat Hartenstein Hartenstein Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-5405 anat.art@sbcglobal.net anatartdesign.com
Dody Jordahl West Hills CA 91304 T: 805-208-7374 dedj@att.net dodydown4health.tsfl.com/explore
Melaleuca The Wellness Company Nikki Soucy Santa Clarita, CA 91350 T: 661-904-4854 nik4nt@gmail.com incomeforwellness.com
Home Improvement Air Conditioning Unlimited, Inc. David Hadaway 18017 Chatsworth St., Unit 291 Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-993-8713 dacu9@aol.com acunlimitedinc.com
Belfor Property Restoration Jeanie La Croix 27 W. Easy St., Ste. 403 Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 818-882-7620 jeanie.lacroix@us.belfor.com belforusa.com
Castle Carpet Inc. Dick Styke 21620 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2224 castlecarpet@aol.com
Cruz Construction & Landscape, Inc. Jose Cruz 18842 Devonshire St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-217-4881 cruzconstruction@hotmail.com cruz-construction.com
Curry Bros. Patricia Tylka 10020 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1418 patricia@currybros.com currybros.com
Cyron Lighting Inc. Al Javadi 21029 Itasca St., Unit C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-1900 sales@cyron.com cyron.com
Del Renno & Sons Plumbing, Inc. Michael Renno P.O.Box 4416 Chatsworth CA 91311-4416 T: 818-341-4832 delrennoplumbing@sbcglobal.net delrennoplumbing.com
1937 Chatsworth Park Elementary School auditorium was built.
1939 Native Daughters of the Golden West placed a tiled monument marker along the stage coach trail at the portion known as Devils Slide commemorating its use from 1861-1890.
DJAM Construction
John’s Plumbing Inc.
Sam Djam 11241 Balcom Ave. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-349-3526 sam@djamconstruction.com djamconstruction.com
John Issio 7851 Alabama Ave., #15 Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-887-0915 johnsplumbinginc@gmail.com johnsplumbingandrooter.com
Finmark Floor Covering
Kara Window Coverings Inc.
John Finmark 19601 Parthenia St. Northidge CA 91324 T: 818-885-6466 jon@finmarkfloors.com finmarkfloors.com
Fresh Air Systems
Sam Karaguezian 7045 Canoga Ave. Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-992-5002 sam@kwcovering.com kwcovering.com
Lynch Plumbing
Dennis & Dale Wageman 21125 Chatsworth St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-1233 freshairsyst@aol.com freshairfast.com
Amanda Lynch Lynch 21356 Nordhoff St., Ste. 111 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-9514 lynchplumbing@gmail.com
JB Wholesale Roof Building Supply
Norman Mori 21333 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-3232
Steve Cook P.O. Box 5 289 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-0440 jbroofing@earthlink.com jbroofing.com
MEL-O-DEE Garden Center
Mike’s Roofing & Building Corp.
Leslie Mendez 16046 Blythe St. Van Nuys Nuys CA 91406 91406 T: 818-780-8820 info@mikesbuilding.com mikesroofing.com
MEMBER MEM BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY 52 RLB Handyman Services Rob Boles 8552 Nestle Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-456-8852 rlboles@socal.rr.com
Servpro of Chatsworth Sabrina Lewis 12847 Arroyo St. Sylmar CA 91342 T: 818-709-6090 servpro2720@servproburbank.com servprochatsworth.com
Shapiro and Sons Plumbing Inc. Keith Shapiro 561 Roosevelt Ct. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 818-968-9511 shapiroandsons@mac.com
Sid’s Electric Steve Dorfman 8524 De Soto Ave., #52 Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-606-4924 steve@sidselectric.net sidselectric.net
Solar Universe Fred Humbert 9424 Eton Ave., Unit G Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 800-967-6527 fhumbert@solaruniverse.com solaruniverse.com
The Sherwin-Willia Sherwin-Williams ms Paint Company Lance Yee 10230 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-1651 sw8670@sherwin.com sherwin-williams.com
VPC Custom Shutters Hector M. Castrejon 18661 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-668-3104 hector@vpccustomshutters.com vpccustomshutters.com
Human Resources Champion Employer Services Tom Eli as 9574 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-678-6400 tom@championhr.com championhr.com
Insperity – SFV
Vera M. Levoff, C.HT.
Certified Clinical Connie Pantin 2029 Century Park East, Ste. 1160 Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master Century City CA 90067 Vera Levoff Levoff T: 818-857-6569 T: 818-850-0304 connie.pantin@insperity.com vera@hypnolifechange.com insperity.com/conniepantin hypnolifechange.com Sound HR Solutions, Inc. Robyn Cottier 19360 Rinaldi St., Ste. 367 Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-428-4637 robyn@soundhr.com soundhr.com
TPC Enterprises – The People Component Mona Strehler 9909 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #223 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-1284 mstrehler@socal.rr.com
Hypnotherapy Mary Sargent, Certified Hypnotherapist Mary Sargent 18607 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 310 Tarzana CA 91356 T: 213-760-5839 mesgt@ca.rr.com
Gaspar Insurance Services Max Haghighi 5900 Canoga Ave., Ste. 110 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-302-3060 Ext. 130 max.haghighi@gasparinsurance.com gasparinsurance.com
Indoor Pla Playgrounds ygrounds We Rock The Spectrum Northridge Paulette Maxwell 19520 Nordhoff St. #18 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-341-3818 bartoneluv@aol.com werockthespectrumnorthridge.com
New York Life Insurance Company Hasan Hoke 6320 Canoga Ave., Ste. 900 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-587-3196 hokeh@ft.newyorklife.com facebook.com/hasanhokenylife
Paratus Insurance
Insurance Ser Services vices Service LLC Afllac Kellie Cook 847 N. Hollywood Way, Suite 204 Burbank, CA 91505 T: 510-418-6713 kellie_cook@us.aflac.com
Laine Caspi 10718 White Oak Ave., Ste. 5A Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-345-9486 laine@paratusinsurance.com paratusinsurance.com
Colleen King insurance Colleen King T: 818-326-3777 colleen@ckinginsurance.com colleenkinginsurance.com
Phillipp & Associates Insurance Services, Inc. Melissa Phillipp 9430 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #202 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-2626 mphillipp@phillippandassociates.com phillippandassociates.com
SGB-NIA Thomas Leman 21011 Warner Center Ln. Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-316-0999 tleman@sgbnia.com sgbnia.com
State Farm Insurance Gwyn Petrick 6355 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Ste. 428 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-592-0055 adam.eisenberg.pe7o@statefarm.com gwynpetrick.com
Venbrook Insurance Services Sheldon Mowrey 6320 Canoga Ave., 12th Floor Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-598-8986 smowrey@venbrook.com venbrook.com
Electricity was brought into the Homestead Acre cottage by Minnie’s son LeRoy and and Mr. Berkemeyer.
Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz purchased a five acre ranch in Chatsworth on the south west corner of Devonshire and Corbin.
1941 World War War II soldiers were stationed at Chatsworth to guard the train tunnels.
1946 LA Public Library was located in the Lombardi Building at the corner of Owensmouth and Devonshire.
53 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY Janitorial Services Executive-Suite Services Inc. Walter Prince 19025 Parthenia St., #200 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-993-6300 execwnp@socal.rr.com
Jewelry Denny Lesser Jewelry Inc. Denny Lesser 9927 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-4278
Gold Mine
Lia Sophia Jewelry
Nikki Afetian T: 805-796-8392 nikkia.liasophia@gmail.com liasophia.com/nikkiafetian
Adam Lewis Lewis 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 620 Los Angeles CA 90025 T: 310-444-1910 alewis@farfarlaw.com fararlaw.com
Marcy Cowan Independent Cookie Lee Consultant Marcy Cowan T: 818-642-9948 marcy4cookielee@aol.com cookielee.biz/marcycowan
Mason Fine Jewelers Vatche Izakellian Izakellian 20551 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-886-8651 masonfinejewelers@gmail.com masonfinejewelers.com
Nuran Cicekci 18473 Devonshire St., #E Legal Services Northridge CA 91325 Chatsworth Law Center T: 818-294-4724 Shekhar Chikhalikar northridgegoldmine@ymail.com 21021 Devonshire St., Ste. 202 northridgegoldmine.com Chatsworth CA 91311 LA GOLD PARTIES T: 818-714-1789 Jennifer Milbauer sc@snclawoffice.com 1400 Ambassador, Ste. 105 Los Angeles CA 90035 T: 323-547-1458 jennifer@lagoldparties.com lagoldparties.com
Law Office of Daniel B. Rubanowitz, APC Dan Rubanowitz 21860 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 130 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-887-2702 dansfamilylaw@aol.com rubanowitzfamilylaw.com
Law Offices of John J. Jamgotchian John Jamgotchian 21550 Oxnard St., Ste. 900 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-592-0214 businesslawyer@sbcglobal.net jjjlaw.com
Law Offices of Jonathan W. Birdt Jon Birdt 18252 Bermuda St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-400-4485 jon@jonbirdt.com jonbirdt.com
Lieber, Williams & Labin, LLP Jason Lieber 1150 S. Olive St., Ste. 2000 Los Angeles CA 90015 T: 213-291-8259 jason@lieberlaw.com lieberlaw.com
Locksmith Estradas Locksmith Hector Estrada 10316 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Unit D Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-489-3953 hector91335@yahoo.com estradaslocksmith.com
Premier Solutions International-LegalShield Security Unlimited Locksmith Michele Wilson 2655 First St., Suite 250 Simi Valley, CA 93065 T: 805-285-3408 michele@premiersolutionsintl.com micheleawilson.info
The Law Offices of R. Grace Rodriguez Renay Rodriguez 21000 Devonshire St., Ste. 111 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-734-7223 rgracelaw@gmail.com lorgr.com
Weissman Law Firm I. Donald Weissman 5567 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 118 Tarzana CA 91356 T: 818-704-5151 dweissman@idwlaw.com idwlaw.com
1949 On April 11, Chamber President Charles A. Holt announced the building that would house the Chatsworth Chamber of Commerce and Women’s Club. Located along Santa Susana Ave, almost all of the labor was d onated.
Bruce Schwartz 15339 Parthenia St. North Hills CA 91343 T: 818-892-1109 lock360@hotmail.com securityunlimitedlocksmith.com
Manufacturors & Wholesalers Aerojet Rocketdyne
Aeromax Industries
Richard Berube 9027 Canoga Ave. Canoga Park CA 91304-1541 T: 818-701-9500 rberube@aeromax.com aeromax.com
Mileva Radovic 459 Park Ave. San Fernando CA 91340 T: 818-365-9361 mileva.radovic@jemsportswear.com jemsportswear.com
California All Natural Pet Foods
John Farrell 20361 Prairie St., #7 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-993-8910 john@calpetfoods.com calpetfoods.com
Debra Bergman 6633 Canoga Ave., RLA-57 Canoga Park CA 91309-7922 T: 818-586-7490 debra.bergman-duran@pwr.utc.com pw.utc.com Capraz Adriana Salazar 14538 Calvert St. Van Nuys Nuys CA 91411 91411 T: 818-779-1094 adriana@caprazsewing.com caprazsewing.com
Hallmark Collective LLC
ILN Technologies
LFP Apparel, LLC
Matt Freeman 21211 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-734-5300 mfreeman@capstoneturbine.com capstoneturbine.com
Zulma Meza 9631 De Soto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-5010 zulmam@hallmarkcollective.com hallmarkcollective.com
Jose Tan 21040 Osborne St. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-718-1414 jose@ilntech.com ilntech.com
Clint Gray 9360 Penfield Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-5373 cgray@lfp.com hustlerfashion.com /www.hustlerfashion.com/blog
CBOL Corporation
Hanson Research Corporation
International Precision, Inc.
Rosie Rubin 9810 Variel Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-7266 rrubin@hansonresearch.com hansonresearch.com
Renee Brendel-Konrad 9526 Vassar Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-3933 oliviayee@intlprecision.com ipintlprecision.com
HQP Export
IRIS International Inc.
Mohammed Siddiqui 19701 Hatton St. Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-988-2889 info@hqpexport.com
Amy Rosenberg Rosenberg 9172 Eton Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1244 amy.rosenberg@proiris.com proiris.com
Howard Nam 19850 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-704-8200 cbol.com
E.L.I. Trading Inc. Roni Paz 9305 Eton Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-6900 roni@micabella.com micabeauty.com
Electronic Manufacturers Associated Maryam Ghoraishy 9707 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-2527 emaca@westworld.com
Hydraulics International Internatio nal Inc. Heidi Armer 9201 Independence Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-407-3400 shah@hiinet.com hydraulicsinternationalinc.com
LEVLAD, Inc. Gara Mendoza 9200 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2951 gmendoza@levlad.com levlad.com
MRV Communications, Inc. Pharmagel International, Internation al, Inc. Lisa Baratt 20520 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-6235x244 lbaratt@mrv.com mrv.com
LifeTech Resources
Natrol, Inc.
Anna Carieri 9540 Cozycroft Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-1199 bhalcon@lifetechresources.com lifetechresources.com
Pete Gil 21411 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-739-6000 lsheppard@natrol.com natrol.com
LoungeFly, Inc.
Neutraderm, Inc
Dale Schultz 20310 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-5600 dale@loungefly.com loungefly.com
Samual Raoof 20660 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 877-252-7546 sraoof@neutraderm.com neutraderm.com
MBK Enterprises, Inc.
PBH Marketing, Inc.
Jeffrey Kaminski 10138 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1477 jeff@mbk1.com mbk1.com
George Makrides 9960 Glenoaks Blvd., Unit C/D Sun Valley CA 91352 T: 818-504-3800 george@paulbrownhawaii.com paulbrownhawaii.com
Paul Jelloian 21530 Gledhill St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 800-882-4889 pjelloian@pharmagel.net pharmagel.net
Replacement Parts Ind., Inc. Joan Woodlock 20338 Corisco St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8611 sherry@rpiparts.com rpiparts.com
Sensuva Anthony Santoro Santoro 15140 Bledsoe St., Unit A Sylmar CA 91342 T: 877-470-7578 tony@sensuva.com sensuva.com
Sexy Hair Concepts LLC Mark Milner 21551 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-425-0800 heatherh@sexyhair.com sexyhair.com
Roy Rogers and Dale Evans moved to Chatsworth and “The Roy Rogers Show” filmed at the Double R Bar Ranch debuted December 30, 1951.
LA Public Library closed and the local area was served by t he Bookmobile until 1963.
55 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY Manufacturors & Wholesalers (Continued) Sun Laboratories Haywood Hunter 20550 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-6545 slchats@aol.com sunlaboratories.com
Techson Electronics, Inc. Olga Andreyevskaya 20951 Ingomar St. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 747-224-0144 techsonelectronics98@gmail.com
Medical Services Chatsworth Park Care Center
Ivan Lauritzen 10610 Owensmouth Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-3200 pr@chatsworthparkcare.com chatsworthparkcare.com
Facey Medical Group
Karen Carrol-Kowalski 15451 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Ste. 200 Mission Hills CA 91345 T: 818-837-5726 kckowalski@facey.com facey.com
Topco Sales Adrian Mendoza Mendoza 9401 De Soto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-332-4600 adrian.mendoza@topcosales.us topcosales.us
Goldstein Chiropractic
Dr. Seth Goldstein 19350 Business Center Dr., Suite 103 Northridge, CA 91324 T: 818-993-3668 backbiz@pacbell.net goldsteinchiro.com
Gould Chiropractic
Ross Gould 20914 Nordhoff St., Ste. 102 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-9700 sportschirodoc@gmail.com drgouldchiropractic.com
Kaiser Permanente
Sovetky Chiropractic
Valley Chiropractic
Susan Ng Woodland Hills Medical Center 5601 De Soto Ave. Woodland Hills CA 91365 T: 818-719-2000 kaiserpermanente.org
Daniel Sovetky, D.C. 11020 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-360-1967 dsovetky2@roadrunner.com sovetkychiro.com
Helle Leap 21740 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1527 helle@asmt.net drleap.com
Optometrics of Chatsworth
UCLA Health
Kathy Chriqui 21507 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-9300 optometrics@hotmail.com optometricsofchatsworth.com
Nickie Bonner 19950 Rinaldi St., Suite 300 Porter Ranch, CA 91326 T: 818-271-2400 nbonner@mednet.ucla.edu uclahealth.org/porterranch
Porter Ranch Optometry Michael Terzian 11151 Tampa Avenue Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-366-9664 porterranchoptometry@gmail.com porterranchoptometry.com
Providence Holy Cross Medical Center Natasha Shows 15031 Rinaldi St. Mission Hills CA 91345 T: 818-496-9560 natasha.shows@providence.org providence.org/holycross
U.S. HealthWorks
Abel Gonzales Gonzales 18728 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-886-8600 abel.gonzales@sci-us.com bastianandperrott-oswaldmortuary.com
Jessica Villanueva 9700 De Soto Ave. Moving, Chatsworth CA 91311 Transportation T: 818-882-8100 jessica.villanueva@ushworks.com & Storage ushealthworks.com Extra Space
United Healthcare Judith Daniels 505 N. Brand Blvd., Ste. 1200 Glendale CA 91203 T: 818-484-9108 judith.daniels@uhc.com uhcmedicaresolutions.com
1953 Nine women paid dues and became members of the Chatsworth Chamber. They paved the way for women to take on leadership roles, including chamber secretary Madge Hutchinson and chamber manager Marjorie Shasberger Shasberger..
Extra Space Storage – Prairie Matt Cormack Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-9027 fac0224@extraspace.com extraspace.com
EZ Storage Pam Cleavenger 9420 Desoto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-501-4409 pcleavenger@ezstorage.biz ezstorageonline.com
Mike’s Moving Solutions Mike Connelly 24265 Highlander Rd. West Hills CA 91307 T: 818-999-6453 mikesmovingsolutions@yahoo.com mikesmovingsolutions.com
Storage – Devonshire Salima Rhyne 21536 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-775-2950 fac1103@extraspace.com extraspace.com
S T Rent-It Inc. David Rolbin 21001 Itasca St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-7225 drolbin@rent-ittrucks.com rent-ittrucks.com
The Move Managers LLC Willie Linsk 17328 Ventura Blvd., #159 Encino CA 91356 T: 818-753-7737 willie@themovemanagers.com themovemanagerscom
Networking Clubs BNI Red Mann P.O. Box 1348 Simi Valley CA 93063 T: 818-341-9319 nmcfarland@sfvbni.com sfvbni.com
Non-Profit American Cancer Society Nate Rusch 500 N. Victory Blvd Burbank CA 91505 T: 818-905-7766 slopez@cancer.org cancer.org
Chatsworth Business Improvement District Rana Ghadban 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2428 info@chatsworthchamber.com chatsworthbid.com
Chatsworth Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution Julie Corcoran Stranges 9101 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #209 Chatsworth CA 91311-5763 T: 818-998-5835 jules4vets@yahoo.com chatsworthdar.org
Chatsworth Fine Arts Council Cindy Medlin P.O. Box 5122 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-1572 chatsworth-arts@att.net chatsworthfineartscouncil.com
Chatsworth Historical Society Linda van der Valk 10385 Shadow Oak Dr. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-5614 Jalidat@aol.com
Chatsworth – Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce Rana Ghadban 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2428 info@chatsworthchamber.com chatsworthchamber.com
Chatsworth VET Center Byron Rodriguez 20946 Devonshire St., Ste. 101 Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-576-0201 byron.rodriguez@va.gov vetcenter.va.gov
Child Care Resource Center Bill Swindle 20001 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-1033 bswindle@ccrcla.org ccrcla.org
City of Los Angeles – Community Devopment Department Daniela Goga 7747 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga CA 91042 T: 818-352-1356x207 daniela.goga@lacity.org cdd.lacity.org
Goodwill Southern California
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Desiree Acuna 342 N. San Fernando Rd. Los Angeles CA 90031 T: 323-539-2086 dacuna@goodwillsocal.org
Noemi Castaneda 21415 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-4342 castaneda_noemi@lacoe.edu lacoe.edu
Happy House Peter Kjenaas 9420 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 572 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-882-7483 peterkj55@gmail.com happyhouse.org
Kiwanis Club of Chatsworth Jose Cruz P.O. Box 3475 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-489-6423 lucia@lostoros.com chatsworthkiwanis.org
North Valley Family YMCA Jane Stanton 11336 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-368-3231 janestanton@ymcala.org ymcala.org
PRU Valley Toastmasters Thomas Morehouse 21049 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2821 tjm3m@aol.com
LAPD Devonshire Police Ride On Therapeutic Activity League Supporters Horsemanship Sue Bruno 8721 Wilbur Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-885-6432 sueb_ca@hotmail.com devonshire-pals.org
Bryan McQueeney 10860 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-2971 bryan@rideon.org rideon.org
Ride With Pride Pat UpdeGraff P.O. Box 5564 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-885-8138 pat@ridewithprideth.org ridewithprideth.org
Rotary Club of Northridge/Chatsworth Judy Cameron P.O. Box 8557 Northridge CA 91327 T: 661-753-3056 judith.cameron@ymail.com
S.O.L.I.D. Supporters of Law Enforcement in Devonshire Paula Boland P.O. Box 7181 Northridge CA 91327-7181 T: 818-470-3258 contact@soliddevonshire.org soliddevonshire.org
San Fernando Valley Republican Women Federated Claudia Andrade T: 818-939-7572 claudia.valleygirls@gmail.com valleygirlsrwf@groups.facebook.com
United State Army Nike Site opened on Oat Mountain above De Soto Ave.
Aqua Sierra Sportsman’s Club opened with a gun club and plans for a fishing lake.
Minnie sold off farmland, retained a Life Tenancy on house and 1.3 acres. Kitchen and bath with running water were added to the Homestead Acre cottage.
Chamber Installation took place at the L and M Ranch, owned by Honorary Mayors Roy Rogers and Dale Evans on January 17.
57 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY Non-Profit (Continued) San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission Wade Trimmer 13422 Saticoy St. North Hollywood CA 91605 T: 818-474-1295 wtrimmer@erescuemission.org sfvrescuemission.org
Soroptimist of San Fernando Valley Gwyn Petrick 7210 Jordan Ave., Ste. C47 Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-386-8694 contact@soroptimistfernandovalley.org soroptimistsanfernandovalley.org
The Salvation Army (Adult Rehabilitatio Rehabilitation n Center) Glen Kovacs 21375 Roscoe Blvd. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-449-4616 glen.kovacs@usw.salvationarmy.org satruck.org
Therapeutic Living Center For The Blind
Women’s Odyssey Organization
Kanitra Strong 7915 Lindley Ave. Reseda CA 91335 T: 818-708-1740 kstrong@tlc4blind.org tlc4blind.org
Ramona Drake 20830 Parthenia St. Canoga Park CA 91411 T: 818-998-8972 ramonad@womensodyssey.org womensodyssey.org
Valley Economic Development Center
Marsel Watts 5121 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys Nuys CA 91403 91403 T: 818-907-9977 mwatts@vedc.org vedc.org
Valley Industry & Commerce Association Associatio n VICA Stuart Waldman 5121 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 203 Sherman Oaks CA 91364 T: 818-817-0545 stuart@vica.com vica.com
West Valley PALS Leslie Kaz 19020 Vanowen St. Reseda CA 91355 T: 818-332-1566 westvalleypals@gmail.com westvalleypals.org
Liza Reyes – Mobile Notary Public Liza Reyes Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-577-3918 reyes_lizard@yahoo.com
Office Supplies & Services JD Office Products Dave Gold 9612 Owensmouth Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-1302 dave@jdop.com jdop.com
Pest Control Deadicated Pest Eliminators
John Coulbourn 25852 McBean Parkway, #716 Valencia CA 91355 T: 877-800-3323 deadicatedjohn@gmail.com deadicatedpest.com
Pet Care Chatsworth Veterinary Center
Manny Freiser 21418 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-7770 chatvet@bizla.rr.com chatvet.com
Doggroomers Doggroomer s on the Go!
Lisa Haberman 7657 Winnetka Ave., Ste. 275 Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-884-8585 lecouponer@aol.com
Pharmacy Porter Ranch Pharmacy Philip Banks 19950 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-360-1915 porterranchrx.com porterranchpharmacy.com
1956 Chatsworth Jr. Baseball League was founded with 43 boys fielding 4 teams the first year.
Photography & Videography Bonnie McDermott Photography Bonnie McDermott Sylmar CA 91311 T: 818-362-1937 bonnie@bonniemcdermott.com bonniemcdermott.com
Divine Shots Photography Siya Kharkar 9025 Eton Ave., Ste. C Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-451-3316 siya@divineshots.com divineshots.com
Sunwest Video Anthony Slater Slater T: 800-372-0186 anthony@sunwestvideo.com sunwestvideo.com
All About Printing Barry Shapiro 20936 Devonshire St., Suite E Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-8600 barry@allaboutptg.com allaboutptg.com
Psychic Readers Psychic of Chatsworth Jennifer 21723 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 310-220-5213 jenniferleeoc@yahoo.com
Real Estate About The House Real Estate & Design Center Karen Lebens P.O. Box 4 554 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-671-0999 klaboutthehouse@aol.com
Printing & Publishing Ser Se rvices Anna Shatravka Aaron, Thomas & Associates Gary Thomas 21344 Superior St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-9040 athinc@aol.com
Anna Shatravka 9338 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 102 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-322-7103 anna.shatravka@yahoo.com
Indian Hills Mobile Home Villas
Porter Ranch Development Co.
Victor Sampson Sampson 11280 Corbin Ave. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-701-1000 victorsampson@yahoo.com
Michael Cirillo 1400 E. 4th St. Santa Ana CA 92701 T: 714-480-6828 indianhillsvillage@hotmail.com
Combined Properties, Inc.
Kids From The Valley
Elaine Mason 11280 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-366-1132 emaso@shapell.com shapell.com
Brian Miller 9320 Wilshire Blvd., #310 Beverly Hills CA 90212 T: 310-205-9616 bmiller@combined.biz combined.biz
Deborah Stussman P.O. Box 55047 5 5047 Los Angeles CA 90055 T: 213-626-5321x114 deborah@anjac.net
First American Title Company
Dick Pearson P.O. Box 4345 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-341-4699 pearsonco@sbcglobal.net
Kristen Kalski 655 N. Central Ave., Ste. 800 Glendale CA 91203 T: 818-321-4612 kkalski@firstam.com time4title.com
Golden State Mobile Homes Gary Glen Ashe 7251 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Ste. 1A Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-884-5000 garygashe@gmail.com
Pearson & Co.
Pinnacle Estate Properties, Inc. Carol Haaz 9137 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-678-0766 clhaaz@aol.com carolhaaz.info
Prudential California Realty – Chatsworth Ed Wankovsky 21049 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2821 edwankovsky@prucarealty.com prucalprop.com
Rodeo Realty Paul Marks 9338 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-268-5412 paulmarks@rodeore.com paulmarksrealestate.com
Siegmeth Team Bob Siegmeth 11141 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-678-0156 bob.siegmeth@gmail.com siegmethteam.com
The Simpson Co., Inc.
Loan America
Christine Cabanting 9410 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #105 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-0200 ccabanting@tscorealestate.com
Dennis Wilkin 6100 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Suite 2120 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 T: 818-687-9133 dwilkin@loan-america.com
Todd Trites Real Estate
PNC Mortgage
Todd Trites 17048 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-239-2644 ma.red.todd@gmail.com toddtrites.com
Karen Onifer 19500 Plummer St., Ste. D3 Northridge CA 91324 T: 310-346-2623 karen.onifer@pncmortgage.com pncmortgage.com/karenonifer
WFG Title Company of California
San Niguel Professional Consultants, Inc.
Sherri Sigmon 700 N. Brand Blvd. Ste., 1100 Glendale CA 91203 T: 310-701-5355 ssigmon@sbcglobal.net wfgtitleco.com
Vicki Briskman Briskman 10901 Delco Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-0051 vickisanniguel@aol.com
Real Estate Financing Heritage Funding Group John Missakian 20555 Devonshire Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-407-5888 jmissakian@gmail.com
Religious Organizations Canoga Park Fellowship Victor Ramirez Ramirez 2008 William F Halsey Ave. Bakersfield CA 93304 T: 805-341-7141 vic_mar_ramirez@yahoo.com
Chatsworth Four Square Church Reverend Jerry Moreno 10210 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2144 julietmoreno@mac.com chatsworthfoursquarechurch.org
Chatsworth West United Methodist Church Reverend Ruy Mizuki 10824 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1270 chatsworthumc@juno.com
Congregational Church of Chatsworth JoEllen Murata 20440 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-2550 chatsworthucc@aol.com chatsworthcongregational.org
Freedom Church Justice Coleman 21049 Devonshire St., #106 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-523-2901 pj@freedomchurchsfv.com notyourmomschurch.com
The Munch Box opened.
San Fernando Valley Chamber of Commerce was dissolved, due to lack of membership on May 26.
1958 Roy Rogers served as honorary mayor of Chatsworth.
1959 Superior Elementary School opened near Oso and Lassen.
59 MEM MEMBER BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY Religious Organizations (Continued) International Evangelism Crusades Julie Stranges 9101 Topanga Cyn., Ste. 209 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-0039 jules4vets@yahoo.com
Shepherd of the Hills Paula Cracium 19700 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-831-9333 pcracium@theshepherd.org theshepherd.org
St. Joseph The Worker Catholic Church Mike Stafford 19808 Cantlay St. Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-825-1420 workofhart@yahoo.com
Temple Ahavat Shalom Rabbi Lutz 18200 Rinaldi Pl. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-360-2258 miller@tasnorthridge.org tasnorthridge,org
The Vision Plus Church Pastor George Nelson 21012 Devonshire St., #406 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-436-0708 pastorgnelson@aol.com
The Well Linda Oakland 14649 Tupper St. Panorama City CA 91402 T: 818-312-2507 tvfc@netzero.net
Unity Church of Chatsworth John Washington, Rev. 9909 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #319 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 517-290-7514 goodnewsplus2@yahoo.com
Restaurants Blue Ice Cafe Ahmad Yacoub Yacoub 9201 Winnetka Ave., Unit D Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-886-8391 blueicecafe1@yahoo.com
Lenny Bent 23360 Lake Manor Dr. Chatsworth CA 91342 T: 818-694-3457 cookinwithlenny@yahoo.com cookinwithlenny.com
California Pizza Kitchen
Famous Dave’s BBQ
Rebecca O’Brien 9301 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-701-5035 cpk0234@cpk.com cpk.com
California Sushi & Teriyaki
Restaurant Supplies
Janel Liao 20869 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-0186 janelkim@yahoo.com calsushi.com
Greeno Products
Carrows Restaurant
David Lee 9654 Cozycroft Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 800-313-6568x114 info@greenproducts.com greenproducts.com
Cookin’ With Lenny’s Smokehouse
Alysha Moreno Moreno 20557 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-7423 yaovi@aol.com carrows.com
Honshu Sushi Billy Lee 10166 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-5693 caldia@sbcglobal.net honshusushi.com
Jersey Mike’s – Chatsworth
Los Toros Mexican Restaurant Nick Montano 21743 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-3080 nick@lostoros.com lostoros.com
Maria’s Italian Kitchen
Amanda Sanders 1229 Simi Town Center Way Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-522-7227 simivalley@davescatering.net famousdaves.com
Tom Magglos 9840 E. Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-7827 v1rotatesubs@gmail.com jerseymikes.com
Elizabeth Scheller 9161 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-341-5114 catering@mariasItalianKitchen.com mariasItalianKitchen.com
Flame Broiler
Johnny’s Pizza
Azar Solemon Solemon 10364 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-9888 azar@gkmllp.com
Johnny Pambakian 9243 Winnetka Ave., Ste. B Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-993-1333 johnnyspizzachatsworth@gmail.com johnnyspizzachatsworth.com
Selene Lopez 20932 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-0598 sca.01259@us.stores.mcd.com mcdonalds.com
Les Sisters Southern Kitchen
Morton’s The Steakhouse
Giamela’s Lamplighter Family Restaurant Elia Campos 9110 De Soto Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-1877 glamplighter@sbcglobal.net
1960’s The area experienced a growth spurt in the early 1960’s, going from 16,000 to 30,000 residents.
1960’s The Porter Family owned the Porter Ranch land up to this point. Two horse and rider statues marked the unofficial entrance of Porter Ranch. In the early 1960’s, 3,000 acres of the Porter Ranch land fell into the Los Angeles County limit and was annexed
Kevin Huling 21818 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-0755 lessisters@lycos.com lessisters.com
Shanon Antrim 6250 Canoga Ave., Ste. 111 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-703-7272 mtwh@ldry.com mortons.com
MEMBER MEM BER DIREC DIRECTOR TORYY BY CATEGO CATEGORY RY 60 Odyssey Restaurant and Banquets Isbhak Vasquez 15600 Odyssey Dr. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-366-5817 ivasquez@src.mail.com theodysseyrestaurant.com
Rosie’s BBQ & Grillery Dave Jackson 9012 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-349-3055 djjplus3@aol.com rosiesbbq.com
Olive Garden
San Carlo Italian Imports & Deli
Steve Crum 19724 Nordoff Pl. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-6090 vgonzalez@olivegarden.com olivegarden.com
Giovanni Roberto 10178 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-0890 pasquale@sancarlodeli.com sancarlodeli.com
Orange Grove Bistro
Straw Hat Pizza
Stephanie Goodson 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge CA 91330-8271 T: 818-677-2076 stephanie.goodson@csun.edu csun.edu/orangegrovebistro
John Toor 21515 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1965 chatsworth.pizza@gmail.com strawhatpizza.com
Roma Bistro
Uncle Ernie’s Pizza
Nadim Morcos 19524 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA 91324 Tel: 818-776-7662 marconospin@aol.com Romabistro.com
Steve Apostolof 9841 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-3663 zigtaw@dslextreme.com
Retail Enchanted Bridal Dawn Bastin 10122 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-0157 enchantedbridal@att.net enchantedbridalshop.com
kikaPaprika Nancy McFarland 3509 Casitas Ave. Los Angeles CA 90039 T: 818-427-6102 nancy.mcfarland@kikacorp.com kikapaprika.com
Northridge Fashion Center Brooke Whitebread 9301 Tampa Ave. Northridge, CA 91324 T: 818-885-9700 brooke.whitebread@ggp.com northridgefashioncenter.com
Safety & Security L.A.P.D. – Devonshire Div. Captain Kris E. Pitcher 10250 Etiwanda Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-832-0692 lapdonline.org
Metroguard Gharzai Nomair 10231 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Ste. C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-0728 info@metroguardsecurity.com metroguardsecurity.com
Protection Alarms Paul Eisenstadt 21704 Devonshire St., #279 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-7726 paul@protectionalarms.com protectionalarms.com
Sanitation & Waste Disposal Allied Waste Rafael Garcia 14747 San Fernando Rd. Sylmar CA 91342 T: 818-833-6503 rgarcia@republicservices.com sunshinecanyonlandfill.com
Senior Care Home Instead Senior Care Vivian Damo Damo 9400 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #215 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-0643 vdamo@sbcglobal.net homeinstead.com
Porter Ranch Aloha Bruce Partridge 18701 Tulsa St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-429-4434 alohacare@msn.com porterranchaloha.com
Right At Home Lourdes Simms 9548 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-3935 lourdes@rahsfv.com
Senior Living Emeritus at Chatsworth Assisted Living Brenda Hans 20801 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2552 chatsworth-crd@emeritus.com emeritus.com
Sunrise Assisted Living Robin Olmstead 9012 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. West Hills CA 91304 T: 818-701-9550 westhills.dcr@sunriseseniorliving.com sunriseseniorliving.com
The Village At Northridge Fran Fecske 9222 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-812-4600 ffecske@srg-llc.com srgseniorliving.com
Signs & Banners Resource 4 Signs Mark Miller 8132 Deering Ave. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-347-7500 mark@resource4signs.com resource4signs.com
Sports & Fitness Dave Wendler Misty Hollow Ranch Carey Wendler 12080 Brown’s Cyn. Rd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-266-7664 careywendler@yahoo.com
The Chatsworth Chamber was invited to join the San Fernando Valley State College’s Sports Booster Club on March 2.
Chatsworth Historical Society was formed to save the Pioneer Church. The Pioneer Church was declared LA Historical-Cultural Monument #14 the same year year..
1962 Chatsworth Chamber President Bill Garman nominated Roy Rogers as candidate for West Valley Citizen of the Year Year on November 21.
61 MEMBE MEMBERR DIRECTOR DIRECTORYY BY CATEGOR CATEGORYY / Alphabet Alphabet Sports & Fitness (Continued) Flying Kick Martial Arts Sam Deratani 19643 Parthenia St. Northirdge CA 91324 T: 818-349-5425 myflyingkick@yahoo.com flyingkickla.com
Kicks In Motion MMA Mr. V 9201 Winnetka Ave., Ste. C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-4662 info@kicksinmotionmma.com kicksinmotionmma.com
Le Club Gymnastics Sheila Laughton 9636 Cozycroft Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-886-3331 coachsheila@hotmail.com leclubgymnastics.com
Marydale’s Param Yoga Healing Arts Center
Street Sports Chatsworth The Radisson Hotel Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Paul Holtum
Marydale Pecora 21750 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 747-224-0402 marydale@me.com param-yoga.com
Scott Singer 9820 Owensmouth Ave., Unit 12 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-224-9769 sscbjj@gmail.com momachic@gmail.com
9777 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-7054 paul.holtum@radisson.com radisson.com/chatsworthca
Travel & Lodging
Vanita Jariwala Jariwala
MBX Crossfit Michael Barnard 19631 Parthenia Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-378-8483 mike@mbxcrossift.com mbxcrossfit.com
North Valley Family YMCA Jane Stanton 11336 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-368-3231 janestanton@ymcala.org ymcala.org
Pilates Plus Porter Ranch Julian Garsdean 19723 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-600-1145 info@pilatespluspr.com pilatespluspr.com
Travelodge Inn and Suites
Ramada Inn Chatsworth Bibian Medina 21340 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-5289 bmedina@brightonmgtllc.com ramada.com
Staybridge Suites Jennie Kriz 21902 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-0707 andrea.shelton@ihg.com staybridge.com
CRS Consulting
21-13 Impact Graphics
Amir Saghafi 9520 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Unit 203 Valencia CA 91355 T: 818-435-4121 alexis@crs-consulting.com crs-consulting.com
Jan Miller 14622 Ventura Blvd. #777 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403 T: 818-981-2113 jmiller@21-13impactgraphics.com 21-13impactgraphics.com
Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-8888 gm.caa72@choicehotels.com choicehotels.com
Micah Kritzman Valencia CA 91355 T: 818-885-1564 micah@websperations.com websperations.com
Valet Services
Bestway Valet Services, Inc.
Robin Kellogg Associates
Cosmopolitan Travels Inc. 21603 Devonshire St. D.C. Vekic Sherwood Forest CA 91325 T: 310-490-1893 dc@cosmopolitantravels.com cosmopolitantravels.com
Website Design
Uelinton Inoue 11720 Ventura Blvd. Studio City CA 91602 T: 310-497-2110 u.inoue@bestwayvalet.com bestwayvalet.com
1963 LA Public Library – Chatsworth Branch opened at the corner of Devonshire and Variel.
Robin Kellogg Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-993-5468 robin@yourwritingresource.com yourwritingresource.com
A AA Accounting Services Arlene Dempsey Dempsey 10727 White Oak Ave. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-923-5770 adempsey@accountantsporterranch.com accountantsporterranch.com
Aaron, Thomas & Associates Gary Thomas 21344 Superior St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-9040 athinc@aol.com
About The House Real Estate & Design Center Karen Lebens P.O. Box 4 554 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-671-0999 klaboutthehouse@aol.com
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 62 Aerojet Rocketdyne
Allied Waste
Andre’s Automotive
Ario Auto
Bank Of America
Debra Bergman 6633 Canoga Ave., RLA-57 Canoga Park CA 91309-7922 T: 818-586-7490 debra.bergman-duran@pwr.utc.com pw.utc.com
Kellie Cook 847 N. Hollywood Way, Suite 204 Burbank, CA 91505 T: 510-418-6713 kellie_cook@us.aflac.com
Rafael Garcia 14747 San Fernando Rd. Sylmar CA 91342 T: 818-833-6503 rgarcia@republicservices.com sunshinecanyonlandfill.com
Andre Moradian Moradian 21800 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-1886 andresautomotive44@yahoo.com
T.J. 11216 1/2 Burbank Blvd. North Hollywood CA 91601 T: 818-643-1390 arioauto.com
Anna Shatravka Realtor
Avenue Act 1
Lisa Lobue 21001 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-317-6795 lisa.lobue@bankofamerica.com bankofamerica.com
Althea Gallats Collection
Anna Shatravka 9338 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 102 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-322-7103 anna.shatravka@yahoo.com
Patrick Hart 22200 Chatsworth St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-3604 agentpdh2@worldnet.att.net bigoaktheatre.com
Aeromax Industries
Air Conditioning Unlimited, Inc.
Richard Berube 9027 Canoga Ave. Canoga Park CA 91304-1541 T: 818-701-9500 rberube@aeromax.com aeromax.com
David Hadaway 18017 Chatsworth St., Unit 291 Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-993-8713 dacu9@aol.com acunlimitedinc.com
Aesthetic Smile Designs
All About Printing
Mardie & Maureen 20933 Devonshire St., Ste. 103 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1345 powerofthesmile@sbcglobal.net drberniedental.com
Barry Shapiro 20936 Devonshire St., Suite E Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-8600 barry@allaboutptg.com allaboutptg.com
Affective Living
Alliance Financial Group
Davina Fernholtz 19360 Rinaldi St., #618 Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-900-4558 davina@affectiveliving.com affectiveliving.com
Randall Sanada, Sr. 3390 Auto Mall Dr. Westlake Village CA 91362 T: 818-341-8701 rsanada@allianceadvisory.com allianceadvisory.com
Althea Gallat Gallat P.O. Box 5081 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-886-6736 art@altheagallat.com altheagallat.com
American Cancer Society Nate Rusch 500 N. Victory Blvd Burbank CA 91505 T: 818-905-7766 slopez@cancer.org cancer.org
Anat.Art Graphic Design Anat Hartenstein Hartenstein Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-5405 anat.art@sbcglobal.net anatartdesign.com
Antropy Inc Jody Marc Cohn 10535 Jordan Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-648-6597 jody@antropyinc.com antropyinc.com
Archer Weiss and America’s IRA Centers Brad Schlain 21243 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 201 Woodland Hills CA 91364 T: 818-205-3479 brad@archerweiss.com archerweiss.com
AWAKE, AW AKE, INC. INC . Mileva Radovic 459 Park Ave. San Fernando CA 91340 T: 818-365-9361 mileva.radovic@jemsportswear.com jemsportswear.com
B Bambu Body Works Michael Curry 10020 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-339-4172
Bank of the West Jessica Palomino 20516 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-742-5431 jessica.palomino@bankofwest.com bankofthewest.com
BASTIAN & PERROTT-OSWALD MORTUARY Abel Gonzales Gonzales 18728 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-886-8600 abel.gonzales@sci-us.com bastianandperrott-oswaldmortuary.com
Bearsworth Communications, Inc. Michael Turner 9800-D Topanga Cyn. Blvd. #357 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-2678 bearsworth@earthlink.net bearsworth.com
Chatsworth High School opened on a forty-acre campus north of Lassen on Lurline.
On December 13, West Valley Chambers of Commerce invited Ronald Reagan to be their guest speaker at the January 1966 luncheon.
1963 Germain Street Elementary School opened at Germain St. and Lurline Ave. First LA City school to have air-conditioning.
63 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abet t B (Continued) Beckford Elementary PTA Renee Russin 19130 Tulsa St. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-360-1924 deb.e.lopez@gmail.com beckfordelementary.com
Beds Unlimited Lucie Volotzky 6949 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Canoga Park CA 91303-2356 T: 818-702-9999 bedsunlimited@yahoo.com bedsunlimited.net
Belfor Property Restoration Jeanie La Croix 27 W. Easy St., Ste. 403 Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 818-882-7620 jeanie.lacroix@us.belfor.com belforusa.com
Bestway Valet Services, Inc. Uelinton Inoue 11720 Ventura Blvd. Studio City CA 91602 T: 310-497-2110 u.inoue@bestwayvalet.com bestwayvalet.com
Blue Ice Cafe
Breard & Associates Inc.
California Pizza Kitchen
Capstone Turbine Corp.
Ahmad Yacoub Yacoub 9201 Winnetka Ave., Unit D Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-886-8391 blueicecafe1@yahoo.com
Vince Alvarez 9221 Corbin Ave., Ste. 170 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-886-0940 valvarez@baicpa.com baicpa.com
Rebecca O’Brien 9301 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-701-5035 cpk0234@cpk.com cpk.com
Matt Freeman 21211 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-734-5300 mfreeman@capstoneturbine.com capstoneturbine.com
Bright Now! Dental
California Sushi & Teriyaki
BNI Red Mann P.O. Box 1348 Simi Valley CA 93063 T: 818-341-9319 nmcfarland@sfvbni.com sfvbni.com
Bonnie McDermott Photography Bonnie McDermott Sylmar CA 91311 T: 818-362-1937 bonnie@bonniemcdermott.com bonniemcdermott.com
Bowen & Elam Accounting Office Fred Bowen 9310 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #210 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-8484 fred.bowen@sbcglobal.net
Leeshane McCutcheon 18121 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-491-0056 leeshane.mccutcheon@smilebrands.com brightnow.com
Build WorkSource Center Leonel E. Fuentes 9207 Eton Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-9800 lfuentes@buildonestop.com buildworksource.com
Janel Liao 20869 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-0186 janelkim@yahoo.com calsushi.com
Canoga Park Fellowship Victor Ramirez Ramirez 2008 William F Halsey Ave. Bakersfield CA 93304 T: 805-341-7141 vic_mar_ramirez@yahoo.com
Carrows Restaurant Alysha Moreno Moreno 20557 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-7423 yaovi@aol.com carrows.com
Casino Bookkeeping Services Maria Casino 21049 Devonshire St., Ste. 211 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-0497 maria@casinobookkeeping.us casinobookkeeping.us
Castle Carpet Inc.
California All Natural Pet Foods
Dick Styke 21620 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2224 castlecarpet@aol.com
John Farrell 20361 Prairie St., #7 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-993-8910 john@calpetfoods.com calpetfoods.com
Capraz Adriana Salazar 14538 Calvert St. Van Nuys Nuys CA 91411 91411 T: 818-779-1094 adriana@caprazsewing.com caprazsewing.com
1965 Pioneer church moved from To Topanga panga Canyon Boulevard to its present location in Oakwood Memorial Park to save it from destruction.
1965 The Porter Ranch development project was put into play through The Shapell Industries’ real estate company company..
Castlebay Lane Elementary – P.A.T.H. (Parents And Teachers Helping) Marie Pitrat 19010 Castlebay Ln. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-360-1908 president@castlebaylane.com castlebaylane.com
CBOL Corporation Howard Nam 19850 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-704-8200 cbol.com
Chaminade College Preparatory Patricia Fernandez 19800 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-360-0615 pfernandez@chaminade.org chaminade.org
Champion Employer Services Tom Elias 9574 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-678-6400 tom@championhr.com championhr.com
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 64 Chatsworth Auto Upholstery
Chatsworth Dental Group
Dr. Vikram Mishra Javier Perez 21800 Devonshire St. 21300 Devonshire St., Unit #17 Chatsworth CA 91311 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1200 T: 818-882-5161 docpat555@hotmail chatsworthautoupholstery@hotmail.com chatsworthdental.com chatsworthautoupholstery.com
Chatsworth Business Improvement District Rana Ghadban 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2428 info@chatsworthchamber.com chatsworthbid.com
Chatsworth Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution Julie Corcoran Stranges 9101 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #209 Chatsworth CA 91311-5763 T: 818-998-5835 jules4vets@yahoo.com chatsworthdar.org
Chatsworth Cosmetic Dental Care James Pasternak 21000 Devonshire St., #209 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1851 drjpasternak@aol.com chatsworthsedationdentist.com
Chatsworth Florist Sigrid Genuneit 21727 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2753 chatflor@yahoo.com chatsworthflorist.com
Chatsworth Four Square Church Reverend Jerry Moreno 10210 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2144 julietmoreno@mac.com chatsworthfoursquarechurch.org
Chatsworth High School Tim Guy 10027 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-678-3400 tguy@chatsworthhs.org chatsworths.org
Chatsworth Hills Academy
Chatsworth Park Care Center
Chatsworth West United Methodist Church
Nancy Salyers 21523 Rinaldi St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-4037 nancy.salyers@chaschool.org chaschool.org
Ivan Lauritzen 10610 Owensmouth Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-3200 pr@chatsworthparkcare.com chatsworthparkcare.com
Reverend Ruy Mizuki 10824 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1270 chatsworthumc@juno.com
Chatsworth Historical Society
Chatsworth – Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce
Linda van der Valk 10385 Shadow Oak Dr. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-5614 Jalidat@aol.com
Chatworth Fine Arts Council Cindy Medlin P.O. Box 5122 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-1572 chatsworth-arts@att.net chatsworthfineartscouncil.com
Chatsworth Law Center Shekhar Chikhalikar 21021 Devonshire St., Ste. 202 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-714-1789 sc@snclawoffice.com
Rana Ghadban 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2428 info@chatsworthchamber.com chatsworthchamber.com
Chatsworth VET Center
Child Care Resource Center Bill Swindle 20001 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-1033 bswindle@ccrcla.org ccrcla.org
Christine L. Alvarez, CPA CP A – A Professional Corporation
Citibank Chatsworth Janice Musgrove 20520 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-7882 janice.c.musgrove@citi.com citibank.com
City of Los Angeles – Community Devopment Department Daniela Goga 7747 Foothill Blvd. Tujunga CA 91042 T: 818-352-1356x207 daniela.goga@lacity.org cdd.lacity.org
Coldwell Banker At Porter Ranch
Byron Rodriguez 20946 Devonshire St., Ste. 101 Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-576-0201 byron.rodriguez@va.gov vetcenter.va.gov
Christi Alvarez 16440 Septo St. North Hills CA 91343 T: 818-807-4816 cpa@calvarezcpa.com calvarezcpa.com
Victor Sampson Sampson 11280 Corbin Ave. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-701-1000 victorsampson@yahoo.com
Chatsworth Veterinary Center
Cicek’s Chicken
Colleen King T: 818-326-3777 colleen@ckinginsurance.com colleenkinginsurance.com
Manny Freiser 21418 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-7770 chatvet@bizla.rr.com chatvet.com
Arlet Cicek 10317 Mason Ave. Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-709-7098 arletcicek@hotmail.com
Colleen King insurance
Ronald Reagan was guest speaker at a luncheon on January 10. Dale Robertson was the Honorary Mayor of Chatsworth.
In February, Bruce Pegg, Chatsworth Chamber president, began a membership drive that added 34 new members. Other goals of the year included installing parking signs and traffic lights to accommodate the population growth of Chatsworth.
65 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abet t C (Continued) Combined Properties, Inc. Brian Miller 9320 Wilshire Blvd., #310 Beverly Hills CA 90212 T: 310-205-9616 bmiller@combined.biz combined.biz
Congregational Church of Chatsworth JoEllen Murata 20440 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-2550 chatsworthucc@aol.com chatsworthcongregational.org
Cookin’ With Lenny’s Smokehouse Lenny Bent 23360 Lake Manor Dr. Chatsworth CA 91342 T: 818-694-3457 cookinwithlenny@yahoo.com cookinwithlenny.com
Cosmetic Creations Day and Med Spa Rebecca Rotter 10324 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1422 rebecca@cosmeticcreationsspa.com cosmeticcreationsspa.com
Cosmopolitan Travels Inc. Curry Bros. D.C. Vekic Sherwood Forest CA 91325 T: 310-490-1893 dc@cosmopolitantravels.com cosmopolitantravels.com
CRS Consulting
Patricia Tylka 10020 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1418 patricia@currybros.com currybros.com
Cyron Lighting Inc. Amir Saghafi 9520 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Unit 203 Al Javadi Chatsworth CA 91311 21029 Itasca St., Unit C T: 818-435-4121 Chatsworth CA 91311 alexis@crs-consulting.com T: 818-772-1900 crs-consulting.com sales@cyron.com cyron.com Cruz Construction & Landscape, Inc.
Jose Cruz 18842 Devonshire St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-217-4881 cruzconstruction@hotmail.com cruz-construction.com
Culinary Par Excellence Rossana Radden 21340 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 310-384-9887 info@culinaryparexcellence.com culinaryparexcellence.com
Dave Wendler Misty Hollow Ranch Carey Wendler 12080 Brown’s Cyn. Rd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-266-7664 careywendler@yahoo.com
David Scully CPA David Scully 21601 Devonshire St., #320 Chatsworth Ca 91311 T: 818-576-1500 davidscully@socal.rr.com
Debbie Imlay
T: 818-882-2513 dimlay@gmail.com
Daily Sundial – CSUN Northridge
Deadicated Pest Eliminators
Melissa Lalum 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge CA 91330-8258 T: 818-677-2243 melissa.lalum@csun.edu dailysundial.com
John Coulbourn 25852 McBean Parkway, #716 Valencia CA 91355 T: 877-800-3323 deadicatedjohn@gmail.com deadicatedpest.com
Darby Avenue Elementary
Del Renno & Sons Plumbing, Inc.
Sheila Foster 10818 Darby Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-360-1824 president@darbypta.com darbypta.com
Michael Renno P.O.Box 4416 Chatsworth CA 91311-4416 T: 818-341-4832 delrennoplumbing@sbcglobal.net delrennoplumbing.com
1966 The Chamber planed and directed the cleaning up of Stoney Point and other rock formations in the Santa Susana area.
1966 On February 26, the West Valley Associated Chambers of Commerce became the Associated Chambers of Commerce of the San Fernando Valley.. The Chatsworth Chamber was very active Valley
Delicious Bakery, Inc.
DJAM Construction
Jan Campos 9147 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-349-5700 deliciousbakery@sbcglobal.net delicious-bakery.com
Sam Djam 11241 Balcom Ave. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-349-3526 sam@djamconstruction.com djamconstruction.com
Denny Lesser Jewelry Inc.
Doggroomers Doggroomer s on the Go!
Denny Lesser 9927 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-4278
Lisa Haberman 7657 Winnetka Ave., Ste. 275 Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-884-8585 lecouponer@aol.com
Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center
Dody Jordahl — Certified Health Coach
Lorell Butterworth 21203 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-2821 devonshirepreschool@ymail.com devonshirepreschool.com
Divine Shots Photography Siya Kharkar 9025 Eton Ave., Ste. C Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-451-3316 siya@divineshots.com divineshots.com
Dody Jordahl West Hills CA 91304 T: 805-208-7374 dedj@att.net dodydown4health.tsfl.com/explore
Dream Dinners Romy Lampert 11852 3/4 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-368-8106 knollwoodplazaca@dreamdinners.com dreamdinners.com/knollwoodplazaca
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 66 E Earthly Body Beauty Center Kevin Wachs 19300 Rinaldi St. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-366-5545 earthlynorth@hotmail.com earthlybody.com
Educational Development Educational Outreach Center Scott Pauker 23758 Del Cerro Cir. West Hills CA 91304 T: 818-961-4224 sdpauker@edocnow.org edocnow.org
Edward E. Dove DDS. PC Eddie Dove 20523 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-0911 1pediatricdent@sbcglobal.net
Egremont School Tina Struve 19850 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-363-7803 tstruve@egremont.org egremont.org
Emeritus at Chatsworth Assisted Living Brenda Hans 20801 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-2552 chatsworth-crd@emeritus.com emeritus.com
Enchanted Bridal E.L.I. Trading Inc. Roni Paz 9305 Eton Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-6900 roni@micabella.com micabeauty.com
Electronic Manufacturers Associated Maryam Ghoraishy 9707 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-2527 emaca@westworld.com
Edward Jones Investments Mark Fishlowitz 9913 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-5974 m.fishlowitz@edwardjones.com edwardjones.com
Dawn Bastin 10122 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-0157 enchantedbridal@att.net enchantedbridalshop.com
Eric Lofholm International Brian Grossman T: 818-939-9426 drbrian@drbriangrossman.com drbriangrossman.com
Estradas Locksmith Hector Estrada 10316 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Unit D Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-489-3953 hector91335@yahoo.com estradaslocksmith.com
Everything Errands L.A.
EZ Storage
Fazio Cleaners
Lisa Aranoff 17328 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 107 Encino CA 91316 T: 818-809-8384 lisa@everythingerrandsla.com everythingerrandsla.com
Pam Cleavenger 9420 Desoto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-501-4409 pcleavenger@ezstorage.biz ezstorageonline.com
Susan Chicas 20516 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-5705 sales@faziocleaners.com faziocleaners.com
Executive-Suite Services Inc.
Finmark Floor Covering
Walter Prince 19025 Parthenia St., #200 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-993-6300 execwnp@socal.rr.com
Extra Space Storage – Devonshire Salima Rhyne 21536 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-775-2950 fac1103@extraspace.com extraspace.com
Extra Space Storage – Prairie Matt Cormack Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-9027 fac0224@extraspace.com extraspace.com
Facey Medical Group Karen Carrol-Kowalski 15451 San Fernando Mission Blvd., Ste. 200 Mission Hills CA 91345 T: 818-837-5726 kckowalski@facey.com facey.com
Famous Dave’s BBQ Amanda Sanders Sanders 1229 Simi Town Center Way Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-522-7227 simivalley@davescatering.net famousdaves.com
John Finmark 19601 Parthenia St. Northidge CA 91324 T: 818-885-6466 jon@finmarkfloors.com finmarkfloors.com
First American Title Company Kristen Kalski 655 N. Central Ave., Ste. 800 Glendale CA 91203 T: 818-321-4612 kkalski@firstam.com time4title.com
Flame Broiler
Azar Solemon Solemon 10364 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 FARAR LAW, P.C. T: 818-772-9888 Adam Lewis Lewis 11111 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 620 azar@gkmllp.com Los Angeles CA 90025 T: 310-444-1910 alewis@farfarlaw.com fararlaw.com
The first Chamber of Commerce office opened in the Community Center at 10332 Santa Susana Ave.
Charles Janess was installed as president of Chatsworth Chamber president in January. He also served as delegate to t he West Valley Valley Associated Chambers of Commerce.
1967 Porter Ridge Country Club was established.
Named after the 1939 Nobel Peace Prize winning physicist, Ernest Lawrence Middle School opened on Variel north of Lassen.
Los Toros Mexican Restaurant opened in Chatsworth
67 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abet t F (Continued)
Flying Kick Martial Arts Sam Deratani 19643 Parthenia St. Northirdge CA 91324 T: 818-349-5425 myflyingkick@yahoo.com flyingkickla.com
Freedom Church Justice Coleman 21049 Devonshire St., #106 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-523-2901 pj@freedomchurchsfv.com notyourmomschurch.com
Fresh Air Systems Dennis & Dale Wageman 21125 Chatsworth St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-1233 freshairsyst@aol.com freshairfast.com
Galpin Motors Tony DeMaio 15505 Roscoe Blvd. North Hills CA 91343 T: 818-233-5357 tdemaio@galpin.com galpinmotors.com
Gaspar Insurance Services Max Haghighi 5900 Canoga Ave., Ste. 110 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-302-3060 Ext. 130 max.haghighi@gasparinsurance.com gasparinsurance.com superior.org
Giamela’s Lamplighter Family Restaurant
Goodwill Southern California
Elia Campos 9110 De Soto Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-1877 glamplighter@sbcglobal.net
Desiree Acuna 342 N. San Fernando Rd. Los Angeles CA 90031 T: 323-539-2086 dacuna@goodwillsocal.org
Gold Mine
Gould Chiropractic
Nuran Cicekci 18473 Devonshire St., #E Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-294-4724 northridgegoldmine@ymail.com northridgegoldmine.com
Ross Gould 20914 Nordhoff St., Ste. 102 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-9700 sportschirodoc@gmail.com drgouldchiropractic.com
Golden State Mobile Homes
Greeno Products
David Lee Gary Glen Ashe 9654 Cozycroft Ave. 7251 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Ste. 1A Chatsworth CA 91311 Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 800-313-6568x114 T: 818-884-5000 info@greenproducts.com garygashe@gmail.com greenproducts.com
Gates to the Past Genealogy Goldstein Chiropractic Kathy Holland 10338 Lindley Ave., #338 Northridge CA 91306 T: 818-360-0425 gatestothepast@gmail.com
Dr. Seth Goldstein 19350 Business Center Dr., Suite 103 Northridge, CA 91324 T: 818-993-3668 backbiz@pacbell.net goldsteinchiro.com
H Habitat For Humanity ReStore Sherijo Damico 9606 De Soto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-884-8808 sdamico@humanityca.org HumanityCA.org/ReStore
1968 Porter Ridge Country Club became the Porter Valley Country Club.
1969 Chatsworth Chamber, led by president Charles Janess, joined with other Valley chambers to oppose the Granada Hills Chamber of Commerce proposal to rename Chatsworth Street to Eisenhower Blvd. The proposal failed on April 15.
Hallmark Collective LLC
Happy House
Zulma Meza 9631 De Soto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-5010 zulmam@hallmarkcollective.com hallmarkcollective.com
Peter Kjenaas 9420 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 572 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-882-7483 peterkj55@gmail.com happyhouse.org
Harley’s Simi Bowl Hamer Toyota Cherrill Faruzzi 11041 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345 T: 818-979-4718 cherrill@hamertoyota.com hamertoyota.com
Hanson Research Corporation Rosie Rubin 9810 Variel Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-7266 rrubin@hansonresearch.com hansonresearch.com
Hamilton Financial & Insurance Services Emily Hamilton 20070 Hiawatha St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-368-1884 eham2468@yahoo.com barryhamiltonfinancial.com
Tony Mendola 480 E. Los Angeles Ave. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-526-4212 tony@harleysbowl.com harelybowl.com
Heritage Funding Group John Missakian 20555 Devonshire Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-407-5888 jmissakian@gmail.com
hibu Ross Hartmann 18881 Von Karman Ave., Ste. 1000 Irvine CA 92612 T: 818-590-2072 ross.hartmann@hibu.com hibu.com
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 68 Home Instead Senior Care Vivian Damo Damo 9400 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #215 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-0643 vdamo@sbcglobal.net homeinstead.com
Honshu Sushi Billy Lee 10166 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-5693 caldia@sbcglobal.net honshusushi.com
HQP Export Mohammed Siddiqui 19701 Hatton St. Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-988-2889 info@hqpexport.com
Hydraulics International Internatio nal Inc. Heidi Armer 9201 Independence Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-407-3400 shah@hiinet.com hydraulicsinternationalinc.com
I ILN Technologies Jose Tan 21040 Osborne St. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-718-1414 jose@ilntech.com ilntech.com
Indian Hills Mobile Home Villas Michael Cirillo 1400 E. 4th St. Santa Ana CA 92701 T: 714-480-6828 indianhillsvillage@hotmail.com
Innovative Promotions Al Alvarez 21732 Devonshire St., Ste. 1001 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8950 al@innovativepromotions.com innovativepromotions.com
Insperity – SFV
International Evangelism Crusades Julie Stranges 9101 Topanga Cyn., Ste. 209 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-0039 jules4vets@yahoo.com
Irwin Zigmond, CPA
Jennifer Babcock Design
JP Claude, Inc.
Irwin Zigmond 21515 Vanowen St. #225 Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-704-7900 irwin@irwinzigmondcpa.com
Jennifer Babcock T: 818-222-7576 jennifer@jenniferbabcockdesign.com jenniferbabcockdesign.com
Sandra Claude 9420 Lurline Ave., Unit C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-9100 sandra@bcs.tv broadcaststore.com
International Precision, Inc.
Renee Brendel-Konrad 9526 Vassar Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-3933 oliviayee@intlprecision.com ipintlprecision.com
Jerry Rodriguez 10443 Larwin Ave., #4 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-441-9108 jerry@jcmarketingsolutions.com jcmarketingsolutions.com
IOG LLC/CDC Data LLC Ron Ginther 9737 Lurline Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-350-5070 ron.ginther@chatsworthdata.com chatsworthdata.com
IRIS International Inc.
Amy Rosenberg Rosenberg Connie Pantin 9172 Eton Ave. 2029 Century Park East, Ste. 1160 Chatsworth CA 91311 Century City CA 90067 T: 818-709-1244 T: 818-857-6569 amy.rosenberg@proiris.com connie.pantin@insperity.com proiris.com insperity.com/conniepantin
J&C Marketing Solutions
JB Wholesale Roof Building Supply Steve Cook P.O. Box 5289 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-0440 jbroofing@earthlink.com jbroofing.com
JD Office Products Dave Gold 9612 Owensmouth Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-1302 dave@jdop.com jdop.com
Jerre Reimers T: 818-395-2875 gtxjerre@hotmail.com
Jersey Mike’s – Chatsworth
K Kaiser Permanente
Tom Maggl os 9840 E. Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-7827 v1rotatesubs@gmail.com jerseymikes.com
Susan Ng Woodland Hills Medical Center 5601 De Soto Ave. Woodland Hills CA 91365 T: 818-719-2000 kaiserpermanente.org
John’s Plumbing Inc.
Kara Window Coverings Inc.
John Issio 7851 Alabama Ave., #15 Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-887-0915 johnsplumbinginc@gmail.com johnsplumbingandrooter.com
Johnny’s Pizza Johnny Pambakian 9243 Winnetka Ave., Ste. B Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-993-1333 johnnyspizzachatsworth@gmail.com johnnyspizzachatsworth.com
Sam Karaguezian 7045 Canoga Ave. Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-992-5002 sam@kwcovering.com kwcovering.com
Kicks In Motion MMA Mr. V 9201 Winnetka Ave., Ste. C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-4662 info@kicksinmotionmma.com kicksinmotionmma.com
Shapell Industries went public on the New York Stock Exchange and the Pacific Stock Exchange.
Congressman Barry Goldwater Goldwater,, Jr. (27th Congressional district) paid an unexpected visit to West Valley Associated Chambers meeting. A letter of of appreciation appreciation was sent sent to him him welcoming welcoming him back to future meetings on January 19.
1970 New Post Office building dedicated on Devonshire near Owensmouth.
1971 Los Toros moved to 21743 Devonshire St., which is it’s current location.
69 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abet t K (Continued)
Kids From The Valley
Deborah Stussman P.O. Box 55047 5 5047 Los Angeles CA 90055 T: 213-626-5321x114 deborah@anjac.net
Jennifer Milbauer 1400 Ambassador, Ste. 105 Los Angeles CA 90035 T: 323-547-1458 jennifer@lagoldparties.com lagoldparties.com
Law Offices of John J. Jamgotchian John Jamgotchian 21550 Oxnard St., Ste. 900 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-592-0214 businesslawyer@sbcglobal.net jjjlaw.com
Law Offices of Jonathan W. Birdt
Nancy McFarland 3509 Casitas Ave. Los Angeles CA 90039 T: 818-427-6102 nancy.mcfarland@kikacorp.com kikapaprika.com
L.A.P.D. – Devonshire Div.
Kinecta Federal Credit Union
LAPD Devonshire Police Activity League Supporters Le Club Gymnastics
Jamie Johnson 21722 Devonshire St. Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 310-225-4341 jjohnson3@kinecta.org kinecta.org
Captain Kris E. Pitcher 10250 Etiwanda Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-832-0692 lapdonline.org
Jon Birdt 18252 Bermuda St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-400-4485 jon@jonbirdt.com jonbirdt.com
Sue Bruno 8721 Wilbur Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-885-6432 sueb_ca@hotmail.com devonshire-pals.org
Sheila Laughton 9636 Cozycroft Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-886-3331 coachsheila@hotmail.com leclubgymnastics.com
Kiwanis Club of Chatsworth
Law Office of Daniel B. Rubanowitz, APC
Jose Cruz P.O. Box 3475 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-489-6423 lucia@lostoros.com chatsworthkiwanis.org
Dan Rubanowitz 21860 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 130 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-887-2702 dansfamilylaw@aol.com rubanowitzfamilylaw.com
Les Sisters Southern Kitchen Kevin Huling 21818 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-0755 lessisters@lycos.com lessisters.com
Gara Mendoza 9200 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2951 gmendoza@levlad.com levlad.com
LFP Apparel, LLC
Clint Gray 9360 Penfield Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-5373 cgray@lfp.com hustlerfashion.com /www.hustlerfashion.com/blog
Lia Sophia Jewelry
Nikki Afetian T: 805-796-8392 nikkia.liasophia@gmail.com liasophia.com/nikkiafetian
Lieber, Williams & Labin, LLP
Jason Lieber 1150 S. Olive St., Ste. 2000 Los Angeles CA 90015 T: 213-291-8259 jason@lieberlaw.com lieberlaw.com
LifeTech Resources
Anna Carieri 9540 Cozycroft Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-1199 bhalcon@lifetechresources.com lifetechresources.com
1971 On March 24 the West Valley Associated Chambers of Commerce sent a letter to President Richard Nixon with a resolution asking for financial relief and loan forgiveness following the 1971 earthquake. At the direction of President Richard Nixon, the Office of Emergency Preparedness responded on April 6 with an estimate of over $435 million of financial assistance.
Liza Reyes – Mobile Notary Public
Los Toros Mexican Restaurant
Liza Reyes Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-577-3918 reyes_lizard@yahoo.com
Nick Montano 21743 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-3080 nick@lostoros.com lostoros.com
Loan America Dennis Wilkin 6100 Topanga Cyn Blvd., Suite 2120 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 T: 818-687-9133 dwilkin@loan-america.com
Los Angeles County Office of Education Noemi Castaneda 21415 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-4342 castaneda_noemi@lacoe.edu lacoe.edu
Los Angeles Daily News Leonora Darcel 21860 Burbank Blvd., Ste. 200 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-713-3398 leonora.darcel@dailynews.com dailynews.com
LoungeFly, Inc. Dale Schultz 20310 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-718-5600 dale@loungefly.com loungefly.com
Lynch Plumbing Amanda Lynch Lynch 21356 Nordhoff St., Ste. 111 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-9514 lynchplumbing@gmail.com
M Marcy Cowan Independent Cookie Lee Consultant Marcy Cowan T: 818-642-9948 marcy4cookielee@aol.com cookielee.biz/marcycowan
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 70 Maria’s Italian Kitchen Elizabeth Scheller 9161 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-341-5114 catering@mariasItalianKitchen.com mariasItalianKitchen.com
Mark S. Freedman, CPA, Inc. Mark Freedman 9243 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-341-6115 mark@msf-cpa.com
Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc. Sue Akin T: 818-606-4638 sueakin@marykay.com marykay.com/sueakin
Mary Sargent, Certified Hypnotherapist Mary Sargent 18607 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 310 Tarzana CA 91356 T: 213-760-5839 mesgt@ca.rr.com
Marydale’s Param Yoga Healing Arts Center Marydale Pecora 21750 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 747-224-0402 marydale@me.com param-yoga.com
Matadors Community Credit Union Marnie Nemcoff 20045 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-993-6328 marnie@matadors.org matadors.org
Mason Fine Jewelers Vatche Izakellian 20551 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-886-8651 masonfinejewelers@gmail.com masonfinejewelers.com
Matt Weintraub T: 818-773-9314 mdw3006@gmail.com
MBK Enterprises, Inc. Jeffrey Kaminski 10138 Canoga Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1477 jeff@mbk1.com mbk1.com
MBX Crossfit
Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt
Mission Hills Hyundai
Morton’s The Steakhouse
Michael Barnard 19631 Parthenia Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-378-8483 mike@mbxcrossift.com mbxcrossfit.com
Esti Klaiman 9201 Winnetka Ave., Unit E Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-8128 chatsworth@menchies.com menchies.com
Cherie Watters 10240 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills CA 91345 T: 818-221-4000 cwatters@mhhyundai.com mhhyundai.com
Shanon Antrim 6250 Canoga Ave., Ste. 111 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-703-7272 mtwh@ldry.com mortons.com
Mission Valley Bank
MRV Communications, Inc.
Gharzai Nomair 10231 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Ste. C Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-0728 info@metroguardsecurity.com metroguardsecurity.com
Armida Colenares-Stafford, Colenares-Stafford, Lola Forbis 9116 Sunland Blvd. Sun Valley 91352 T: 818-394-2376 acolmenares-stafford@missionvalleybank.com missionvalleybank.com
Lisa Baratt 20520 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-6235x244 lbaratt@mrv.com mrv.com
Monaco Motors, Inc.
Wade Lennan 21311 Vanowen St. Ste., #118 Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-704-1836 service@monacomotors.com monacomotors.com
Natrol, Inc.
Selene Lopez 20932 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-0598 sca.01259@us.stores.mcd.com mcdonalds.com
McNutt & Taylor, CPAs Michael Taylor 6355 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #200 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-883-3200 mwtcpa@sbcglobal.net
Melaleuca The Wellness Company Nikki Soucy Santa Clarita, CA 91350 T: 661-904-4854 nik4nt@gmail.com incomeforwellness.com
MEL-O-DEE Garden Center Norman Mori 21333 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-3232
Mike’s Moving Solutions Mike Connelly 24265 Highlander Rd. West Hills CA 91307 T: 818-999-6453 mikesmovingsolutions@yahoo.com mikesmovingsolutions.com
Mike’s Roofing & Building Corp. Leslie Mendez 16046 Blythe St. Van Nuys Nuys CA 91406 91406 T: 818-780-8820 info@mikesbuilding.com mikesroofing.com
Monarch Christian School Mandy Diaz 22280 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-671-7498 mcs@monarchchristianschool.org monarchchristianschool.org
Pete Gil 21411 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-739-6000 lsheppard@natrol.com natrol.com
Naya Fresh Body Spa Erik Pampalone 21800 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-8888 info@nayafresh.com nayafresh.com
Associated Chambers of Commerce of the San Fernando Valley would disband on May 15 and be replaced by the United Chambers of Commerce of the San Fernando Valley.
The Stagecoach Trail was declared LA Historic-Cultural Monument #92 and is listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.
The Northridge Fashion Center, built at a cost of $60 million and located at Tampa and Nordhoff, opened with Bullock’s, Sears, The Broadway, and
The Chamber of Commerce rented office space in the Pampalone-Schurter building at 21800 Devonshire St. for $! per year.
71 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY BY Alphab Alphabet et N (Continued) Neutraderm, Inc Samual Raoof 20660 Nordhoff St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 877-252-7546 sraoof@neutraderm.com neutraderm.com
New York Life Insurance Company Hasan Hoke 6320 Canoga Ave., Ste. 900 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-587-3196 hokeh@ft.newyorklife.com facebook.com/hasanhokenylife
Nobel Middle School PTA Kelly Mattinson 9950 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-773-4700 nobelptsa@gmail.com/Lar-nan@verizon.ne l.com/Lar-nan@verizon.nett nobelmiddleschool.us
North American Bancard Christy Schwartz 3329 Coastal Oak Dr. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-231-0498 christy.schwartz@nabancard.com namancard.com
North Valley Family YMCA
Jane Stanton 11336 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-368-3231 janestanton@ymcala.org ymcala.org
Northridge Dental Office and Orthodontics
Olive Garden Steve Crum 19724 Nordoff Pl. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-6090 vgonzalez@olivegarden.com olivegarden.com
Optometrics of Chatsworth
Kathryn Novales 18519 Devonshire St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-831-9990 northridgebc@pacden.com northridgedentaloffice.com
Kathy Chriqui 21507 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-9300 optometrics@hotmail.com optometricsofchatsworth.com
Northridge Fashion Center
Orange Grove Bistro
Brooke Whitebread 9301 Tampa Ave. Northridge, CA 91324 T: 818-885-9700 brooke.whitebread@ggp.com northridgefashioncenter.com
O Odyssey Restaurant and Banquets
Isbhak Vasquez 15600 Odyssey Dr. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-366-5817 ivasquez@src.mail.com theodysseyrestaurant.com
Stephanie Goodson 18111 Nordhoff St. Northridge CA 91330-8271 T: 818-677-2076 stephanie.goodson@csun.edu csun.edu/orangegrovebistro
Our Community School Mr. Jude Stabiler 10045 Jumilla Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-920-5285 jude.s@ourcommunityschool.org ourcommunityschool.org
P Paratus Insurance Service LLC Laine Caspi 10718 White Oak Ave., Ste. 5A Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-345-9486 laine@paratusinsurance.com paratusinsurance.com
Patch.com 331 N. Maple Dr. Beverly Hills CA 90210 T: 310-621-3814 davidp@patch.com chatsworth.patch.com
PathPoint Randy Scott 9430 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #103 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-9570x1226 randy.scott@pathpoint.org pathpoint.org
PBH Marketing, Inc. George Makrides 9960 Glenoaks Blvd., Unit C/D Sun Valley CA 91352 T: 818-504-3800 george@paulbrownhawaii.com paulbrownhawaii.com
1973 On May 20, Dr. Ruth Boek became the first woman elected as president of the Chatsworth Chamber. She initiated the breakfast meetings so that members could still open their businesses on time.
Pearson & Co. Dick Pearson P.O. Box 4 345 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-341-4699 pearsonco@sbcglobal.net
Personnel Plus Pearl Franz 17050 Chatsworth St., #205 Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-368-8218 pearl@cme4job.com cme4job.com
Pharmagel International, Internatio nal, Inc. Paul Jelloian 21530 Gledhill St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 800-882-4889 pjelloian@pharmagel.net pharmagel.net
Phillipp & Associat Associates es Insurance Services, Inc. Melissa Phillipp 9430 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #202 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-2626 mphillipp@phillippandassociates.com phillippandassociates.com
Phillips Graduate Institute Teresa Moore 19900 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-654-1753 froberts@pgi.edu pgi.edu
Pilates Plus Porter Ranch Julian Garsdean 19723 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-600-1145 info@pilatespluspr.com pilatespluspr.com
Pinnacle Estate Properties, Inc. Carol Haaz 9137 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-678-0766 clhaaz@aol.com carolhaaz.info
PNC Mortgage Karen Onifer 19500 Plummer St., Ste. D3 Northridge CA 91324 T: 310-346-2623 karen.onifer@pncmortgage.com pncmortgage.com/karenonifer
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 72 Porter Ranch Aloha
Porter Ranch Pharmacy
Bruce Partridge 18701 Tulsa St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-429-4434 alohacare@msn.com porterranchaloha.com
Philip Banks 19950 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-360-1915 porterranchrx.com porterranchpharmacy.com
Porter Ranch Community School
Porter Valley Country Club
Mindy Park 12450 Mason Ave. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-709-7100 mindy.park@lausd.net porterranchcommunityschool.org
Erik Keyser 19216 Singing Hills Dr. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-360-1071 gene.miller@ourclub.com clubcorp.com/Clubs/Porter-Valley-Country-Club
Michael Press 12036 River Grove Ct. Moorpark CA 93021 T: 805-222-5752 pressproductions@sbcglobal.net pressproductionsdjs.com
Porter Ranch Development Co.
Premier America
Primerica Financial Services
Prudential California Realty – Chatsworth
Darcy Newman 303 N. Glenoaks Blvd., Ste. 195 Burbank CA 91502 T: 818-567-2325 darcypfs@att.net
Ed Wankovsky 21049 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2821 edwankovsky@prucarealty.com prucalprop.com
Elaine Mason 11280 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-366-1132 emaso@shapell.com shapell.com
Porter Ranch Optometry Michael Terzian 11151 Tampa Avenue Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-366-9664 porterranchoptometry@gmail.com porterranchoptometry.com
Karen Thompson 9301 Winnetka Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-772-4063 karen.thompson@premier.org premier.org
Premier Solutions Providence Holy Cross International-LegalShield Medical Center Michele Wilson 2655 First St., Suite 250 Simi Valley, CA 93065 T: 805-285-3408 michele@premiersolutionsintl.com micheleawilson.info
Natasha Shows 15031 Rinaldi St. Mission Hills CA 91345 T: 818-496-9560 natasha.shows@providence.org providence.org/holycross
Press Productions
PRU Valley Toastmasters
Premier Collision Center
Protection Alarms
Steve Zolian 8612 Darby Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-349-1800 premiercollctr@yahoo.com
Paul Eisenstadt 21704 Devonshire St., #279 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-7726 paul@protectionalarms.com protectionalarms.com
Thomas Morehouse 21049 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-2821 tjm3m@aol.com
Psychic of Chatsworth Jennifer 21723 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 310-220-5213 jenniferleeoc@yahoo.com
Q / R Ramada Inn Chatsworth Bibian Medina 21340 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-5289 bmedina@brightonmgtllc.com ramada.com
Replacement Parts Ind., Inc. Joan Woodlock 20338 Corisco St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8611 sherry@rpiparts.com rpiparts.com
Resource 4 Signs Mark Miller 8132 Deering Ave. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-347-7500 mark@resource4signs.com resource4signs.com
Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship Bryan McQueeney 10860 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-700-2971 bryan@rideon.org rideon.org
Ride With Pride
Pat UpdeGraff P.O. Box 5564 Chatsworth CA 91313 T: 818-885-8138 pat@ridewithprideth.org ridewithprideth.org
Right At Home Lourdes Simms 9548 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-701-3935 lourdes@rahsfv.com
RLB Handyman Services
Rob Boles 8552 Nestle Ave. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-456-8852 rlboles@socal.rr.com
Robi-Chex Design + Production Judy Robitschek Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-399-3137 judy@robi-chexdesign.com robi-chexdesign.com
Robin Kellogg Associates Robin Kellogg Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-993-5468 robin@yourwritingresource.com yourwritingresource.com
Execution of the master plan for the residential community of Porter Ranch begun in 1974 and was scheduled to be completed in 1975.
Stoney Point Outcroppings were declared LA Historical-Cultural Monumnet #132 on May 15.
1975 Chatsworth Reservoir Kiln Site was declared LA Historical-Cultural Monument #141.
73 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abet t Q / R (Continued) Rodan + Fields Dermatologists Lori Dolezal P.O. Box Bo x 673 West Hills, CA 91307-3218 T: 1-888-422-1071 hothollywoodskin@yahoo.com hothollywoodskin.myrandf.com
Rodeo Realty Paul Marks 9338 Reseda Blvd. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-268-5412 paulmarks@rodeore.com paulmarksrealestate.com
Rosie’s BBQ & Grillery Dave Jackson 9012 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-349-3055 djjplus3@aol.com rosiesbbq.com
Rotary Club of Northridge/Chatsworth Judy Cameron P.O. Box 8557 Northridge CA 91327 T: 661-753-3056 judith.cameron@ymail.com
Roma Bistro Nadim Morcos 19524 Nordhoff St. Northridge, CA 91324 Tel: 818-776-7662 marconospin@aol.com Romabistro.com
Ronald M. Schulkin CPA APC Ronald Schulkin 20953 Devonshire St., #8 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-1322 ronms@pacbell.net accountant-city.com/ronms
S.O.L.I.D. Supporters of Law Enforcement in Devonshire Paula Boland P.O. Box 7181 Northridge CA 91327-7181 T: 818-470-3258 contact@soliddevonshire.org soliddevonshire.org
San Carlo Italian Imports & Deli Giovanni Roberto 10178 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-0890 pasquale@sancarlodeli.com sancarlodeli.com
San Fernando Valley Genealogical Society S T Rent-It Inc. David Rolbin 21001 Itasca St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-7225 drolbin@rent-ittrucks.com rent-ittrucks.com
Carma-Lu Thompson P.O. Box 3486 Winnetka CA 91396-3486 T: 818-718-1866 clu5536@yahoo.com rootsweb.ancestry.com/~casfvgs
San Fernando Valley Republican Women Federated Claudia Andrade T: 818-939-7572 claudia.valleygirls@gmail.com valleygirlsrwf@groups.facebook.com
San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission Wade Trimmer 13422 Saticoy St. North Hollywood CA 91605 T: 818-474-1295 wtrimmer@erescuemission.org sfvrescuemission.org
San Niguel Professional Consultants, Inc. Vicki Briskman Briskman 10901 Delco Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-0051 vickisanniguel@aol.com
Security Unlimited Locksmith Bruce Schwartz 15339 Parthenia St. North Hills CA 91343 T: 818-892-1109 lock360@hotmail.com securityunlimitedlocksmith.com
Sensuva Anthony Santoro Santoro 15140 Bledsoe St., Unit A Sylmar CA 91342 T: 877-470-7578 tony@sensuva.com sensuva.com
Servpro of Chatsworth Sabrina Lewis 12847 Arroyo St. Sylmar CA 91342 T: 818-709-6090 servpro2720@servproburbank.com servprochatsworth.com
Sexy Hair Concepts LLC Mark Milner 21551 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-425-0800 heatherh@sexyhair.com sexyhair.com
Thomas Leman 21011 Warner Center Ln. Jodi Hennessy Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 213-446-9904 T: 818-316-0999 totallyawesomecards@gmail.com tleman@sgbnia.com totallyawesomecards.com sgbnia.com
Send Out Cards
1976 The field the actors and the extras, from Bad News Bears, played on was Mason Park in Chatsworth, CA.
1978 Chatsworth Historical Society named as conservator of the Homestead Acre.
Shapiro and Sons Plumbing Inc. Keith Shapiro 561 Roosevelt Ct. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 818-968-9511 shapiroandsons@mac.com
Sharp Auto Painting & Collision Brij Thapar 18206 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-700-1011 sharpap@yahoo.com sharpautopainting.com
Shepherd of the Hills Paula Cracium 19700 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-831-9333 pcracium@theshepherd.org theshepherd.org
Sid’s Electric Steve Dorfman 8524 De Soto Ave., #52 Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-606-4924 steve@sidselectric.net sidselectric.net
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 74 Siegmeth Team Bob Siegmeth 11141 Tampa Ave. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-678-0156 bob.siegmeth@gmail.com siegmethteam.com
Sierra Canyon School & Day Camp Adam Horowitz Horowitz 11052 Independence Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8121 ahorwitz@sierracanyonschool.org sierracanyon.pvt.k12.ca.us
Simi Childrens Dental Group-Pediatric Group-Pedia tric Dentistry & Orthodontics Nina Mandelman, D.D.S. 1755 Erringer Rd., #20 Simi Valley, Valley, CA 9306 5 T: 805-522-2164 om.simi@spaceshipdentist.com simichildrensdentalgroup.com
Soroptimist of Soroptimist San Fernando Valley Gwyn Petrick 7210 Jordan Ave., Ste. C47 Canoga Park CA 91303 T: 818-386-8694 contact@soroptimistfernandovalley.org soroptimistsanfernandovalley.org
Sound HR Solutions, Inc. Robyn Cottier 19360 Rinaldi St., Ste. 367 Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-428-4637 robyn@soundhr.com soundhr.com
Sovetky Chiropractic Daniel Sovetky, D.C. 11020 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-360-1967 dsovetky2@roadrunner.com sovetkychiro.com
Solar Universe
Specialty Merchandise Corp.
Fred Humbert 9424 Eton Ave., Unit G Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 800-967-6527 fhumbert@solaruniverse.com solaruniverse.com
Tom Kelly 996 Flower Glen St. Simi Valley CA 93065 T: 805-306-3560 tkelly@smcorp.com smcorp.com
St. John Eudes School
Straw Hat Pizza
Barbara Danowitz 9925 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-341-1454 bdanowitz@school.stjohneudes.org school.stjohneudes.org
John Toor 21515 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1965 chatsworth.pizza@gmail.com strawhatpizza.com
Max Izenberg 18375 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 401 Tarzana CA 91356 T: 818-606-4826 info@suddenly65.com suddenly65.com
St. Joseph The Worker Catholic Church
Street Sports Chatsworth Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Sun Laboratories
Mike Stafford 19808 Cantlay St. Winnetka CA 91306 T: 818-825-1420 workofhart@yahoo.com
Scott Singer 9820 Owensmouth Ave., Unit 12 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-224-9769 sscbjj@gmail.com momachic@gmail.com
State Farm Insurance Gwyn Petrick 6355 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., Ste. 428 Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-592-0055 adam.eisenberg.pe7o@statefarm.com gwynpetrick.com
Staybridge Suites Jennie Kriz 21902 Lassen St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-773-0707 andrea.shelton@ihg.com staybridge.com
Striving Artists Boris Smorodinsky 21723 Plummer St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8666 Info@strivingartists.com strivingartists.com
Stylish Hair Studio Hratch Ohanessian 17646 Lassen St., #3 Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-626-9309 stylishhairstudio@gmail.com stylishhairstudio.com
Haywood Hunter 20550 Prairie St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-6545 slchats@aol.com sunlaboratories.com
Sunrise Assisted Living
T Takata & Marzalek Inc. April Gordon 20300 Ventura Blvd., Ste. 160 Woodland Hills CA 91364 T: 818-703-1040 april@besttax.com besttax.com
Take Shape For Life Marcy Cowan Chatsworth, CA 91311 T: 818-642-9948 igothealth@aol.com igothealth.tsfl.com
Robin Olmstead 9012 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. West Hills CA 91304 T: 818-701-9550 westhills.dcr@sunriseseniorliving.com sunriseseniorliving.com
Techson Electronics, Inc.
Sunwest Video
Temple Ahavat Shalom
Anthony Slater Slater T: 800-372-0186 anthony@sunwestvideo.com sunwestvideo.com
Superior Street Elementary – PTA Sarah Megow 9756 Oso Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-349-1410 smegow@gmail.com
Olga Andreyevskaya 20951 Ingomar St. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 747-224-0144 techsonelectronics98@gmail.com Rabbi Lutz 18200 Rinaldi Pl. Northridge CA 91326 T: 818-360-2258 miller@tasnorthridge.org tasnorthridge.org
118 “Simi” Freeway was completed making the trip from Chatsworth to Simi a 5 minute journey. journey.
Chatsworth Chamber honored former honorary Chatsworth mayor Ed Davis on April 17.
1980’s - 1990’s New home building that eventually took place in the Porter Ranch area in the 1990s–2000s, including the Renaissance Summit development, was mired in controversy and Los Angeles politics in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
75 MEM MEMBER BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abet t T (Continued) The Computer Doctor Martin Carman 7657 Winnetka Ave., #130 Canoga Park CA 91306 T: 818-710-0647 info@synapticsystems.biz synapticsystems.biz
The Move Managers LLC Willie Linsk 17328 Ventura Blvd., #159 Encino CA 91356 T: 818-753-7737 willie@themovemanagers.com themovemanagerscom
The Follow Up Doctor Dr. Kaaren Douglas 107 N. Reino Rd., #181 Newbury Park CA 91320 T: 805-273-1561 drkaaren@thefollowupdoctor.com thefollowupdoctor.com
The Goldhill Group Larry Stein T: 818-800-3287 larry@thegoldhillgroup.com thegoldhillgroup.com
The Law Offices of R. Grace Rodriguez Renay Rodriguez 21000 Devonshire St., Ste. 111 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-734-7223 rgracelaw@gmail.com lorgr.com
The MSM Technology Group Mitchell Marcus 21356 Nordhoff St., #106 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-882-8987 mitchell@msmcg.com/marciamsmcg.com msmcg.com
The Radisson Hotel Paul Holtum 9777 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-7054 paul.holtum@radisson.com radisson.com/chatsworthca
The Right Touch Tephanie Doubi 10315 Woodley Ave., Ste. 120 Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-561-6098 righttouch4you@aol.com the-right-touch.massagetherapy.com
The Salvation Army (Adult Rehabilitatio Rehabilitation n Center) Glen Kovacs 21375 Roscoe Blvd. Canoga Park CA 91304 T: 818-449-4616 glen.kovacs@usw.salvationarmy.org satruck.org
The Sherwin-William Sherwin-Williams s Paint Company Lance Yee 10230 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-885-1651 sw8670@sherwin.com sherwin-williams.com
The Simpson Co., Inc. Christine Cabanting 9410 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #105 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-717-0200 ccabanting@tscorealestate.com
The Village At Northridge Fran Fecske 9222 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-812-4600 ffecske@srg-llc.com srgseniorliving.com
The Vision Plus Church
Todd Trites Real Estate
Travelodge Inn and Suites
Pastor George Nelson 21012 Devonshire St., #406 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-436-0708 pastorgnelson@aol.com
Todd Trites 17048 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills CA 91344 T: 818-239-2644 ma.red.todd@gmail.com toddtrites.com
Vanita Jariwala 21603 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-8888 gm.caa72@choicehotels.com choicehotels.com
The Well Linda Oakland 14649 Tupper St. Panorama City CA 91402 T: 818-312-2507 tvfc@netzero.net
Therapeutic Living Center For The Blind Kanitra Strong 7915 Lindley Ave. Reseda CA 91335 T: 818-708-1740 kstrong@tlc4blind.org tlc4blind.org
Thornton & Fathy, LLP Larry Thornton 150 S. Los Robles Ave., Ste. 650 Pasadena CA 91101 T: 626-568-8600 tgplarryt@aol.com tfc-accounting.com
1980 Homestead Acre cottage and grounds dedicated, public tours begin.
1981 Minni Hill-Palmer died in March at the age of 94.
1981 First annual Chatsworth Clydesdale Holiday Parade.
Topco Sales Adrian Mendoza Mendoza 9401 De Soto Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-332-4600 adrian.mendoza@topcosales.us topcosales.us
TPC Enterprises – The People Component Mona Strehler 9909 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #223 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-727-1284 mstrehler@socal.rr.com
Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. Lance Aylor 135 W. Magnolia Blvd., Ste. 300-F Burbank, CA 91502 T: 818-298-3112 lance.aylor@tfacconect.com
U UCLA Health Nickie Bonner 19950 Rinaldi St., Suite 300 Porter Ranch, CA 91326 T: 818-271-2400 nbonner@mednet.ucla.edu uclahealth.org/porterranch
Ultimate Hair Design By Carey Carey Wendler Beauty Gallery 10324 Mason Ave. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-266-7664 careywendler@yahoo.com ulimatehairdesignbycarey
MEMBER MEM BER DIRE DIRECTO CTORY RY BY Alph Alphabe abett 76 Ultimate Payment Solutions Cesar Ochoa 19420 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-462-6759 cesaro@ultimatepaymentsolutions.com ultimatepaymentsolutions.com
Uncle Ernie’s Pizza Steve Apostolof 9841 Topanga Cyn. Blvd. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-709-3663 zigtaw@dslextreme.com
Unity Church of Chatsworth
United Healthcare Judith Daniels 505 N. Brand Blvd., Ste. 1200 Glendale CA 91203 T: 818-484-9108 judith.daniels@uhc.com uhcmedicaresolutions.com
Valpak of Los Angeles Brian Katz 100 Corporate Pt. Culver City CA 90230 T: 818-687-1664 brian_katz@valpak.com valpak.com
Venbrook Insurance Services
Valley Chiropractic
Sheldon Mowrey 6320 Canoga Ave., 12th Floor Woodland Hills CA 91367 T: 818-598-8986 smowrey@venbrook.com venbrook.com
Helle Leap 21740 Devonshire St. Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-998-1527 helle@asmt.net drleap.com
Valley Economic John Washington, Rev. 9909 Topanga Cyn. Blvd., #319 Development Center Marsel Watts Chatsworth CA 91311 5121 Van Nuys Blvd. T: 517-290-7514 Van Nuys Nuys CA 91403 91403 goodnewsplus2@yahoo.com T: 818-907-9977 U.S. HealthWorks mwatts@vedc.org Jessica Villanueva vedc.org 9700 De Soto Ave. Valley Industry Chatsworth CA 91311 & Commerce T: 818-882-8100 Association tion VICA jessica.villanueva@ushworks.com Associa Stuart Waldman ushealthworks.com 5121 Van Nuys Blvd., Ste. 203 Sherman Oaks CA 91364 T: 818-817-0545 stuart@vica.com vica.com
W WE Consult IT Will Effertz 20555 Devonshire St., Ste. #342 Chatsworth CA 91311 T: 818-319-2434 will@weconsultit.net weconsultit.net
We Rock The Spectrum Northridge
Wells Fargo Bank Anna Simonyan Simonyan 19767 Rinaldi St. Porter Ranch CA 91326 T: 818-832-8040 ivan.a.rodriguez@wellsfargo.com wellsfargo.com
Wells Fargo Bank – Balboa Blvd.
WFG Title Company of California Sherri Sigmon 700 N. Brand Blvd. Ste., 1100 Glendale CA 91203 T: 310-701-5355 ssigmon@sbcglobal.net wfgtitleco.com
Whole Foods Market
Mercedes Garcia 10225 Balboa Blvd. Northridge CA 91325 T: 818-734-5055 mercedes.garcia@wellsfargo.com wellsfargo.com
Ashley Johnson Johnson 19340 Rinaldi St. Northridge CA 91340 T: 818-363-3933 ashleye.johnson@wholefoods.com wholefoodsmarket.com/storesbeta/porterranch
Wells Fargo Bank Northridge
Women’s Odyssey Organization
Vera Levoff Levoff T: 818-850-0304 vera@hypnolifechange.com hypnolifechange.com
Micah Kritzman Valencia Vale ncia CA 91355 T: 818-885-1564 micah@websperations.com websperations.com
Gilbert Romero 8812 Corbin Ave. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-349-8914 gilbert.romero@wellsfargo.com wellsfargo.com
Ramona Drake 20830 Parthenia St. Canoga Park CA 91411 T: 818-998-8972 ramonad@womensodyssey.org womensodyssey.org
VPC Custom Shutters
Weissman Law Firm
West Valley PALS
Vera M. Levoff, C.HT. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master
Hector M. Castrejon 18661 Parthenia St. Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-668-3104 hector@vpccustomshutters.com vpccustomshutters.com
Paulette Maxwell 19520 Nordhoff St. #18 Northridge CA 91324 T: 818-341-3818 bartoneluv@aol.com werockthespectrumnorthridge.com
I. Donald Weissman 5567 Reseda Blvd., Ste. 118 Tarzana CA 91356 T: 818-704-5151 dweissman@idwlaw.com idwlaw.com
Leslie Kaz 19020 Vanowen St. Reseda CA 91355 T: 818-332-1566 westvalleypals@gmail.com westvalleypals.org
X / Y / Z Y-ideas – Transworld Systems Licia Angino 5240 W. 111th St. Los Angeles CA 90045 T: 310-466-3979 aicil@aicil.net
Elliot’s neighborhood in E .T .T.. the Extra-T Extra-Terrestrial errestrial was set in Porter Ranch.
Chatsworth Transportation Center – Train Depot opened with Roy Rogers and Dale Evans at the dedication ceremony ceremony..
1986 Les Sisters Restaurant opened in Chatsworth.
1987 Chamber added 100 new members in the past year.
1997 In December, Chamber moved its offices to 10038 Old Depot Plaza Road.
77 Me Memb mber er Pag Pagee Inde Indexx Member Page Index 21-13 Impact Graphics ................... .............................. ...................... ...................... ............51, .51, 61 AA Accounting Accounting Services ........... ...................... ....................... ....................... ...................46, ........46, 61 Aaron, Thomas Thomas & Associates Associates.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ..............57, ...57, 61 About The House Real Real Estate & Design Center Center .......... ..............30, ....30, 57, 61 Aerojet Rocketdyne Rocketdyne........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................53, .....53, 62 Aeromax Industries Industries........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................53, .....53, 62 Aesthetic Smile Smile Designs Designs ............. ........................ ...................... ...................... ..................49, .......49, 62 Affective Living .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............46, .46, 62 Aflac ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............52, ...52, 62 Air Conditioning Conditioning Unlimited, Unlimited, Inc ........... ....................... ....................... .............19, ..19, 51, 62 All About Printing ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... .....................5, ..........5, 7, 57, 62 Alliance Financial Financial Group Group ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................50, .......50, 62 Allied Waste Waste.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................60, .....60, 62 Althea Gallats Gallats Collection Collection ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................47, .......47, 62 American Cancer Cancer Society........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................56, .......56, 62 Anat.Art Graphic Graphic Design.......... ..................... ....................... ....................... ...................51, ........51, 62 Andre’s Automotive Automotive .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................47, .....47, 62 Anna Shatravka Shatravka Realtor ........... ....................... ....................... ...................... ...................57, ........57, 62 Antropy Inc........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................48, .....48, 62 Archer Weiss Weiss and America’s America’s IRA IRA Centers........... ...................... ..................50, .......50, 62 Ario Auto.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ...................47, ........47, 62 Avenue Act Act 1 .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............50, ...50, 62 AWAKE, INC. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............53, .53, 62 Bambu Body Works ...........................................................46, 62 Bank Of America .......................... ..................................... ...................... ...................... ..............46, ...46, 62 Bank of the West ...............................................................46, 62 Bastian & Perrott-Oswald Mortuary .....................................55, 62 Bearsworth Communications, Inc. .............................. ......................................46, ........46, 62 Beckford Elementary PTA ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................49, .......49, 63 Beds Unlimited ........................................................7, 19, 50, 63 Belfor Property Restorati Restoration on ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................51, .....51, 63 Bestway Valet Services, Inc. ................................................61, 63 Blue Ice Cafe......................... .................................... ...................... ...................... .....................59, ..........59, 63
BNI ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................56, .....56, 63 Bonnie McDermott Photography....................... Photography.................................. ..................57, .......57, 63 Bowen & Elam Accounting Office .......................................46, 63 Breard & Associates Inc. .............................. .......................................... ......................46, ..........46, 63 Bright Now! Dental .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................49, .....49, 63 Build WorkSou WorkSource rce Center ............... .......................... ...................... ...................17, ........17, 50, 63 California All Natural Pet Foods .........................................53, 63 California Pizza Kitchen ............................ ....................................... ...................... ..............59, ...59, 63 California Sushi & Teriyaki .................................................59, 63 Canoga Park Fellows Fellowship hip .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ....................58, .........58, 63 Capraz........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ......................53, ..........53, 63 Capstone Turbine Corp. ....................................................54, 63 Carrows Restaurant ...........................................................59, 63 Casino Bookkeeping Services ........................ ................................... ..............20, ...20, 46, 63 Castle Carpet Inc. ................... .............................. ...................... .....................7, ..........7, 20, 51, 63 Castlebay Lane Elementary - P.A.T.H. ............ .............. ........ 49, 63 CBOL Corporation.. Corporation............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............54, ...54, 63 Chaminade College Preparatory ................. ............................ ...................... ............49, .49, 63 Champion Employer Services .................. ............................. ...................... ................52, .....52, 63 Chatsworth Auto Upholstery........... ...................... ...................... ...................31, ........31, 47, 64 Chatsworth Business Improvement District .................... .....................16, .16, 56, 64 Chatsworth Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution ... 56, 64 Chatsworth Cosmetic Dental Care .............................. .....................................49, .......49, 64 Chatsworth Dental Group................. ............................ ...................... ......................49, ...........49, 64 Chatsworth Florist .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................50, .......50, 64 Chatsworth Four Square Church ........... ...................... ...................... ..................58, .......58, 64 Chatsworth High School ......................... .................................... ...................... ................49, .....49, 64 Chatsworth Hills Academy ........................ ................................... ...................29, ........29, 49, 64 Chatsworth Historical Society .................... ...............................5, ...........5, 7, 30, 56, 64 Chatsworth Law Center................ ........................... ...................... ...................... ................53, .....53, 64 Chatsworth Neighborhood Council......................... .................................... .................37 ......37 Chatsworth Park Care Center ............ ....................... ...................... ......................55, ...........55, 64 Chatsworth – Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce.......... .............56, ...56, 64 Chatsworth VET Center.................. ............................. ...................... ...................... ..............56, ...56, 64
1997 Harvester Farms was declared LA HistoricCultural Monument #645. This site was the headquarters of the Palomino Horse Association of America. The horse “The Harvester” sired many Palomino horses including television’s “Mr.. Ed” the talking horse. “Mr
Chatsworth Veterina Veterinary ry Center ....................... .................................. ......................57, ...........57, 64 Chatsworth West United Methodist Church .........................58, .........................58, 64 Chatworth Fine Arts Council... Council.............. ...................... ...................... ......................56, ...........56, 64 Child Care Resource Center .......................... ..................................... ................7, .....7, 56, 64 Christine L. Alvarez, CPA - A Professional Corporation.........46, 64 Cicek’s Chicken.......................... ..................................... ...................... ...................... ................50, .....50, 64 Citibank Chatsworth........... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................5, ......5, 7, 47, 64 City of Los Angeles - Community Devopment Department ....56, 64 Coldwell Banker At Porter Ranch .................... ............................... ....................58, .........58, 64 Colleen King insurance... insurance.............. ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................52, .......52, 64 Combined Properties Properties,, Inc.................. ............................ ...................... ......................58, ...........58, 65 Congregational Church of Chatsworth ................. ............................ ..............58, ...58, 65 Cookin’ With Lenny’s Smokehouse ............. ........................ ...................... .............59, ..59, 65 Cosmetic Creations Day and Med Spa ............................ ...............................48, ...48, 65 Cosmopolitan Travels Inc. ............................................31, 61, 65 CRS Consultin Consulting g .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................61, ...........61, 65 Cruz Construction & Landscape, Inc. ..................................51, 65 Culinary Par Excellence................ ........................... ...................... ...................... ................50, .....50, 65 Curry Bros. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................51, .....51, 65 Cyron Lighting Inc. ......................... .................................... ...................... ...................... .............51, ..51, 65 Daily Sundial - CSUN Northridge ..................... ................................ ..................46, .......46, 65 Darby Avenue Elementary ................. ............................ ...................... ......................49, ...........49, 65 Dave Wendler Misty Hollow Ranch .....................................60, 65 David Scully CPA...............................................................46, 65 Deadicated Pest Eliminators ............................... .......................................... ................57, .....57, 65 Debbie Imlay ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .............48, ..48, 65 Del Renno & Sons Plumbing, Inc. ....................... .................................42, ..........42, 51, 65 Delicious Bakery, Inc. ........................................................50, 65 Denny Lesser Jewelry Inc. .................. ............................. ...................... ......................53, ...........53, 65 Devonshire Preschool and Infant Center....................... Center..............................49, .......49, 65 Divine Shots Photography ................... .............................. ...................... ................5, .....5, 57, 65 DJAM Constructi Construction on ............ ....................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............51, ...51, 65 Dody Jordahl - Certified Health Coach ................. ............................ ..............51, ...51, 65 Doggroomers on the Go! ..................... ................................ ...................... ..................57, .......57, 65
Memb Me mber er Pag Pagee Inde Indexx 78 Dream Dinners ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .....................50, ..........50, 65 E.L.I. Trad Trading ing Inc. .............................. ......................................... ...................... .....................54, ..........54, 66 Earthly Body Beauty Center ........................... ...................................... .....................48, ..........48, 66 Educational Development Outreach Center .................. ........................49, ......49, 66 Edward E. Dove DDS. PC ...................... ................................. ...................... .................49, ......49, 66 Edward Jones Investmen Investments ts...................... ................................. ...................... .................50, ......50, 66 Egremont School ............................ ............................................ .................... .... 2, 49, 66 Electronic Manufactu Manufacturers rers Associated .............. ......................... .....................54, ..........54, 66 Emeritus at Chatsworth Assisted Living .......................... ................................60, ......60, 66 Enchanted Bridal........................... ...................................... ...................... ....................... ..............60, ..60, 66 Eric Lofholm International ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................48, ......48, 66 Estradas Locksmit Locksmith h .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................53, ......53, 66 Everything Errands L.A. ............................ ....................................... ...................... ...............48, ....48, 66 Executive-Suite Executive-Sui te Services Inc ......................... .................................... ...................... ............. 53, 66 Extra Space Storage - Devonshire........... ...................... ...................... .................55, ......55, 66 Extra Space Storage - Prairie ................ ........................... ...................... ...................55, ........55, 66 EZ Storage..... Storage................ ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. 55, 66 Facey Medical Group ...............Back ...............Back Cover, 7, 30, 55, 66 Famous Dave’s BBQ ............. ............. ............. ............. ..... 59, 66 FARAR LAW LAW,, P.C. ..................... ............. ............. ............. ... 53, 66 Fazio Cleaners............................. ........................................ ...................... ...................... ...............49, ....49, 66 Finmark Floor Covering ................... .............................. ...................... ...................... ............. 51, 66 First American Title Company........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. 58, 66 Flame Broiler .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ..............59, ..59, 66 Flying Kick Martial Arts .......................... ..................................... ...................... .................61, ......61, 67 Freedom Church............................... .......................................... ...................... .....................58, ..........58, 67 Fresh Air Systems .........................................................22, 51, 67 Galpin Motors ................... ................................... .......................1, .......1, 7, 22, 47, 67 Gaspar Insurance Insurance Services......... .......... ......... ..... 7, 52, 67 Gates to the Past Genealogy ............. ............. ............. ... 5, 51, 67 Giamela’s Lamplighter Family Restaurant ............ .............. .. 59, 67 Gold Mine........................... ...................................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. 53, 67 Golden State Mobile Homes ............ ....................... ...................... ...................... ............. 58, 67 Goldstein Chiropractic............................... .......................................... ...................... ............. 55, 67
Goodwill Southern California........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............56, .56, 67 Gould Chiropractic............................. ........................................ ...................... ...................55, ........55, 67 Greeno Products........................... ...................................... ...................... ...................... ..............59, ...59, 67 Habitat For Humanity ReStore ........................... ...................................... .................50, ......50, 67 Hallmark Collective LLC ............................... .......................................... .....................54, ..........54, 67 Hamer Toyota............... .............................. ..............................10, ...............10, 47, 67, 82 Hamilton Financial & Insurance Services ................. ............................ ............50, .50, 67 Hanson Research Corporation ............................. ........................................ ..............54, ...54, 67 Happy House..... House................ ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................56, ........56, 67 Harley’s Simi Bowl ................................ ........................................... ...................... .................48, ......48, 67 Heritage Funding Group .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................58, ........58, 67 hibu .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ................46, ....46, 67 Home Instead Senior Care........... Care...................... ...................... ....................... ................60, ....60, 68 Honshu Sushi........................... ...................................... ...................... ...................... ...................59, ........59, 68 HQP Export .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ................54, ....54, 68 Hydraulics International Inc ..................... ................................ ....................... ................54, ....54, 68 ILN Technologies ...............................................................54, 68 Indian Hills Mobile Home Villas ......................... ..................................... ................58, ....58, 68 Innovative Promotio Promotions ns .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............46, .46, 68 Insperity........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .....................52, ..........52, 68 International Evangelism Crusades .................... ............................... .................59, ......59, 68 International Precision, Inc. ........................... ...................................... .....................54, ..........54, 68 IOG LLC/CDC Data LLC ............... .......................... ...................... ...................... ..............48, ...48, 68 IRIS International Inc.................... ............................... ...................... ....................... ................54, ....54, 68 Irwin Zigmond, CPA ............................ ....................................... ...................... ...................46, ........46, 68 J & C Marketing Solutions.................... Solutions............................... ...................... ...................46, ........46, 68 JB Wholesale Roof Bldg Supply ............................ ....................................... ..............51, ...51, 68 JD Office Products ............................................................57, 68 Jennifer Babcock Design........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............5, ....5, 51, 68 Jerre Reimers ..................... ................................ ...................... ...................... .................7, ......7, 8, 48, 68 Jersey Mike’s - Chatsworth........... ...................... ...................... ....................... ................59, ....59, 68 John’s Plumbing Inc....... Inc.................. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................51, ........51, 68 Johnny’s Pizza........................ ................................... ...................... ...................... .....................59, ..........59, 68 JP Claude, Inc. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .....................50, ..........50, 68
Kaiser Permanente.......................................................36, 55, 68 Kara Window Coverings Inc. ..............................................51, 68 Kicks In Motion MMA ...................... ................................. ...................... ...................... ............61, .61, 68 Kids From The Valley .........................................................58, 68 kikaPaprika kikaPapr ika ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................60, .....60, 69 Kinecta Federal Credit Union ...................... ................................. ...................... ............47, .47, 69 Kiwanis Club of Chatsworth .........................................32, 56, 69 L.A.P.D. – Devonshire Div. ............. ............. ............. ....... 7, 60, 69 LA GOLD PARTIES ............................................................53, 69 LAPD Devonshire Police Activity League Supporters ..............56, ..............56, 69 Law Office of Daniel B. Rubanowitz, APC ............................53, 69 Law Offices of John J. Jamgotchian........... ...................... ...................... ..............53, ...53, 69 Law Offices of Jonathan W. Birdt ........................................53, 69 Le Club Gymnastics...........................................................61, 69 Les Sisters Southern Kitchen ........................ ................................... .............7, ..7, 32, 59, 69 LEVLAD, Inc. .....................................................................54, 69 LFP Apparel, LLC.................... ............................... ...................... ...................... .....................54, ..........54, 69 lia sophia jewelry .............................. ......................................... ...................... .....................53, ..........53, 69 Lieber, Williams & Labin, LLP ..............................................53, 69 LifeTech Resources .............................................................54, 69 Liza Reyes – Mobile Notary Public............. ............. ............. 57, 69 Loan America ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............58, .58, 69 Los Angeles County Office of Education .............................56, 69 Los Angeles Daily News ................... .............................. ...................... ...................... ............46, .46, 69 Los Toros Mexican Restaurant ...................................7, 40, 59, 69 LoungeFly, Inc. ..................................................................54, 69 Lynch Plumbing............................. ........................................ ...................... ...................... ..............51, ...51, 69 Marcy Cowan Independent Cookie Lee Consultant .............53, .............53, 69 Maria’s Italian Kitchen ......................... .................................... ...................... ...................59, ........59, 70 Mark S. Freedman, CPA, Inc. .............................................46, 70 Mary Kay Cosmetics, Inc............ Inc....................... ....................... ....................... .................48, ......48, 70 Mary Sargent, Certified Hypnotherapist ............. ........................ ..................52, .......52, 70 Marydale’s Param Yoga Healing Arts Center .......................61, 70 Mason Fine Jewelers .............................. ......................................... ...................... ................53, .....53, 70
670 Acre Santa Susana State Historic Park was dedicated preserving the Santa Susana Mountains.
The Munch Box was declared LA Historic-Cultural Monument #750.
The Chatsworth Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was chartered.
LA Public Library – Chatsworth Branch Building was replaced with a larger state of the art facility. facility.
79 Me Memb mber er Pag Pagee Inde Indexx Matadors Community Credit Union ................. ............................ ...................47, ........47, 70 Matt Weintraub .................................................................48, 70 MBK Enterprises Enterprises,, Inc...................... ................................ ...................... ...................... ..............54, ...54, 70 MBX Crossfit .....................................................................61, 70 McDonalds........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................59, .....59, 70 McNutt & Taylor, CPAs .......................................................46, 70 Melaleuca The Wellness Company .....................................51, 70 MEL-O-DEE Garden Center ............................ ....................................... ..................51, .......51, 70 Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt ....................................................50, 70 Metroguard .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................60, .....60, 70 Mike’s Moving Solutions .................. ............................. ...................... ...................... ............55, .55, 70 Mike’s Roofing & Building Corp. ............................ ....................................... ............51, .51, 70 Mission Hills Hyundai ......................... ..................................... ....................... ...................47, ........47, 70 Mission Valley Bank .......................................................7, 47, 70 Monaco Motors, Inc. .......................... ...................................... ....................... .............32, ..32, 47, 70 Monarch Christian School ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................49, .....49, 70 Morton’s Morton ’s The Steakhouse............... .......................... ...................... ...................... ..............59, ...59, 70 MRV Communic Communications, ations, Inc.................... .............................. ...................... ..................54, .......54, 70 Natrol, Inc. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................54, .....54, 70 Naya Fresh Body Spa ........................... ...................................... ...................... ..................48, .......48, 70 Neutraderm,, Inc Neutraderm Inc........... ...................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ...................54, ........54, 71 New York Life Insurance Company .....................................52, 71 Nobel Middle School PTA .................. ............................. ...................... .....................49, ..........49, 71 North American Bancard ...................... ................................. ...................... ..................48, .......48, 71 North Valley Family YMCA ...........................................56, 61, 71 Northridge Dental Office and Orthodontics ..................... ........................49, ...49, 71 Northridge Fashion Center...... Center................. ...................... ...................... .....................60, ..........60, 71 Odyssey Restaurant and Banquets ................. ............................ .....................60, ..........60, 71 Olive Garden ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............60, .60, 71 Optometrics Optometri cs of Chatsworth ..................... ................................ ...................... ................55, .....55, 71 Orange Grove Bistro................. ............................ ...................... ...................... ..................60, .......60, 71 Our Commun Community ity School................... .............................. ...................... ...................... ............49, .49, 71 Paratus Insurance Service LLC ............................................52, 71 Patch.com ........................................................................46, 71
PathPoint ....................................................................33, 50, 71 PBH Marketing, Inc. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............54, ...54, 71 Pearson & Co. ........... ...................... ...................... ....................... ....................... .....................58, ..........58, 71 Personnel Plus .............................................................33, 50, 71 Pharmagel International, Inc. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............54, .54, 71 Phillipp & Associates Insurance Services, Inc. .................. .......................52, .....52, 71 Phillips Graduate Institute .............................. ......................................... ..............42, ...42, 49, 71 Pilates Plus Porter Ranch ....................................................61, 71 Pinnacle Estate Properties Properties,, Inc. ............................. ........................................ ..............58, ...58, 71 PNC Mortgage .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ......................58, ..........58, 71 Porter Ranch Aloha.................... ............................... ...................... ...................... ..................60, .......60, 72 Porter Ranch Communit Communityy School ............................ ....................................... ............49, .49, 72 Porter Ranch Development Co. ........... ...................... ...................... ....................58, .........58, 72 Porter Ranch Optometry ............................. ........................................ ...................... ............55, .55, 72 Porter Ranch Pharmacy..................... ................................ ....................... ......................57, ..........57, 72 Porter Valley Country Club .................................................48, 72 Premier America........... America...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................47, .........47, 72 Premier Collision Center ....................... .................................. ...................... ..................47, .......47, 72 Premier Solutions InternationalInternational-LegalShield LegalShield ........................ .........................53, .53, 72 Press Productions...............................................................50, 72 Primerica Financial Services ......................... ..................................... ..................7, ......7, 50, 72 Protection Alarms ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................60, .......60, 72 Providence Holy Cross Medical Center .....................7, .....................7, 16, 55, 72 PRU Valley Toastmasters........... Toastmasters...................... ...................... ...................... ....................56, .........56, 72 Prudential California Realty – Chatsworth.......... ..................... ..................58, .......58, 72 Psychic of Chatsworth.................... ............................... ...................... ...................... ..............57, ...57, 72 Ramada Inn Chatsworth ....................................................61, 72 Replacement Parts Ind., Inc. ...............................................54, 72 Resource 4 Signs..................... ................................ ...................... ...................... ....................60, .........60, 72 Ride On Therapeutic Horsemanship ................. ............................ ..................56, .......56, 72 Ride With Pride .......... ..................... ....................... ....................... ...................... .....................56, ..........56, 72 Right At Home .............................. ......................................... ...................... ...................... ..............60, ...60, 72 RLB Handyman Services........... Services...................... ...................... ...................... ....................52, .........52, 72 Robi-Chex Design + Producti Production on .................. ............................. ...................... ............51, .51, 72
2005 The Porter Ranch Neighborhood Council President Becky Leveque began planning to build a new school to meet the demands of the growing population.
2007 LA purchased equestrian property south of Stoney Point currently known as Stoney Point Ranch.
Robin Kellogg Associates ........................ ................................... ...................... ............5, .5, 61, 72 Rodan + Fields Dermatologists ..........................................48, 73 Rodeo Realty ...........................................................7, 33, 58, 73 Roma Bistro ......................................................................60, 73 Ronald M. Schulkin CPA APC ............ ....................... ...................... ......................46, ...........46, 73 Rosie’s BBQ & Grillery........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................60, ...........60, 73 Rotary Club of Northridge/Chat Northridge/Chatsworth sworth ............ ....................... ....................56, .........56, 73 S T Rent-It Inc. .................. ............................. ...................... ...................... ...................... ................55, .....55, 73 S.O.L.I.D. Supporters of Law Enforcement in Devonshire ......56, 73 San Carlo Italian Imports & Deli .............. ......................... ...................... ................60, .....60, 73 San Fernando Valley Genealogical Society.......... ..................... ................51, .....51, 73 San Fernando Valley Republican Women Federated............ .............56, .56, 73 San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission........... Mission...................... ....................... .............57, .57, 73 San Niguel Professional Consultants, Inc........... Inc...................... ..............7, ...7, 58, 73 Security Unlimited Locksmith ................................ ........................................... ..............53, ...53, 73 Send Out Cards.................. ............................. ...................... ....................... ....................... ............46, .46, 73 Sensuva.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................54, ...........54, 73 Servpro of Chatsworth .................... ............................... ....................... ....................... ............52, .52, 73 Sexy Hair Concepts LLC ............... .......................... ...................... ...................... ................54, .....54, 73 SGB-NIA .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................52, .........52, 73 Shapiro and Sons Plumbing Inc. ............ ....................... ...................... ..................52, .......52, 73 Sharp Auto Painting & Collision........... ...................... ...................... ....................47, .........47, 73 Shepherd of the Hills ........................ ................................... ...................... ......................59, ...........59, 73 Sid’s Electric ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................19, ........19, 52, 73 Siegmeth Team .................................................................58, 74 Sierra Canyon School & Day Camp ....................... .................................. ............49, .49, 74 Simi Childrens Dental Group-P Group-Pediatric ediatric Dentistry & Orthodonti cs ............. ................... ............ ............ ............ ............ ..........10, ....10, 49, 74 Solar Universe ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................52, ...........52, 74 Soroptimist of San Fernando Valley .....................................57, 74 Sound HR Solutions, Inc. ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................52, .......52, 74 Sovetky Chiropractic...................... ................................. ...................... ...................... ..............55, ...55, 74 Specialty Merchandise Corp. ............................... .......................................... ..............46, ...46, 74 St. John Eudes School ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ......................49, ...........49, 74
Member Page Page Index Index / Alphabet Page Page Index 80 St. Joseph The Worker Catholic Church .................. ............................. ............59, .59, 74 State Farm Insurance ......................... .................................... ...................... ...............34, ....34, 52, 74 Staybridge Suites..................... ................................ ....................... ....................... .............34, ..34, 61, 74 Straw Hat Pizza ............................... .......................................... ...................... ...................... ............60, .60, 74 Street Sports Chatsworth Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ....................... ..........................61, ...61, 74 Striving Artists......................... .................................... ...................... ...................... .....................50, ..........50, 74 Stylish Hair Studio .............................. .......................................... ....................... ...................48, ........48, 74 Suddenly65.com Suddenly65 .com .......... ..................... ...................... ....................... ....................... ...................46, ........46, 74 Sun Laboratories............................. ........................................ ...................... ...................... ............55, .55, 74 Sunrise Assisted Living .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............60, .60, 74 Sunwest Video .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............57, .57, 74 Superior Street Elementary – PTA ........................................50, 74 Takata & Marzalek Inc. ......................................................46, 74 Take Shape For Life ...........................................................51, 74 Techson Electronics, Inc. ....................................................55, 74 Temple Ahavat Shalom ......................................................59, 74 The Computer Doctor .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............48, .48, 75 The Follow Up Doctor ............................ ....................................... ...................... ................46, .....46, 75 The Goldhill Group................. ............................ ....................... ....................... ...................48, ........48, 75 The Law Offices of R. Grace Rodriguez........... ....................... ....................53, ........53, 75 The Move Managers LLC............... ............................... .........................56, .........56, 75 The MSM Technology Group .............................................48, 75 The Radisson Hotel ...........................................................61, 75 The Right Touch ................................................................48, 75 The Salvation Army (Adult Rehabilitatio Rehabilitation n Center) .................57, 75 The Sherwin-Williams Paint Company .................................52, 75 The Simpson Co., Inc. ....................... .................................. ...................... .....................58, ..........58, 75 The Village At Northridge ........................... ...................................... ...................... ............60, .60, 75 The Vision Plus Church .................... ............................... ...................... ...................... ............59, .59, 75 The Well ...........................................................................59, 75 Therapeutic Living Center For The Blind .............. ......................... ................57, .....57, 75 Thornton & Fathy, LLP ........................................................46, 75 Todd Trites Real Estate .......................................................58, 75 Topco Sales ......................................................................55, 75
TPC Enterprises – The People Component........... Component...................... ................52, .....52, 75 Alphabet Page Index Transamerica Financial Advisors, Inc. ..................................50, 75 0-10 ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................61 .........61 Travelodge Inn and Suites ..................................................61, 75 A ................. ............................ ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ....................... .............61-62 ..61-62 UCLA Health................ ................................ ............................... .......................6, ........6, 55, 75 B.......................................................................................62-63 U.S. HealthWorks ..............................................................55, 75 C ......................................................................................63-65 Ultimate Hair Design By Carey .............. ......................... ...................... ..................48, .......48, 75 D ..................... ................................ ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............65 ....65 ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............66 ....66 Ultimate Payment Solutions ................................................48, 76 E ........... Uncle Ernie’s Pizza ............................... .......................................... ...................... ..................60, .......60, 76 F .......................................................................................66-67 United Healthcare............................ ....................................... ....................... ......................55, ..........55, 76 G .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............67 ....67 Unity Church of Chatsworth .............. ......................... ....................... ......................59, ..........59, 76 H ......................................................................................67-68 Valley Chiropractic ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ................55, .....55, 76 I .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................68 ......68 Valley Economic Development Development Center...... Center................. .....................16, ..........16, 57, 76 76 J ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............68 ....68 Valley Industry & Commerce Commerce Association Association VICA ........... ....................57, .........57, 76 K.......................................................................................68-69 Valpak of of Los Angeles Angeles........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............46, .46, 76 L ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............69 ....69 Venbrook Insurance Services Services .......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ..............52, ...52, 76 M ......................................................................................69-70 N ......................................................................................70-71 Vera M. M. Levoff, C.HT. C.HT. Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, Hypnotherapis t, Reiki Master .......... ..................... ...................... ....................52, .........52, 76 O ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 71 VPC Custom Custom Shutters.......... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..............52, ...52, 76 P .......................................................................................71-72 WE Consult IT......................... .................................... ...................... ...................... ....................48, .........48, 76 Q / R ................................................................................72-73 We Rock The Spectrum Northridge ..................... ................................ ................52, .....52, 76 S .......................................................................................73-74 Websperations ..................................................................61, 76 T .......................................................................................74-75 Weissman Law Firm .................................................7, 34, 53, 76 U ......................................................................................75-76 Wells Fargo Bank............................. ......................................... ....................... .....................47, ..........47, 76 V........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............76 ....76 Wells Fargo Bank – Balboa Blvd. ................... .............................. .....................47, ..........47, 76 W ........... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ............. .. 76 ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...............76 ....76 Wells Fargo Bank Northridge ...................... ................................. ...................... ............47, .47, 76 X / Y / Z ........... West Valley PALS ...............................................................57, 76 WFG Title Company of California ......................................58, 76 Whole Foods Market ....................... .................................. ...................... ...................... ............50, .50, 76 Women’s Odyssey Organization ........................................57, 76 Y-ideas – Transworld Systems .............................................48, 76
LA closed Chatsworth Park South due to suspected lead contamination from skeet shooting range in the 1950’s.
The new K-8 Porter Ranch Community School on Mason and Sesnon opened operating under Principal Mary Melvin.
2014 Chatsworth/Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce 100 Year Anniversary. TIMELINE SOURCES: Chatsworth Historical Society & C-SUN Library
81 Mem Member bershi shipp Applic Applicaatio tionn
Chatsworth Porter Ranch Chamber of Commerce
MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSH IP APPLICATION APPLICATION 10038 Old Depot Plaza Rd., Chatsworth, CA 91311 • T: 818-341-2428 • F: 818-341-4930 • www.chatsworth www.chatsworthchamber chamber.com .com
Business Name __________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ____________________ ________ Contact Person_____________________________________________________ Person_____________________________________________________ Member Business Street Address ___________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________ ____ City __________ ______________________ _______________________ _____________ __ State __________ZIP ________ ________ Telephone __________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ___________ Fax __________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________ _____ E-Mail ____________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _____________ __ Website __________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________ Recommended Recommen ded By (Optional) ____________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _________________ _____ Participation Interests ___________ ______________________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________ Check No. ___________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _____________________ _________ Bank _______________________ __________________________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________ ___ Credit Card: o VISA
o MC
o Discover
o Amex
Credit Card Number ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Expiration __________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ___________ CVV Code __________ _____________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ ___________ Billing Address __________ ______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ________________ _____ Card Holder Signature____________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____________________ _________ I/We hereby apply for membership in the Chamber, subject to approval of its Board of Directors, with annual initial Membership Dues* of: o $275
(1-5 Employees) (50-75 Employees) o $850 (300-499 Employees)
o $300
o $500
o $550
(6-10 Employees) o $350 (11-25 Employees) o $425 (26-49 Employees) (76-100 Employees) o $650 (101-200 Employees) o $750 (201-299 Employees) o $1,000 (500+ Employees Plus $100 for each 100 employees above 500)
o $150 (Non-Profit)
o $100
(Individual Resident)
Plus one-time Application Fee* of $25.00 for new members. Signature ___________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ______________________ _______________________ _______________________ ____________________ _________ Please copy and fax completed form to 818-341-4930 *Membership Dues and Application Fees are subject to change at any time without notice.
LEADING THE WAY SINCE 1965 Hamer Toyota has been a long-time business leader and community supporter. We are proud to announce that we have just made some exciting changes in order to serve our community better, for the 21st century and beyond. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our state-of-the-art service facility and beautiful new Toyota and Scion showrooms. showroom s. Not to mention our new parts department!
11041 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345
818.365.9621 • www.hamertoyota.com
Looking for convenient care? Switch to a Facey doctor today. We know how important it is to have the health care services you need available to you in your own neighborhood. That’s why Facey’s clinic at Porter Ranch Medical Plaza provides primary care and specialist care in a great location right in the center of town.
Facey isn’t an insurance plan, which means you don’t have to wait until open enrollment to discover why seeing a Facey doctor at Porter Ran ch is convenient and easy. Electronic medical records, on-site radiology and lab services are just a few of the reasons why your first choice for care should be right down the street.
Facey patients are well-connected. You can use FaceyConnect online services to schedule appointments, view lab results, request medication refills and more whenever or wherever you happen to be. All you need is a computer and internet access. You can sign up for FaceyConnect by speaking with a receptionist at any Facey office. You can learn more online at www.faceyconnect.com www.faceyc onnect.com or by asking us the next time you visit.
Porter Ranch
19950 Rinaldi St Porter Ranch, CA 91326 (818) 403-2400
You can join Facey Medical Group at any time. Facey isn’t an insurance company. We’re We’re the doctors who accept most of the HMO or PPO insurance plans that you may have to help cover the cost of your care. Visit our website at www.facey.com/insurance for a list of the companies we contract with or call us at (818) 837-5726.
Mission Hills
11333 N Sepulveda Blvd Mission Hills, CA 91345 (818) 365-9531
18460 Roscoe Blvd Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 734-3600